Maryegli Fuss

Dr. Maryegli Fuss

  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Aktuelle Positionen

  • Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe „Energy-X Nexus“, Teil der Forschungsgruppe „Soziotechnische Energiezukünfte“
  • Wissenschaftliche Mentorin des Promotionsprogramms Klima, Ressourcen und Circular Economy (KLIREC)
  • Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe „New Work“ des ITAS
  • Wissenschaftliche Beratung der deutsch-indischen Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen von TU9 Universitäten

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte

  • Transdisziplinäre Forschung in der Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft
  • Inklusion in die transdisziplinäre Forschung
  • Internationalisierung von Forschung und Praxis
  • Symbiosen im Ecosystems (NEXUS)
  • Das kognitive Verhalten in der Systemanalyse
  • Kooperationsmodell und Indikatoren für nachhaltige Entwicklung
  • Analyse des Materialflusses
  • Lebenszyklus-Bewertung
  • Meta-Analyse
  • Strukturelle Agenten-Analyse
  • Semi-strukturelle Interviews (Systemanalyse-Inventare)
  • Teilnehmende Beobachtung
  • Historische Analogien
  • Eisberg-Modelle

Im Netz




Beruflicher Werdegang

seit 2012 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am ITAS
2022 Promotion in Philosophie zum Thema „Sustainable options to improve household solid waste management of Belo Horizonte, Brazil“
2012 Master of Science in Material Flow Management an der FH Trier – Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
2010 South America Project Assistant am IfaS
2010 Bachelorabschluss in Agroindustrieller Chemie an der Federal Institution of Goiás, Brasilien
2009 - 2010 Chemical Analyst am Water and Wastewater Treatment (SANEAGO), Brasilien

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Fuss, M.
Sustainable options to improve household solid waste management of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Dissertation 2022, November 25. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).

Ciotola, A.; Fuss, M.; Colombo, S.; Poganietz, W.-R.
The potential supply risk of vanadium for the renewable energy transition in Germany 2021. Journal of energy storage, 33, Art.Nr. 102094.

Fuss, M.; Barros, R. T. V.; Poganietz, W.-R.
The role of a socio-integrated recycling system in implementing a circular economy – The case of Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2021. Waste management, 121, 215–225.

Azevedo, B. D.; Scavarda, L. F.; Caiado, R. G. G.; Fuss, M.
Improving urban household solid waste management in developing countries based on the German experience 2021. Waste management, 120, 772–783.


Bolivar Paypay, V.; Suryandari, D.; Gallardo, J. P.; Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.
Investigating sustainable alternative sanitation systems through the lens of the Water-Wastewater-Waste-Energy-Food Nexus in Chilean and Indonesian communities
2023. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2023), Leiden, Niederlande, 2.–5. Juli 2023 
Ciotola, A.; Elmenshawy, A.; Elsayed, A.; Colombo, S.; Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.
A new methodological framework for the risk assessment of a sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective supply chain of raw materials
2023. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Deutschland, 12.–13. Juni 2023 
Ciotola, A.; Kuleape, R.; Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Colombo, S.
Life cycle risk assessment framework as an integrative method to establish effective solar technology companies worldwide
2023. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2023), Leiden, Niederlande, 2.–5. Juli 2023 
Fuss, M.
Sustainability from yesterday, today and tomorrow
2023. LAECESS - Latin America Early Career Earth System Scientist Network "Connecting the Dots" (2023), Online, 27. September 2023 
Fuss, M.; Francois, D. E.; Oviedo, P.; Poganietz, W.-R.
Learning with case studies: scientific contributions and solutions applicable to water-Energy-food-waste Nexus in the Global South
2023. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2023), Leiden, Niederlande, 2.–5. Juli 2023 
Fuss, M.
Energy-X NEXUS
2022, Dezember 19. Joint Seminar on "Circular economy: water-wastewater-solid waste-energy nexus in the context of sustainable urban & regional planning". Bandung, Indonesien (2022), Online, 19. Dezember 2022 
Fuss, M.; Bashary, W.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Colombo, S.; Ezzat, A. A.
Strategic relevance of critical materials for electromobility: challenges for developing policy packages
2021. Gesellschaftliche Transformationen. Hrsg. R. Lindner, 291–304, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. doi:10.5771/9783748901556-291
Azevedo, B.; Scavarda, F.; Caiado, R.; Fuss, M.
Urban Household Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries: Lessons from a Cross-Case Analysis between Brazil and Germany
2020. 7. Research and Post-Graduation Meeting in Production Engineering (EPPGEP 2020), Online, 9.–11. September 2020 
Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Barros, R.
Transdisciplinary research in industrial ecology a practice with recycling cooperatives of Belo Horizonte for the development of household solid waste management in Latin America countries
2020. Americas International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference (ISIE 2020), Lima, Peru, 6.–8. Juli 2020 
Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Barros, R.
Understanding material flow analysis and historical transformation for improvement of household solid waste management: the case of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
2020. Americas International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference (ISIE 2020), Lima, Peru, 6.–8. Juli 2020 
Fuss, M.; Bonfante, M.; Fernandes, S.; Campos, L.; Alarcon, O.
Designing framework conditions for a sustainable supply chain of Niobium in Brazil - a critical material for the future society
2019. 6th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum (2019), Göteborg, Schweden, 18.–19. März 2019 
Fuss, M.
The German national energy and climate plan (NECP)
2019. JP e3s Conference ’Pathways to Carbon Neutrality’ (2019), Brüssel, Belgien, 8. Mai 2019 
Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Abdelshafy, A.; Wulff, N.; Junne, T.
Considering critical materials in a strategic planning for the German energy transition. Discussing the relevance and supporting measures
2019. 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (2019), Peking, China, 7.–11. Juli 2019 
Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.; DaSilva, L.; Barros, R.
Socio-integrated municipal solid waste management in an era towards circular economy and sustainable development measures: the case of Belo Horizonte
2019. 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (2019), Peking, China, 7.–11. Juli 2019 
Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Bashary, W.; Colombo, S.; Abdelshafy, A.
Strategische Metalle für die Elektromobilität
2018. 8. Internationale Konferenz des Netzwerks Technikfolgenabschätzung (NTA 2018), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 7.–8. November 2018 
Fuss, M.; Xu, L.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Brown, N.; Ekener, E.
Combining environmental lifecycle assessment and energy system models: first insights for the European future decarbonized energy system
2018. 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2018), Tokio, Japan, 9.–12. Oktober 2018 
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Assessing the sustainability of concepts to close the carbon cycle - the case of olefin production
2018. 2nd Germany-Poland-Czech Republic Workshop (2018), Dresden, Deutschland, 18. Oktober 2018 
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Feasibility of feedstock combinations - the case of olefin production
2018. China - Poland - Czech Republic - Germany Workshop on Innovative Chemical Utilization of Carbon and Renewable Resources for a Carbon Economy (2019), Berlin, Deutschland, 15.–17. April 2019 
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Concepts for closing the carbon cycle - How to assess the sustainability
2018. Seminar, Universität Freiburg (2018), Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland, 29. November 2018 
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Closing the carbon cycle - assessing the sustainability of currently discussed concepts
2018. 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2018), Tokio, Japan, 9.–12. Oktober 2018 
Poganietz, W. R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Sustainability assessment of selected concepts to close the carbon cycle
2018. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (2018), Berlin, Deutschland, 3.–8. Juni 2018 
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Sustainability assessment of concepts for the circular economy by integration of chemical lignite utilization
2018. 2nd Germany-Poland-Czech Republic Workshop (2018), Dresden, Deutschland, 18. Oktober 2018 
Brown, N.; Ekener, E.; Fuss, M.; Xu, L.
Methodological considerations for applying social LCA to modelled future European energy systems n the REFLEX project
2018. 28th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting (2018), Rom, Italien, 13.–17. Mai 2018 
Xu, L.; Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Brown, N.; Ekener, E.
Developing an approach of integrating LCA and energy system models for the analysis of future European energy systems - the EFESA framework
2018. Energy Scenarios Conference - Construction, Assessment, and Impact (ESS Conference 2018), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 24.–25. September 2018 
Xu. Lei; Fuss, M.; Poganetz, W.-R.; Brown, N.; Ekener, E.
Developing an environmental and social life cycle modelling approach for the European future scenario-based decarbonized energy system
2018. Energy Modelling Platform for Europe: Modelling clean energy pathways (EMP-E 2018), Brüssel, Belgien, 25.–26. September 2018 
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.
A framework for municipal solid waste management supporting measures towards sustainability: The case of Belo Horzonte
2017. 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), Chicago, IL, June 25-29, 2017 
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.
A framework for municipal solid water waste management supporting measures towards sustainability: The case of Belo Horizonte
2017. 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST 2017), Chicago, IL, USA, 25.–29. Juni 2017 
Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W. R.
Assessing carbon-based materials of belo horizonte municipal solid waste management
2016. ECI Conference on Life Cycle Assessment and Other Assessment Tools for Waste Management and Resource Optimization, Calabria, I, June 5-10, 2016 
Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W. R.
Assessing carbon-based materials of belo horizonte municipal solid waste management
2016. ECI Conference on Life Cycle Assessment and Other Assessment Tools for Waste Management and Resource Optimization, Calabria, I, June 5-10, 2016 
Garrain, D.; Iribarren, D.; Fuss, M.; Cao, F.; Poganietz, W. R.; Dufour, J.; Lechon, Y.
Screening of sustainabilbity indicators for conventional renewable energy systems
2016. 27th SETAC Europe (2017), Brüssel, Belgien, 7.–8. Mai 2017 
Poganietz, W. R.; Fuss, M.; Lehn, H.
Integrating separate flow treatment systems for solid
2015. Vortr.: Bundesuniversität des Staates Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, BR, 24.April 2015 
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M. B.; Lehn, H.
Integrating separate flow treatment systems for solid waste and waste water treatment - a concept
2015. Bundesuniversität des Staates Minas Gerais (2015), Belo Horizonte, Brasilien, 24. April 2015 
Fuss, M.; Poganietz, W. R.; Barros, R. T. V.
Achieving sustainable waste management in Belo Horizonte City, Brazil
2015. Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology : ISIE Conference, Guildford, GB, July 7-10, 2015 
Martin-Gamboa, M.; Iribarren, D.; Fuss, M.; Garrain, D.; Lechon, Y.; Poganietz, W. R.; Dufour, J.
Screening of sustainability indicators for bioenergy systems: are they suitable for single-score aggregation?
2015. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, E, May 3-7, 2015