ITAS-Kolloquium 2024

  • Veranstaltungsart:


  • Tagungsort:

    ITAS, Karlstr. 11, 76133 Karlsruhe

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  • Das Kolloquium findet in Raum 418 statt und wird über Zoom übertragen.

Montag, 11. November, 14:00 Uhr

Lisa Herzog, Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Economics, University of Groningen

Experts, citizens, and how they can work together – the epistemic argument for social justice

The relation between experts and citizens is often portrayed as one of conflict; expertocracy and democracy are seen as mutually exclusive. In this talk, I suggest a model that moves beyond this antagonism, towards a model of partnership that allows the development of mutual trust, but not blind trust. Key for this model is the basic insight that all citizens are, in some sense, experts, and all are, in many areas, lay people. As lay people and as experts, they have democratic responsibilities to make this partnership functional. However, this model is most likely to function in a society in which there can be mutual trust between different social group – which leads to an epistemic argument for social justice in the sense of more socio-economic equality and mutual contact between citizens.  

Lisa Herzog works at the intersection of political philosophy and economic thought. She has been held her position at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen since 2019; since 2021 she is the Directer of the Center for Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and since January 2023, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy.
She holds a master (Diplom) in economics from LMU Munich, and an M.St. in Philosophy and D.Phil. in Political Theory from the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. She has worked at, or visited, the universities of St. Gallen (CH), Leuven (BE), Frankfurt/Main (D), Utrecht (NL), and Stanford (US), and has held fellowships of Wissen-schaftskolleg zu Berlin and Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study.  
Herzog has published on the philosophical dimensions of markets, liberalism and social justice, ethics in organizations, and political epistemology. She is a co-editor of the interdisciplinary journal Review of Social Economy. Her latest monograph is Citizen Knowledge. Markets, Experts, and the Infrastructure of Democracy. The current focus of her work are economic democracy and the philosophy of work.

Der Vortrag findet vor Ort am ITAS (Karlstraße 11, Karlsruhe) und online via Zoom statt. Melden Sie sich bei Interesse an der Zoom-Übertragung gern bei Meike Hebich. Die Vortragssprache ist Englisch.


Montag, 15. Juli, 14:00 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Gregor Wolbring Medizinische Fakultät, Institut für Community Health Sciences, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies Program, University of Calgary, Kanada

Menschen mit Behinderung als: akademische Forscher, Community-Wissenschaftler und akademische und Community-Forschungsfragen

Menschen mit Behinderung sind in ihrer Lebenswirklichkeit mit vielen Problemen konfrontiert, die im Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen (CRPD) beschrieben sind und die gelöst werden müssen. Gleichzeitig tauchen ständig neue Probleme auf, die gelöst werden müssen, während die alten noch nicht gelöst sind. "Nichts über uns ohne uns" spiegelt das Gefühl wider, dass behinderte Menschen bei Themen, die sie betreffen, gehört werden wollen, aber denken, dass sie oft ignoriert werden oder aufgrund ihrer Lebensrealität nicht in der Lage sind, sich zu beteiligen. Antizipatorisches Regieren, ein Konzept, das häufig in der Wissenschafts- und Technologiepolitik verwendet wird, erfordert den Einsatz antizipatorischer Interessenvertretung durch Menschen mit Behinderung. Die Verbesserung der Art und Weise, wie und was geforscht wird, ist einer der Hauptschwerpunkte von Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) und ein Ziel von EDI ist es, "einen tiefgreifenden kulturellen Wandel im Ökosystem der Forschung voranzutreiben".
Dieser Vortrag befasst sich mit Menschen mit Behinderung und ihren Verbündeten als Wissensproduzenten, mit den Herausforderungen, denen sie sich stellen müssen, und damit, was sich in der Realität der verschiedenen Akteure ändern muss. 

  1. Der/Die Akademiker:in mit Behinderung
  2. Der/Die Student:in mit Behinderung und Absolvent:innen 
  3. Das Gemeindemitglied mit Behinderung als Community-Wissenschaftler:in
  4. Der/Die Verbündete, z. B. Studierende aus Studiengängen für Menschen mit Behinderungen, während ihrer Zeit als Studierende in der Forschung
  5. Der/Die Verbündete, z. B. Studierende aus Studiengängen für Menschen mit Behinderte nach ihrem Abschluss als Community-Wissenschaftler:innen. 

Dr. Gregor Wolbring, ein lebenslanger Rollstuhlfahrer, wurde in Deutschland (Universität Tübingen, Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt am Main) und Großbritannien (Uni-versity College London und London Biotechnology Ltd) zum Biochemiker ausgebildet. Von 1992 bis 2008 arbeitete er als Laborbiochemiker an der University of Calgary. Heute ist er ordentlicher Professor für Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies an der Cumming School of Medicine der University of Calgary und akademischer Direktor (Behinderung und Barrierefreiheit) am Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion der University of Calgary.  Er ist außerdem Mitglied des Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, und Senior Fellow des Institute for Science, Society and Policy, University of Ottawa, Kanada. Er erhielt beispielsweise den 1) University of Calgary 2022 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award; den Bachelor of Health Sciences Research Mentor Award als Anerkennung für den Erfolg von Bachelor-Studenten in der Forschung (2014, 2016, 2018), den Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medaille, der von der kanadischen Regierung als Anerkennung für den Nutzen seiner akademischen Arbeit für die Allgemeinheit (2013) und der Council of Canadians with Disabilities, National Award (1998). Webseite:


Montag, 22. Januar, 14:00 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb, Chair of Geochemistry and Economic Geology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Energy transition and circular economy in a sustainable world need a lot more mining

Europe’s industrial development and the Green Deal chiefly depend on reliable supply of critical raw materials. The recent global situation with political reactions on war, pandemic and economic rivalry shows how fragile many supply chains are. On the other hand, Europe wants to tackle climate change and pollution by actions of the Green Deal with the energy and mobility transitions. Society’s interest in the responsible production of mineral resources is growing. The efforts of many countries and companies to reduce their emissions to net zero result in massive implementation of a wide range of clean energy technologies, many of which rely on critical raw materials.  A typical electric car requires six times the input from high-tech metals as a conventional car. Since 2010, the average amount of metals and minerals needed for a new unit of power generation capacity has increased by 50% as the share of renewables has risen. Thus, the change to a society with reduced environmental and CO2 footprint depends on a secured supply not only of an increasing volume of raw materials but also of a greater variety. Recent as well as historic supply and investment plans for critical raw materials and minerals in Europe fall short of what is needed to support the transition to clean energy technologies. In addition, conventional mining uses a lot of energy and has always an impact on our environment. Comminution alone accounts for more than 50% of a mine’s energy consumption and for at least 3% of total global electricity production. Most of the metals and construction materials that are needed for our daily life still originate from primary resources that are extracted from ore deposits via conventional mining. Despite the relatively high recycling rate for some metals like Fe, Ni, Co and Sn (>50%), import is still indispensable to satisfy the constantly increasing demand. Most of the mines, mills, smelters and refineries, however, are not located in Europe. Still, economic growth on top of energy and mobility transition, and increased resource consumption are positively correlated. Consequently, Europe’s economy and Green Deal largely depend on imported material that often originates from politically and economically unstable countries with low environmental standards. The consequences are unstable supply chains, pollution, increased CO2 footprint and precarious employment situations in the production states. A secured raw materials supply must stand on four pillars: (1) primary raw materials extraction in Europe; (2) recycling; (3) establishing complete value chains in the EU; and (4) secured supply chains from outside Europe. The major challenge is to generate public awareness of the challenges and its acceptance for raw materials industry projects.

Jochen Kolb holds the Chair of Geochemistry and Economic Geology at the Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. He is Dean of Studies for seven geoscience degree programs. He has more than 25 years experience in economic geology research with a strong focus on orogenic gold deposits. He recently started programs on lithium resources in geothermal brines and processing of such brines. After finishing his degree in geology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, he continued his PhD, Postdoc and Assistant Professorship at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Before he started in Karlsruhe in 2016, he worked for 10 years as Senior Research Scientist and later as Research Professor at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. Jochen has been Associate Professor at Copenhagen University during this time. Jochen is spokesperson of the topic Georesources at the KIT Climate and Environment Centre. On top of this, he is active in various national and interdisciplinary initiatives related to raw materials, exploration, mining, processing and relationships to societal and economic development.