TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93, 76133 Karlsruhe
Dana Mahr, KIT, ITAS
And what does trust in science actually mean? How does trust in scientists differ from other relationships of trust? Whether you trust science or are skeptical, Dana Mahr wants to hear from you how researchers can earn your trust - or win it back.
WHEN? February 5, 2025 from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m.
WHERE? TRIANGEL Transfer | Culture | Space, Kaiserstraße 93, 76133 Karlsruhe
Admission free. You can come and go at any time.
“Tell me, ITAS” is a series of events organized by ITAS in which researchers move their workplace once a week to Karl9 - Wissenschaftslokal für Technik und Gesellschaft or to the TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum and answer your questions about their research topics.
Media Theatre
ZKM | Center for Art and Media
How resilient is our democracy in the face of the power of tech oligarchs, increasingly radicalized social media platforms, and AI-generated fake news?
In the run-up to the Bundestag election, we invite you to a discussion that will explore the technological background and mechanisms of digital influence. Who else besides elected political representatives is involved in current social debates and what kind of worldview is behind them?
Tina Lorenz, head of artistic research and development at ZKM | Karlsruhe, in conversation with Dipl.-Pol. Christopher Coenen, research group leader at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at KIT, and Dr Philipp Lang, Postdoctoral Fellow at Goethe University Frankfurt.
In cooperation with the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM).
Photo: AI-generated graphic © ZKM | Karlsruhe, Christina Zartmann
Karl9 - Wissenschaftslokal für Technik und Gesellschaft
Karlstraße 9
Ein "Serious Game", das auf den Berichten des IPCC (Weltklimarat) basiert und die wichtigsten Infos daraus auf 42 Spielkarten aufschlüsselt. Als Team bringt man diese Spielkarten in ihre Reihenfolge von Ursache und Wirkung und erkennt so den systemischen Charakter des Klimawandels. Unser Bottom-Up-Ansatz fördert kritisches, interdisziplinäres Denken, kurbelt den Teamgeist an und gibt Raum für einen offenen Dialog und eine lösungsorientierte Diskussion.
90' - NACHDENKEN: in 5 Spielrunden untersucht das Team die 42 Spielkarten auf ihre Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehung und co-konstruiert so das Puzzle
30' - KREATIVITÄT: buntes Gestalten des fertigen Puzzles, um das Gelernte zu verdauen und sich anzueignen
60' - DEBRIEF: in Dialog treten, gemeinsam reflektieren, Ideen austauschen und eine lösungsorientierte Diskussion führen. Gedanken, Motivationen und Ängste teilen, über nächste Schritte nachdenken.
Der Workshop inspiriert viele Teilnehmer*innen dazu, selbst Workshopleiter*innen zu werden. So entstand eine weltweite Community an Klima Puzzler*innen: In über 150 Ländern puzzeln wir in 45 Sprachen! Über 2 Mio. Menschen haben schon gepuzzelt! Und du?
Für Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren
Mindestteilnehmerzahl: 4 Personen.
ANMELDUNG: KOSTENLOS aber VERBINDLICH, wir rechnen also mit eurer Anwesenheit!
Weitere Infos und die Anmeldung finden Sie hier:
Kulturbrauerei, Schönhauser-Allee 63, 10435 Berlin
Closing event of the IANUS Media Panel on 25 February 2025 in Berlin
The event provides a platform for exchange on one of the most important issues of our time: trust in science and the role of science journalism in strengthening - or weakening - this trust. At a time when misinformation and public scepticism are pervasive, good and appropriate communication of scientific findings is crucial.
Our panel brings together science journalists, science communicators, politicians and researchers to present and discuss the results of scientific work on trust in science and the role of journalism from different countries. The focus will be on what constitutes science journalism, what ails it and how it can be strengthened to secure the basis of public trust.
Find out more about the prominent guests, the programme and registration:
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration