StoRIES Summer School: "REPowerEU and the need for energy storage in Europe"
Time & Location
29 May, 20:00 – 01 Jun, 14:00
Cyprus Institute in Nicosia, 59PJ+6WC, Nicosia, Cyprus
About the event
The first StoRIES Summer School entitled "REPowerEU and the need for energy storage in Europe" will be held at the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia (Athalassa Campus) and in the Energy Institute of the Cyprus Institute PROTEAS from 29 May to 1 June 2023. The main objective of the Summer School is to provide and exchange knowledge on the importance of energy storage in Europe. Experts will share insights on the issues related to energy storage, including needs, existing and future technologies, hybridisation, sustainability, legal issues and economic parameters. A draft schedule of the Summer school can be found here.
The programme may change depending on the participants' PhD topics. To register for the Summer School, please use the form here (under section 4 - Summer Schools For Young Scientists).
Registration is open until 28 April 2023. Places are limited, so don't forget to register as soon as possible. Information on hotels, restaurants etc. will be sent to registered participants in May 2023.
ITAS - Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse
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