Dr. Miltos Ladikas
- wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Forschungsgruppe „Soziotechnische Zukünfte und Policies“
- Tel.: +49 30 40750492
- miltos ladikas ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
Schliemannstr. 46
10437 Berlin
Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
- Methoden der Technikfolgenabschätzung
- Globale Technikfolgenabschätzung
- Ethik in Wissenschaft und Politik
- Öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Wissenschaft und Technologie
Aktuelle Projekte
- Koordinator des Projektes „Global Ethics in Science and Technology“ der Europäischen Komission. Es handelt sich um einen Vergleich der Ethikstrukturen im Bereich Wissenschaft und Technik in Europa, China und Indien.
- Projektleiter des Projektes „XR4Human – Eine gerechte, inklusive und menschenzentrierte XR“
- Projektleiter des Projektes „Responsible Industry“
- Projektleiter des Projektes „Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice (RRI Practice)“
- Projektleiter des Projektes „Assisted Living“
- Mitarbeit im Projekt „irecs – Verbesserung forschungsethischer Expertise und Kompetenzen zur Gewährleistung von Zuverlässigkeit und Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft“
- Mitarbeit im Projekt „Luftgetragene Übertragung des SARS-Coronavirus – von der Grundlagenforschung zu effizienten Luftreinigungssystemen (CORAERO)“
Betreuung von Dissertationen (laufend und abgeschlossen)
- „Towards a Global Ethics? The Case of S&T Policy for Nanotechnology“
- „The Ethical Foundation of Health Care in Africa: a Case Study from Nigeria“
- „The use of animals for medical experimentation: an analysis of young people’s perceptions in Britain“
- „Protecting Vulnerable Subjects in the Medical Research Context: A Developing World Perspective“
- „Feminism in Multicultural Societies; an analysis of Dutch multicultural and postsecular developments and their implications for feminist debates“
- „Towards a Global Technology Assessment; a comparison of Germany, China and India“
seit 2007 | Mitglied im International Scientific Council, Action Against Hunger International |
2005 - 2008 | UNESCO Internationaler Experte in Wissenschaft-Politik |
seit 2009 | Experte der Europäischen Kommission für Ethik-Gutachten |
seit 2001 | Internationaler Experte für Forschungsgutachten für:
Beruflicher Werdegang
seit 2013 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im ITAS |
seit 2004 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Senior Research Fellow) beim Centre for Professional Ethics, University of Central Lancashire, Großbritannien |
2004 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter beim ESRC Centre for the Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (CESAGen), Lancaster University, Großbritannien |
2000 - 2004 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Europäischen Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen GmbH, Bad Neuenahr - Ahrweiler, Deutschland |
1999 - 2000 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Methodology Institute, London, Großbritannien |
1995 - 2000 | Promotion in Sozial-Psychologie an der London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Großbritannien, mit einer Analyse öffentlicher Debatten über Biotechnologie in Großbritannien |
1995 - 1998 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Department of Social Psychology, London, Großbritannien |
1994 - 1995 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im The Science Museum, Department of Science Communication, London, Großbritannien |
1993 - 1994 | Studium der Sozial-Psychologie, Abschluss Master of Science |
1989 - 1993 | Studium der Psychologie, Abschluss Bachelor |
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Chaturvedi, S.; Ladikas, M.; Guo, L.; Srinivas, K.R. (2014, Eds)
The Living Tree; Traditional Medicine and Public Health in China and India. Academic Foundation, New Delhi, India
Chaturvedi, S.; Crager, S.; Ladikas, M.; Muthuswamy, V.; Su, Y.; Yang, H.
Harmonizing policy on human genetic resources and benefit sharing, Nature Biotechnology, 30, 12, 2012
Chatuverdi, S.; Ladikas, M.; Pogge, T.
Policy Suggestion for China India Traditional Medicine Health Impact Initiative, Forum on Science and Technology in China, 4, 151 156, 2011 (co authored with Sachin Chaturvedi and Thomas Pogge)
Ladikas, M.
Comparative Analysis and Best Practice Recommendations on Technology Assessment in Europe and China (2010). Report prepared for the European Commission "International Collaboration" Unit
Ladikas, M.
Comparative S&T policy themes and TA organizational capacities in Europe and China (2010). Report prepared for the European Commission “International Collaboration” Unit
A multifaceted analysis of decreasing trust in health institutions in the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic
2024. Discover Public Health, 21 (1), Art.-Nr.: 117. doi:10.1186/s12982-024-00240-8
D2.4: Proposals for adaptation of ethics review processes
2024. DELIVERABLES AND REPORTS. doi:10.5445/IR/1000180192
D2.3: Recommendations to address ethical challenges from technology research outside the EU
2024. DELIVERABLES AND REPORTS. doi:10.5445/IR/1000180191
Technology Assessment in a Globalized World – Facing the Challenges of Transnational Technology Governance
2023. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-10617-0
Knowledge mapping of an artificial intelligence application scenario: A bibliometric analysis of the basic research of data-driven autonomous vehicles
2023. Technology in Society, 75, Aricle no: 102360. doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102360
Decreasing trust in health institutions in EU during COVID-19: A Spatio-temporal analysis
2023. European Journal of Public Health, 33 (Supplement_2). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.594
D2.2: Recommendations to address ethical challenges from research in new technologies
2023. doi:10.5445/IR/1000180136
Trends der zukünftigen Technologienutzung im Kontext von Extremismus und Terrorismus: erste Erkenntnisse aus dem MOTRA-Technologiemonitoring
2022. Kemmesies, Uwe; Wetzels, Peter; Austin, Beatrix; Büscher, Christian; Dessecker, Axel; Grande, Edgar; Rieger, Diana (Hg.): MOTRA-Monitor 2021, 248–281, Monitoringsystem und Transferplattform Radikalisierung (MOTRA). doi:10.53168/isbn.978-3-9818469-4-2_2022_MOTRA
Assessing the Impact of Technology Assessment, Responsible Research and Innovation and Sustainability Research: Towards a Common Methodological Approach
2022. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (4), Art.-Nr.: 2014. doi:10.3390/su14042014
2021. MOTRA-Monitor 2020. Hrsg.: U. Kemmesies, 188–204, Bundeskriminalamt – Forschungsstelle Terrorismus/Extremismus, Wiesbaden
Competing modes of responsibility in research organisations - Insights from an intenational comparison
2021. Science and public policy, 48 (1), 54–65. doi:10.1093/scipol/scaa057
A multi-sided market of personal data resource allocation: An empirical study of China’s car-hailing platform
2021. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 22 (3-4). doi:10.1177/17835917211051223
Responsibility versus sustainability, ethics, and societal engagement. The German Science, Technology, Innovation context
2020. Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 29 (3), 64–69. doi:10.14512/tatup.29.3.64
Constructing a Global Technology Assessment : Insights from Australia, China, Europe, Germany, India and Russia
2019. KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000085280
Responsible research and innovation in Germany–between sustainability and autonomy
2019. Journal of responsible innovation, 6 (3), 346–352. doi:10.1080/23299460.2019.1603536
The Olympia Declaration
2019. Current sports medicine reports, 18 (12), 448–451. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000660
Technology Assessment in a Globalized World
2019. Management systems in production engineering, 27 (3), 149–152. doi:10.1515/mspe-2019-0024
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation in Research Funding and Research Conducting Organisations – What Have We Learned So Far?
2018. In: Ferri, Fernando; Dwyer, Ned; Raicevich, Saša; Grifoni, Patrizia; Altiok, Husne; Andersen, Hans Thor; Laouris, Yiannis; Silvestri, Cecilia (Hg.) Governance and Sustainability of Responsible Research and Innovation Processes, 3–12, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73105-6_1
Think global! Reflections on a global technology assessment
2018. "Grand Challenges" meistern : Der Beitrag der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Hrsg.: M. Decker, 41–49, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
European Concepts and Practices of Technology Assessment
2018. Constructing a Global Technology Assessment : Insights from Australia, China, Europe, Germany, India and Russia. Ed.: J. Hahn, 47–77, KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/IR/1000091900
Global Technology Assessment in the Context of the UN Agenda 2030
2018. Leaving None Behind. Sustainable Development Goals & South-South Cooperation. Ed.: D. Dwivedi, 104–118, Crossbill Publishing
The Case for a Global Technology Assessment
2018. Constructing a Global Technology Assessment : Insights from Australia, China, Europe, Germany, India and Russia. Ed.: J. Hahn, 1–17, KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/IR/1000091890
Constructing a Global Technology Assessment - Its Constitution and Challenges
2018. Constructing a Global Technology Assessment : Insights from Australia, China, Europe, Germany, India and Russia. Ed.: J. Hahn, 219–235, KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/IR/1000091921
The Era of Genetically Modified Humans: Missing Discussion in Genome Editing Scandal
2018. Asian biotechnology and development review, 20 (3), 41–48
Technology assessment in a globalized world
2018. 15th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering (2018), Zawiercie, Polen, 5.–8. September 2018
RRI in Germany: Reflections on the State of the Art
2017. TATuP Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 26 (1-2), 85–86. doi:10.14512/tatup.26.1-2.85
Responsible development of self-learning assisted living technology for older adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia
2017. ICT4AWE 2017 : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, Volume 1, Porto, Portugal, 28th - 29th April 2017 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, ICT4AWE 2017, Porto, Portugal, 28. - 29. April, 2017, 204–209, SciTePress
RRI in industry - lessons learned for TA?
2017. 3rd European Technology Assessment Conference, Cork, IRL, May 17-19, 2017
Institutionalizing ethical debates in science, technology and innovation policy: A comparison of Europe, India and China
2015. Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China. Hrsg.: M. Ladikas, 9–23, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14693-5_2
Conclusions: Incorporating ethics into science and technology policy
2015. Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China. Hrsg.: M. Ladikas, 165, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14693-5_12
New food technologies in Europe, India and China
2015. Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China. Hrsg.: M. Ladikas, 111–124, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14693-5_9
Introduction: Embedding ethics in science and technology policy - a global perspective
2015. Ladikas, M. [Hrsg.] Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China Cham [u.a.] : Springer, 2015, 1–8
Introduction: Embedding ethics in science and technology policy : A global perspective
2015. Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China. Hrsg.: M. Ladikas, 1–8, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14693-5_1
Public perceptions of science and technology in Europe, China and India
2015. Ladikas, M. [Hrsg.] Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China Cham [u.a.] : Springer, 2015, 25–37
A comparative framework for studying global ethics in science and technology
2015. Ladikas, M. [Hrsg.] Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China Cham [u.a.] : Springer, 2015, 99–110
Science and technology governance and ethics : A global perspective from Europe, India and China
2015. Cham [u.a.] : Springer, 2015
Responsible governance in science and technology policy: Reflections from Europe, China and India
2015. Technology in Society, 42, 81–92. doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2015.03.006
Towards principled Responsible Research and Innovation: employing the Difference Principle in funding decisions
2015. Journal of responsible innovation, 2 (2), 169–183. doi:10.1080/23299460.2015.1057798
Responsible-Industry - GA 609817 - WP4.1 Stakeholder Mapping and Dialogue Strategy
2015. Brüssel
Stakeholder mapping and dialogue strategy
2015. Responsible Industry GA 609817 (2015)
Responsible research annd innovation: a global perspective
2014. Lisboa : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET, 2014 (Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies ; 10), 9–27
The health impact fund. Issues and challenges
2014. Chaturveidi, S. [Hrsg.] The Living Tree : Traditional Medicine and Public Health in China and India New Delhi : Academic Foundation [u.a.], 2014, 33–50
The living tree : Traditional medicine and public health in China and India
2014. New Delhi : Academic Foundation [u.a.], 2014
A humanitarian-context research ethics framework to enhance the valorization of research results by action contre la faim (ACF)
2014. Science et technique - Revue burkinabè de la recherche - Lettres, Sciences sociales et humaines, (1), 149–256
Responsible Research and Innovation: a Global Perspective
2014. EWIS - Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies, 10, 9–27
Ethics in responsible research and innovation. A global perspective from the GEST project
2014. Responsible Governance of Science and Technologies, Perspectives from Europe, China and India, Bruxelles, B, March 19, 2014
Promoting an Inclusive Approach to Benefit Sharing: Expanding the Scope of the CBD?
2013. Benefit Sharing : From Biodiversity to Human Genetics. Ed.: D. Schroeder, 153–177, Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6205-3_7
Harmonizing policy on human genetic resources and benefit sharing
2012. Nature Biotechnology, 30, 1169–1170. doi:10.1038/nbt.2441
Embedding society in European science and technology advice
2009. Embedding society in science & technology policy: European and Chinese perspectives. Ed.: M. Ladikas, 39–64, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Optimising the impact of future-oriented technology analysis. Methodological foundations
2005. New Horizons and Challenges for Future-Oriented Technology Analysis : Proc.of the EU-US Scientific Seminar ’New Technology Foresight, Forecasting and Assessment Methods’, Sevilla, E, May 13-14, 2004 EUR-21473-EN CD-ROM (IPTS Technical Report Series)
Assessing the impact of future-oriented technology assessment
2005. New Horizons and Challenges for Future-Oriented Technology Analysis : Proc.of the EU-US Scientific Seminar ’New Technology Foresight, Forecasting and Assessment Methods’, Sevilla, E, May 13-14, 2004 EUR-21473-EN CD-ROM (IPTS Technical Report Series)
Towards a framework for assessing the impact of technology assessment
2004. Decker, M. [Hrsg.] Bridges Between Science, Society and Policy : Technology Assessment - Methods and Impacts Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2004 (Wissenschaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung ; 22), 57–85
Technology assessment in Europe: conclusions and wider perspectives
2004. Decker, M. [Hrsg.] Bridges Between Science, Society and Policy : Technology Assessment - Methods and Impacts Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2004 (Wissenschaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung ; 22), 87–98
Technology Assessment in Europe: Conclusions & wider perspectives
2004. Bridges between science, society and policy. Technology assessment - Methods and impacts Hrsg.: Decker, M.; Ladikas, M., 87–98, Springer-Verlag
Bridges between science, society and policy : technology assessment - methods and impacts
2004. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2004 (Wissenschaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung ; 22)
EU-Projekt: Technology Assessment in Europe; Between Method and Impact (TAMI)
2004. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 13 (1), 71–80
Optimising the impact of future-oriented technology analysis. Methodological foundations
2004. EU-US Seminar ’New Technology Foresight, Forecasting and Assessment Methods’, Sevilla, E, May 13-14, 2004
Assessing the impact of future-oriented technology assessment
2004. EU-US Seminar ’New Technology Foresight, Forecasting and Assessment Methods’, Sevilla, E, May 13-14, 2004