European Technology Assessment Group (ETAG)

Since October 2005 a group of European scientific institutes - with the Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Research Centre Karlsruhe, Germany as the leading partner - has been providing scientific services for the European Parliament on social, environmental and economic aspects of new technological and scientific developments. Like many other parliaments in Europe (see: the European Parliament at the end of the 1980s set up an institution for scientific advice regarding complex social, ecological and economic implications of modern technology and scientific research.

At the European Parliament the process of consulting was and is organized by the so called STOA-Panel (Panel for the Future of Science and Technology), a parliamentary body consisting of 27 Members of Parliament representing several parliamentary committees. In view of the growing importance of a European science and technology policy the European Parliament decided in 2005 to support STOA's activities by establishing permanent co-operation with a group of institutions with relevant expertise in the field of Technology Assessment. Starting from June 2018 the European Technology Assessment Group supports STOA by carrying out TA-studies. The focus of ETAG's activities on behalf of the European Parliament for the current parliamentary term (2019-2024) is:

Thematic priorities:

  • Artificial intelligence and other disruptive technologies
  • The Green Deal
  • Quality of life

Horizontal policy priorities:

  • Science, technology and innovation
  • Societal and ethical challenges
  • Economic challenges
  • Legal challenges

ETAG is made up by the following organizations:

Further information on running projects, completed projects, and ETAG documents can be found here.


Dr. Miltos Ladikas
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
Postfach 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: 030-40750492