INDICARE - The Informed Dialogue about Consumer Acceptability of DRM Solutions in Europe
- Projektteam:
Orwat, Carsten (Projektleitung); Knud Böhle; Bettina-Johanna Krings; Ulrich Riehm
- Förderung:
Europäische Kommission, GD Informationsgesellschaft, eContent Programme
- Starttermin:
- Endtermin:
- Projektpartner:
ITAS (Projektkoordinator);
Berlecon Research GmbH, Berlin;
Institute for Information Law (IViR), Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam;
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, SEARCH Laboratory - Forschungsgruppe:
Beschreibung des Projekts
Das von der Europäischen Kommission im Rahmen des eContent-Programms geförderte Projekt „INDICARE“ soll dazu beitragen, offene Fragen des Einsatzes von „Digital Rights Management“ (DRM) aus der Konsumenten- und Anwenderperspektive zu klären.
DRM-Systeme, d. h. technische und organisatorische Vorkehrungen zum Management von Rechten an digitalen Gütern, werden vor allem eingesetzt, um bei der Online-Distribution digitaler Güter (digitale Musikstücke, Videos, TV, Spiele, Texte etc.), neue Verwertungsmodelle durchzusetzen und nicht-autorisierte Nutzung zu unterbinden. In der jetzigen Entwicklungs- und Markteinführungsphase treten Kontroversen zwischen den beteiligten Stakeholdern auf, insbesondere unter welchen Bedingungen Konsumenten derartige Angebote in großem Maße und für verschiedenste digitale Produkte akzeptieren. Zudem ist noch weitgehend offen, wie und unter welchen Bedingungen vor allem kleine und mittelgroße Inhalteanbieter DRM für die Verwertung ihrer Inhalte einsetzten.
Das übergreifende Ziel von INDICARE ist es, durch die Etablierung eines Dialogs die Interessen von Konsumenten und kleineren Anwendern beim Einsatz von DRM-Systemen in Europa stärker zur Geltung zu bringen, die unterschiedlichen Interessen aller beteiligten Akteure zu vermitteln, und dadurch zur Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen europäischen Position in umstrittenen Fragen beizutragen.
Zu diesem Zweck etabliert das Projekt INDICARE vielfältige Möglichkeiten des Informationsaustausches und der Diskussion. Interessenten eröffnen sich unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten der aktiven Teilnahme - vom Einbringen gelegentlicher Diskussionsbeiträge bis zum Verfassen originäre Beiträge und der intensiven Beteiligung im Publikationsprozess des Projekts. Bedingung für den Erfolg solcher Dialog-Projekte ist das kontinuierliche Einspeisen relevanter und anregender Informationen für die verschiedenen Zielgruppen. Ein hoher Stellenwert kommt deshalb den Recherchen und wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen durch die Projektpartner zu.
Wesentliche Elemente des Projektangebots sind:
- eine umfassende und informative Webseite zu Konsumenten- und Anwenderaspekten des DRM,
- ein elektronisches Diskussionsforum, in dem Meinungen ausgetauscht, Informationen über aktuelle Entwicklungen verbreitet und Fragen der Teilnehmer sachkundig beantwortet werden,
- ein Newsletter (INDICARE Monitor), in dem Nachrichten, Meinungen, Erfahrungen, Praxisbeispiele, Rezensionen, Interviews etc. veröffentlicht werden,
- fünf Workshops zu den folgenden Themen: „Geschäftsmodelle und DRM“, „Elektronische Zahlungssysteme und DRM“, „Die Perspektive der Konsumenten“, „Sozialer Ausschluss durch DRM-Einsatz?“ und „Benutzungsaspekte von DRM Systemen“,
- umfassende Sachstandsberichte, in denen die aktuellen Entwicklungen der rechtlichen, technologischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Aspekte erfasst und aufbereitet werden,
- Konsumentenbefragungen, um zuverlässige Daten über tatsächliches Konsumentenverhalten, Nutzungsmuster, Akzeptanzbedingungen und Präferenzen von DRM-Lösungen zu gewinnen,
- sowie Veröffentlichungen für besondere Zielgruppen, d. h. ein Konsumentenhandbuch, ein Handbuch für Anwender und spezifische Berichte für politische Entscheidungsträger.
ITAS hat die Projektidee zu INDICARE entwickelt und koordiniert das Gesamtprojekt, an dem drei renommierte Partner aus Europa mitwirken.
Project information
Project Name
The acronym INDICARE stands for the INformed DIalogue about Consumer Acceptability of DRM Solutions in Europe.
Overall Goal
The overall goal of INDICARE was to raise awareness, help to reconcile heterogeneous interests of multiple players, and to support the emergence of a common European position with regard to consumer and user issues of Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions.
INDICARE and the eContent Programme
The INDICARE project was financially supported as an Accompanying Measure under the eContent Programme of the Directorate General Information Society of the European Commission (Reference: EDC - 53042 INDICARE /28609). INDICARE started first of March 2004 and ended February 2006.
The objective of the INDICARE project is also to buttress the overall goals of the eContent programme, i.e. to increase availability, use and distribution of European digital content.
In its views and opinions, the INDICARE project is independent from the European Commission and the views expressed by and within the INDICARE project are not necessarily the opinions of the European Commission.
INDICARE addressed problems pointed out in the eContent work programme 2003-2004: “There has been little attention to the consumer side of managing rights. Questions remain open as to the level of consumer acceptability of rights management solutions. Interface and functionality of systems, as well as policy issues linked to privacy and access to information should be the investigated. The consumer question also involves the easiness of access, the legitimate use of content and business models and the easiness of access for disabled persons” (p. 19). In addition to consumer issues INDICARE addressed the user side, in particular concerns of creators and small and medium-sized information providers.
The project focused especially on issues of consumer and user concerns regarding Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems. Besides consumers, mainly the concerns of small and medium-sized users firms were looked upon. While for the most part the online distribution of digital content over fixed or mobile electronic networks was considered, also the offline distribution (e.g. CDs, DVDs) was included. The considered types of information are mainly commercial content, such as digital music, movies, books, or software including games. The main regional focus was Europe, but also developments outside Europe were taken into account.
The INDICARE project established and maintained an informed dialogue about consumer and user issues of DRM. Informed dialogue means that discussions was stimulated and informed by good quality input such as news information and profound analyses (see Publications and Journal Archive). Part of the input was derived from interdisciplinary in-depth research of the INDICARE partners as well as from knowledge of experts and stakeholders co-operating with INDICARE.
Composition of Partners
The composition of partners brought together the interdisciplinary competences required for the Informed Dialogue.
- Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, the co-ordinator of the project, has long-standing experience in socio-economic studies of information and communication technologies (ICT), technology assessment and policy advise.
- Berlecon Research, Berlin, Germany, analyzes the market for information technologies and the services based on IT, their usage and the effects of new technologies and concepts on enterprises and markets. The economic and technical expertise of Berlecon is based on scientific methods of analysis.
- Instituut voor Informatierecht (IViR), Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Universiteit van Amsterdam, , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, is one of the outstanding European centres for information law, focusing on intellectual and industrial property, e.g. copyright, software patents, privacy and media law. IViR website
- Search Laboratory, Méréstechnika és Információs Rendszerek Tanszék, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Budapest, Hungary, has expertise in technology research on DRM systems, mobile and Internet security, and adds the perspective of new member states.
Journal archive
INDICARE Monitor — About Consumer and User Issues of Digital Rights Management Solutions, ISSN 1614-287X
The INDICARE Monitor is the electronic periodical of the EU-funded project INDICARE that was published every last Friday of a month.
INDICARE Monitor Issues: | Download: | Table of Contents: |
Vol. 2, No. 12, 24 February 2006 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 11, 27 January 2006 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 10, 23 December 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 9, 25 November 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 8, 28 October 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 7, 30 September 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 6, 26 August 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 5, 29 July 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 4, 24 June 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 3, 30 May 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 2, 29 April 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 2, No. 1, 25 March 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 1, No. 9, 25 February 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 1, No. 8, 28 January 2005 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 1, No. 6/7, 17 December 2004 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 1, No. 5, 29 October 2004 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 1, No. 4, 24 September 2004 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 1, No. 3, 27 August 2004 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 1, No. 2, 30 July 2004 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Vol. 1, No. 1, 25 June 2004 | [pdf] | [TOC] |
Articles after February 2006
The progress of DRM in the United States — Part 2: New DRM technologies and content markets
by Bill Rosenblatt
The progress of DRM in the United States — Part 1: The legal background
by Bill Rosenblatt
The French legislation on DRM interoperability: right problem, wrong solution
by Bill Rosenblatt
GPLv3 tribulations
by Mara Rossini
Volume 2, Number 12, 24 February 2006
by Knud Böhle
Digital video usage and DRM: Results from the second INDICARE survey
by Nicole Dufft
Human factors of DRM – A tour d'horizon
Report about the fifth INDICARE workshop
by Kristóf Kerényi
DRM and contract terms
by Lars Grøndal
Copyright law as an enigma for laypersons and the need for
by Matthias Spielkamp
Christophe R. vs Warner Music: French court bans private-copying hostile DRM
by Natali Helberger
Vive la Balance! Pleading for a French revolution of copyright
by Natali Helberger
DRM beyond copyright enforcement – alternative models for content distribution
by Daniel A. Nagy
The Future Digital Economy: A session report on DRM
by Philipp Bohn
Research into user-(un)friendly DRM. A review
by Knud Böhle
Focus theme: Trust, DRM, TC
Consumers should welcome "effective" DRM – if it meets their needs
by Mark Bide
Trusted computing for digital rights management
by Robert A. Gehring
OpenTC – an open approach to trusted virtualization
by Dirk Kuhlmann
The role of Trusted Computing in Digital Rights Management within the OpenTC project
by Florian Schreiner, Michael Pramateftakis and Oliver Welter
iPod’s hegemony challenged – new music-enabled smart phones enter the market
by Gergely Tódt
Legal risk assessment of Trusted Computing. A review
by Arnd Weber and Dirk A. Weber
Volume 2, Number 11, 27 January 2006
by Knud Böhle
Digital rights management and people with sight loss
by David Mann
Trusted intermediaries are key to accessible content delivery
by David Crombie, Roger Lenoir, David Mann, Neil McKenzie,
Digital rights management and accessibility
by Zoltán Nagy
DRM interoperability and reusability through a generic software architecture
by Sam Michiels, Koen Buyens, Kristof Verslype, Wouter Joosen and Bart De Decker
DRM for digital broadcasting in Japan
by Kiyohiko Ishikawa
The Sony BMG rootkit scandal. Consumers in the US finally wake up. And march to courts…
by Natali Helberger
Volume 2, Number 10, 23 December 2005
by Knud Böhle
Some of the reasons for BEUC's Campaign on Consumers’ Digital Rights
by Cornelia Kutterer
Music services are incompatible – A research of what we already know
by Kristóf Kerényi
DVB-CPCM — First steps towards an open standard for a content protection and copy management system from the DVB
by Chris Hibbert
DRMTICS 2005 – a truly interdisciplinary forum for DRM research. A conference report
by Wanqing Li, Rei Safavi-Naini and Nicholas Sheppard
Axmedis plus = technology + users + consumers. A report on the 1st International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (Axmedis 2005)
by Gergely Tóth
Volume 2, Number 9, 25 November 2005
by Knud Böhle
Intrusive DRM: The cases of Sony BMG, StarForce and Microsoft
by Philipp Bohn
Rights management and the revolution in e-publishing
by Bill Rosenblatt
Google Book Search: fostering public access in a controlled way. INDICARE-Interview by Knud Böhle
with Jens Redmer
Commission Recommendation on cross border licensing: Last train boarding now!
by Margreet Groenenboom
DRM researchers do not disregard consumer acceptability any more. A report on the fifth ACM workshop on Digital Rights Management
by Kristóf Kerényi
Governing the interrelation of information markets and the public domain. A review
by Knud Böhle
Volume 2, Number 8, 28 October 2005
by Knud Böhle
Profitable piracy and content degradation. An alternative to strong content protection
by Vural Ünlü
Magnatune – A voluntary-based model for online music
by Tobias Regner and Javier Barria
Can TPMs help create a commons? Looking at whether and how TPMs and Creative Commons licenses can work together
by Jordan S. Hatcher
Virgin Media versus iTunes. Using competition law as tool to enforce access to DRM … and failing
by Natali Helberger
The OECD takes on digital content
by Philipp Bohn
Volume 2, Number 7, 30 September 2005
by Knud Böhle
Online music markets in China
The broader picture and the role of copyright and DRM
by Lucy Montgomery
Online music in Hungary
by Kristóf Kerényi
Popkomm 2005: DRM not in the focus
by Nicole Dufft
Improving cross border licensing practices for online music stores
The European Commission's view
by Margreet Groenenboom
Helping libraries manage digital rights
Standards for the electronic communication of licensing terms
by Brian Green
Business models and rights management for eLearning in Europe
Findings of the OrmeE project
by Paola Mazzucchi
Digital rights in the information society
Opportunities and challenges regarding citizens’ access to information
by Jacob Skjødt Nielsen
Volume 2, Number 6, 26 August 2005
by Knud Böhle
Science can’t accept technical barriers of content use!
INDICARE-Interview by Ulrich Riehm
with Arnoud de Kemp
Protecting the entertainment industry against commercial piracy.
INDICARE-Interview by Margreet Groenenboom
with Tim Kuik
Not so silly after all – new hope for private copying
by Natali Helberger
Attitudes towards DRM in the Independent music sector
by Philipp Bohn
Mobile DRM convergence
by Philipp Bohn
The ungrateful task of establishing a new technology
Some lessons from the DRM Strategies Conference 2005
by Thorsten Wichmann
Digital Media Project – Part II: Chances of an open standard
by Ernö Jeges and Kristóf Kerényi
Managing copyright in a digital world
An introduction to the contributions model and the Rights Office System
by Nicholas Bentley
Volume 2, Number 5, 29 July 2005
by Knud Böhle
Creative Humbug? Bah the humbug, let’s get creative!
by Mia Garlick
A breakdown of consumer protection law in the light of digital products
by Martien Schaub
What Norwegian politicians should know about DRM
by Christine Hafskjold
Podcasting-profit-possibilities. Will DRM invade the scene?
by Nicole Dufft
eBooks - The stony road to success and the role of DRM
by Philipp Bohn
TIRAMISU: That's unobtrusive DRM in the home domain
by Boštjan Maruši?, Philippe de Cuetos, Laurent Piron, Zvi Lifshitz
ODRL workshop 2005 report
by Susanne Guth, Renato Iannella, Carlos Serrão
Volume 2, Number 4, 24 June 2005
by Knud Böhle
Copyright - complexity – confusion. "The basic approach to copyright needs rethinking". INDICARE-interview by Nicole Dufft
by Till Kreutzer
Creative Humbug. Personal feelings about the Creative Commons licenses
by Péter Benjamin Tóth
Licences for open access to scientific publications – a German perspective
by Ellen Euler
Norwegian implementation of the EUCD Article 6
by Thomas Rieber-Mohn
Contractual balance in digital content services
by Timo Ruikka
Rent-A-Star: Do you subscribe to digital music?
by Philipp Bohn
P2P sharing: Commercialize it!
by Philipp Bohn
Digital Media Project – Part I. Towards an interoperable DRM platform
by Ernö Jeges
DRM: from theory to implementations. Report from a course in Louvain-la-Neuve, 17-19 May 2005
by Ernö Jeges
Volume 2, Number 3, 30 May 2005
by Knud Böhle
Digital music usage and DRM. Results from a representative consumer survey
by Nicole Dufft
The use of digital rights management in document supply
by Andrew Braid
National libraries, preservation and digital rights management. INDICARE-interview by Knud Böhle
by Tobias Steinke
Digital rights management and mass amateurization
by Dan Hunter
Consumer acceptance of digital rights management systems
by Marc Fetscherin
Real money for virtual items: A case for DRM?
by Danny Vogeley
Preparing for the Iditarod of the digital world
by Natali Helberger
A2K: Access to Knowledge – Make it happen
by Natali Helberger
First Supplement of the INDICARE State-of-the-Art Report released
INDICARE consumer survey on digital music published
by Nicole Dufft
Volume 2, Number 2, 29 April 2005
by Knud Böhle,
QA Focus information for digital libraries. A case study of CC implementation
by Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly
The role of digital rights management in Open Access
by Richard Poynder
Fair use licensing in library context
by Pasi Tyrväinen
The role of digital rights management in library lending
by Karen Coyle
Preservation versus exploitation. Dilemmas in the reissue of historical recordings
by Michael Rader
DRM and developing countries. Comments on the INDICARE state of the art report
by Manon Ress
All in one! Volume 1 of the INDICARE Monitor for download
by Knud Böhle
Volume 2, Number 1, 25 March 2005
by Knud Böhle,
E-Payment and DRM – Integration needed. A brief summary of the second INDICARE workshop in Budapest, February 3, 2005
by Kristóf Kerényi,
Where do DRM- and e-payment systems meet? INDICARE-Interview by Knud Böhle
with Rüdiger Grimm
Critical review of MPEG LA software patent claims. The usage of open source rights expression languages must be royalty free
by Susanne Guth and Renato Iannella
Economic analysis of DRMs roll-out over the Internet
by Olivier Bomsel and Anne-Gaëlle Geffroy
Violation of consumer rights with DRM-based usage control systems. The case of Half-Life 2
by Danny Vogeley
How to implement copyright exceptions in DRM systems. A proposal substantiated for the copyright exceptions in German law
by Dominik Knopf
Comparing the EUCD implementation of various Member States. A review
by Margreet Groenenboom
Better take a long tail look… Three remarks on the first INDICARE state-of-the-art-report
by Timo Ruikka
Volume 1, Number 9, 25 February 2005
Obscurity in patent matters. Editorial
by Böhle, Knud
MPEG-LA’s portfolio license – A jumpstart for DRM-based markets? INDICARE-Interview by Thorsten Wichmann
with Horn, Lawrence
Hail to the flag, it’s the 1st of July. The main arguments against the implementation of the US Broadcast Flag
by Lambers, Rik
Thou shalt not mislead thy customer! The pitfalls of labelling and transparency
by Helberger, Natali
Copyright exemptions have to become consumer rights! INDICARE-Interview by Nicole Dufft
with von Braunmühl, Patrick
Need for a comprehensive re-thinking of "DRM" systems and copyright
by Tóth, Péter Benjamin
Report on the 3rd DRM Conference, Berlin, 13th and 14th January 2005
by Orwat, Carsten
Getting the work of MPEG-21 right. A comment to the first INDICARE state-of-the-art-report
by Barlas, Chris
Volume 1, Number 8, 28 January 2005
About the mindset of pirates. Editorial
by Böhle, Knud
"Two souls, alas! are lodg'd within my breast ... ". Results of an online-survey on film consumption and piracy
by Langewitz, Oliver
Restriking the balance: from DMCA to DMCRA. A short analysis of the May 2004 Hearing on the Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act
by Lambers, Rik
Digital Rights Management or Digital Content Control
by Tóth, Péter Benjamin
When "playing" isn't "playing" or how to achieve semantic interoperability
by Rump, Niels/Barlas, Chris
DRM at IST 2004
by Hornák, Zoltán
Eight comments on the first INDICARE state-of-the-art-report
by Doctorow, Cory
Another cry in the wind? A review of Indicare's first state-of-the-art report
by Merrill, Philip
Volume 1, Number 6/7, 17 December 2004
INDICARE's first state-of-the-art report - food for thought?! Editorial
by Böhle, Knud
Learning from P2P: Evolution of business models for online content
by Rosenblatt, Bill
If you can't beat them, join them - DRM as the future for collecting societies. INDICARE-Interview by Natali Helberger
with Beemsterboer, André
Mobile music in Japan - Japan's reality is our future
by Hess, Jan Michael
Turning infringing users into paying customers - A new trend in anti-piracy
by Jeges, Ernö
Chiariglione's vision: An interoperable DRM platform to the benefit of all. INDICARE-Interview by Knud Böhle
with Chiariglione, Leonardo
Content protection comes first. A report about the Fourth ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management
by Kerényi, Kristóf
DRM strategies debate in the US - A report from a JupiterMedia Conference
by Kerényi, Kristóf
Announcement from INDICARE: INDICARE State-of-the-Art Report Released
Announcement from INDICARE: Report on the 1st INDICARE Workshop: Business Models for Mobile Music and DRM
Volume 1, Number 5, 29 October 2004
Mobile Music is Hot. Editorial
by Wichmann, Thorsten
Net music the Danish way: Locked down and easily cracked
by Nielsen, Kurt Westh
DRM and music: How do rights affect the download price?
by Fetscherin, Marc/Vliestra, Cristina
In search of Greg Koch. A hands-on iTunes experience
by Riehm, Ulrich
The music came to Berlin: Popkomm 2004
by Dufft, Nicole
It's not a right, silly! The private copying exception in practice
by Helberger, Natali
Was it ever a right? What record labels tell us about consumer rights
by Rader, Michael
Who protects the un-protected? Open access publication needs DRM!
by Friend, Frederick J.
Approaching the DRM needs of the educational system in the UK. A review of Intrallect's DRM study on behalf of JISC
by Riehm, Ulrich
Volume 1, Number 4, 24 September 2004
"On present trends DRM will make a bad situation worse." A short analysis of the position paper on Digital Rights Management by BEUC. Editorial
by Böhle, Knud
Talking about the BEUC position paper on Digital Rights Management. INDICARE-Interview by Knud Böhle
with Kutterer, Cornelia
Value-centered design of Digital Rights Management. Perspectives on an emerging scholarship
by Bechtold, Stefan
From couch potato to active consumer. Potential impact of bi-directional Rights Expression Languages
by Rump, Niels/Barlas, Chris
DRM and privacy - friends or foes? An introduction to Privacy Rights Management (PRM)
by Tóth, Gergely
Rights locker architecture - the next step? Potential and risks of a new approach to digital content delivery
by Melzer, Roy
"Some rights reserved". Creative Commons in between unlimited copyright and copyright anarchy. INDICARE-Interview by Bettina-Johanna Krings
with Dreier, Thomas
Collecting societies - not yet "six feet under". A brief review of the international symposium "Digital Rights Management: The End of Collecting Societies?" at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland, June 24 and 25, 2004
by Graber, Christoph Beat/Nenova, Tihomira/Girsberger, Michael
Volume 1, Number 3, 27 August 2004
Knock out by copyright expiration. The JibJab Media Inc. v Ludlow Music Inc. copyright affair watched from a distance. Editorial
by Böhle, Knud
Open DRM standards for interoperable mobile services. The Open Mobile Alliance releases OMA DRM 2.0 — moving from OMA 1.0 onwards
by Buhse, Willms
Contest of Formats. The race of audio formats is advanced, while the race for interoperability of protected formats is just about to start
by Tóth, Gergely
The tension between interoperability and information security. Compulsory licensing of information security technology
by van Daalen, Ot
The right to resell. Will eBay finally allow secondary markets for digital media?
by Niehüser, Lutz
Musicians' voice to be heard! What musicians think of file sharing, DRM, and copy protection
by Riehm, Ulrich
Code is NOT law. A short report on the "Code as Code" workshop in Amsterdam, 1-2 July
by Lambers, Rik
Volume 1, Number 2, 30 July 2004
Of vanishing media and copyright enforcement by destruction. Editorial
by Böhle, Knud
The Creative Commons experience in the Netherlands. Taking the law into your own hands, copyright law that is
by Hendriks, Nynke
Report by the High Level Group on DRM at the European Commission
by Orwat, Carsten
Will iTunes be successful in Europe? And if so, what does that mean for consumers?
by Dufft, Nicole
Stakeholders in Digital Rights Management: The case of music industry
by Fetscherin, Marc
File sharing on P2P networks. The network bandwidth problem and the limits of filtering
by Kerényi, Kristóf
Consumer concerns considered?! A selective book review
by Böhle, Knud
Volume 1, Number 1, 25 June 2004
INDICARE Monitor: What is it good for? Editorial
by Böhle, Knud
The dream team: music on the mobile phone?
by Dufft, Nicole
Short description of some standards currently used in the field of DRM solutions. Standards in the Field of Mobile DRM
by Kerényi, Kristóf
A bite from the apple. "Digital Rights Management Strategies 2004", New York, April 2004
by Helberger, Natali
Interplay of players better natured than expected. A report from the Conference Digital Rights Management - Distribution and Security of Digital Media and Information, 22 April 2004, Munich
by Böhle, Knud
Project publications
Online Journal "INDICARE Monitor"
- Complete Volume 1 (2004/2005):
- Download Volume 1 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Complete Volume 2 (2005/2006):
- Download Volume 2 (PDF, 3.4 MB)
- Download Guide (PDF, 223 KB)
INDICARE Consumer Surveys
- Digital Video Usage and DRM, Results from a European Consumer Survey, Berlin, 23 February 2006
- Download Report (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- Digital Music Usage and DRM, Results from a European Consumer Survey, Berlin, 24 May 2005
- Download Report (PDF, 1.8 KB)
INDICARE Workshop Reports
- Human Factors of DRM, Report on the 5th INDICARE Workshop, held on 19 January 2006, Budapest
- Download Report (PDF, 449 KB)
- DRM in Public Science, Report on the 4th INDICARE Workshop, held on 8 Dec 2005, Brussels
- Download Report (PDF, 296 KB)
- Fair DRM Use, Report on the 3rd INDICARE Workshop, held on 28 May 2005, Amsterdam
- Download Report (PDF, 272 KB)
- E-Payment and DRM for Digital Content, Report on the 2nd INDICARE Workshop, Budapest, 3 February 2005:
- Download Report (PDF, 843 KB)
- Business Models for Mobile Music and DRM, Report on the 1st INDICARE Workshop, Berlin, 30 September 2004
- Download Report (PDF, 669 KB)
INDICARE State-of-the-Art Reports
- First Update of the State-of-the-Art Report: Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability. A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations, 27 May 2005
- Download Report (PDF, 389 KB)
- 1st State-of-the-Art Report: Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability. A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations, December 2004
- Download Report (PDF, 1 MB)
Project team
- Knud Böhle
- Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Philipp Bohn
- Berlecon Research GmbH, Berlin, Germany
- Nicole Dufft
- Berlecon Research GmbH, Berlin, Germany
- Margreet Groenenboom
- Institute for Information Law (IViR), Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Natali Helberger
- Institute for Information Law (IViR), Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Zoltán Hornák
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, SEARCH Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary
- Ernö Jeges
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, SEARCH Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary
- Kristóf Kerényi
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, SEARCH Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary
- Rik Lambers
- Associate member, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Carsten Orwat (project coordinator)
- Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Michael Rader
- Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Ulrich Riehm
- Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Gergely Tóth
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, SEARCH Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary
- Thorsten Wichmann †
- Berlecon Research GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Consumer awareness and acceptance of copyright
2006. The recasting of copyright & related rights for the knowledge economy. Final report. Study commissioned by DG internal market of the European Commission. Ed.: Institute for Information Law (IVIR), 197–209, European Commission
DRM-Systeme - Optionen der Technikgestaltung
2006. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 15 (2), 52–62. doi:10.14512/tatup.15.2.52
Digital Rights Management - Herausforderungen für Recht, Technik und Technikfolgenabschätzung. Eine Einführung in den Schwerpunkt
2006. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 15 (2), 4–12. doi:10.14512/tatup.15.2.4
Konsultationsverfahren als Mittel der politischen Gestaltung des digitalen Rechtemanagements
2006. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 15 (2), 63–72. doi:10.14512/tatup.15.2.63
INDICARE Monitor. About consumer and user issues of digital rights management solutions
2006. Vol.2(2005/2006)
Digital Rights Management in public science
2006. Report on the 4th INDICARE Workshop, Bruxelles, B, December 8, 2005
Consumer’s guide to Digital Rights Management - Any side effects?
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien und nachhaltige Entwicklung
2005. Mappus, S. [Hrsg.] Erde 2.0 : Technologische Innovationen als Chance für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung? Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2005, 242–73
Interplay of players better natured than expected. A report from the Conference Digital Rights Management - Distribution and Security of Digital Media and Information, 22 April 2004, Munich
2005. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (1), Article: 17
Governing the interrelation of information markets and the public domain. A review
2005. INDICARE Monitor, 2 (9), 27–29
Google Book Search: fostering public access in a controlled way - Interview with Jens Redmer
2005. INDICARE Monitor, 2 (9), 14–17
Report on the 3rd DRM Conference, Berlin, 13th and 14th January 2005
2005. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (9), 207–211
Was it ever a right? What record labels tell us about consumer rights
2005. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (5), 110–115
Preservation versus exploitation. Dilemmas in the reissue of historical recordings
2005. INDICARE Monitor, 2 (2), 55–58
In search of Greg Koch. A hands-on iTunes experience
2005. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (5), 102–104
Approaching the DRM needs of the educational system in the UK. A review of Intrallect’s DRM study on behalf of JISC
2005. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (5), 118–121
INDICARE Monitor. About consumer and user issues of digital rights management solutions
2005. Vol.1(2004/2005)
Analysis of consumer issues and paths for concrete approaches
2005. DRM Workshop ’Towards Reaching Consensus on Digital Rights Management’ Bruxelles, B, April 6, 2005
E-commerce. Societal dimension of ICTs (Chapter and data base entry)
2004. Mapping the European Knowledge base on Socio-Economic Impact Studies of Information Society Technologies (EKB-SEIS). Hrsg.: Project, EKB-SEIS, European Commission (EU)
Talking about the BEUC position paper on Digital Rights Management. INDICARE-Interview with Cornelia Kutterer, Senior Legal Advisor at BEUC
2004. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (4), 5–10
INDICARE’s first state-of-the-art report - food for thought?!
2004. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (6/7), 2–4
Consumer concerns considered?! A selective book review
2004. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (2), 20–23
A short analysis of the position on Digital Rights Management by BEUC, The European Consumers’ Organisation
2004. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (4), 2–5
Knock out by copyright expiration. The JibJab Media Inc. v Ludlow music Inc. copyright affair watched from a distance
2004. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (3), 2–6
Of vanishing media and copyright enforcement by destruction
2004. INDICARE Monitor, 1 (2), 2–5
Musicians’ voice to be heard! What musicians think of file sharing, DRM, and copy protection
2004. INDICARE Monitor, 1
Digital rights management and consumer acceptability. A multi-disciplinary discussion of consumer concerns and expectations. - INDICARE State-of-the-Art Report
2004. Amsterdam. doi:10.5445/IR/1000102367
Grid-based simulations I: Institutional prerequisites for e-science
2004. Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds (EASST/4S 2004), Paris, Frankreich, 25. April–28. August 2004
Digital Rights Management - ein Fall für TA? - Rezensionen
2004. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 13 (1), 97–107, Oekom Verlag. doi:10.14512/tatup.13.1.97
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