2nd young LCA researcher workshop Karlsruhe/Pfinztal: Modelling End of Life in Life Cycle Assessment
- Tagungsort:Fraunhofer ICT, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 7, 76327 Pfinztal
10:00 - 17:00 Uhr
2nd young LCA researcher workshop Karlsruhe/Pfinztal

Concept & target audience
The 2nd young LCA researcher workshop Karlsruhe offers a local platform for YOU - scientists and practitioners in the field of Life Cycle Assessment in or around Karlsruhe. We are looking for PhD-students, university students, post-docs and any other young LCA researchers who are interested to find peers in a local network. We offer an informal, protected workshop environment for you to share experience among peers, give mutual assistance and feedback and finally, develop new ideas for your work and beyond.
This full-day workshop will be interactive with few key note speeches and a focus on discussion and group activities.
Topic Rationale
In an LCA, modelling the End-of-Life phase of a life cycle is quite challenging: one must consider several different waste management scenarios, as well as the possible use of these materials as inputs in other supply chains, as valuable secondary materials or energy sources. In this workshop we will explore many different approaches to these and other issues and discuss ways to handle End-of-Life in practice.
Registration and further information
The number of participants is limited. Please write a mail with your name, institution, mail adress and your experience with End-of-Life in LCA and send it to ute.laubach∂ict.fraunhofer.de. In the workshop we would like to present the competences of the members of LCAnet. Therefore each participant or at least each institution is asked to bring a poster to the workshop and present it in a poster session.
Submission deadline is October 23rd 2015.
More information: http://www.lcanet.de/en/events/2nd-young-lca-researcher-workshop-lca-for-end-of-life/