Dr. Davi Ezequiel François
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Forschungsgruppe „Soziotechnische Energiezukünfte“
- Tel.: +49 721 608-24675
- davi francois ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
Postfach 3640
76021 Karlsruhe
Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
- Energie-Armuts-Nexus
- Sozialer Wert von Energie
- Sozio-Kontext Energie-Szenarien
- Erneuerbare Energien
Beruflicher Werdegang
2000 - 2001 | Mitarbeiter der Zeitung „Jornal da Manhã“, Ijuí, Brasilien |
2001 - 2007 | Mitarbeiter des Computerunternehmens „Sisnema Informática“, Porto Alegre, Brasilien |
2005 - 2011 | Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Päpstlichen Katholischen Universität „Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul“ (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brasilien |
2007 - 2009 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Forschungsinstituts „Núcleo de Pesquisa em Imagens Médicas“ (NIMed) an der PUCRS, Brasilien |
2010 - 2011 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Forschungsinstituts „Centro de Energia Eólica“ (CE-EÓLICA) an der PUCRS, Brasilien |
seit 2013 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei ITAS, Stipendiat des „Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico“ (CNPq) |
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Mbungu, G.; François, D. E.; Parmentier, M. J.; Opal, A.
Principles of Inclusivity in Energy Access: Processes that Promote Equity. 2020. Pathways to Sustainable & Inclusive Energy. Insights from the 2019 AE4H Innovation Lab. Eds.: Ambika Opal, Jatin Nathwan, 16-27, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy
Oviedo-Toral, L.-P.; François, D. E.; Poganietz, W.-R.
Challenges for Energy Transition in Poverty-Ridden Regions – The Case of Rural Mixteca, Mexico. 2021. Energies, 14 (9), 2596. doi:10.3390/en14092596
Biswas, S.; Richter, J.; Miller, C. A.; Allende, C. A.; Parmentier, M. J.; Chhetri, N.; Chhetri, N.; Dreyer, S.; François, D. E.
Eradicating Poverty through Energy Innovation: Co-producing people centered energy transitions through praxis at the grassroots. 2020. 26th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference "Sustainability in Transforming Societies" (ISDRS 2020), Budapest, Ungarn, 15.-17. Juli 2020
Managing change through civic leadership: how community knowledge capacities make local energy transitions just
2024. Let Communities Lead: Community Knowledge Capacities for Local Energy Transitions. Ed.: S. Biswas; D. E. François, C. A. Miller.; M. J. Parmentier; W.-R. Poganietz, 2–7, Arizona State University
Let Communities Lead: Community Knowledge Capacities for Local Energy Transitions
2024. Arizona State University. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.28672.96006
Learning with case studies: scientific contributions and solutions applicable to water-Energy-food-waste Nexus in the Global South
2023. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2023), Leiden, Niederlande, 2.–5. Juli 2023
Future Perspectives on the Energy-Poverty Nexus in the Rural Areas of Ceará, Brazil. Dissertation
2022, November 25. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000152902
Gesellschaftliche Akzeptanzfragen bei der Umsetzung von Wasserstofftechnologien
2022. Mit Wasserstoff zur Klimaneutralität – von der Forschung in die Anwendung. Beiträge zur FVEE-Jahrestagung 2021, 38–41, ForschungsVerbund Erneuerbare Energien (FVEE)
Sistema fotovoltaico isolado de configuração mista para famílias Ribeirinhas
2022. Anais CBENS 2022, 1119
Saubere und bezahlbare Energie – für alle?
2022. doi:10.5445/IR/1000141637
Inclusive climate action is inseparable from letting communities lead their own energy transitions
2021. Let Communities Lead. Ed.: S. Biswas, 2–7, Center for Energy and Society / Arizona State University (ASU)
Solar energy enhances food sovereignty for riverbank families in the Brazilian Amazon
2021. Let Communities Lead. Ed.: S. Biswas, 58–61, Center for Energy and Society / Arizona State University (ASU)
Let Communities Lead : Stories and lessons on grassroots energy initiatives for sustainable futures
2021. Center for Energy and Society / Arizona State University (ASU)
Challenges for Energy Transition in Poverty-Ridden Regions –The Case of Rural Mixteca, Mexico
2021. Energies, 14 (9), 2596. doi:10.3390/en14092596
Promoting sustainable communities via appropriately designed and participatory energy access in rural areas of developing countries
2021. 3rd International Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids to improve energy access, September 15-17, 2021. Book of Abstracts and Programme, Universitat de les Illes Balears
The potential of hydrogen for decarbonising EU industry – Policy Brief
2021. European Union (EU)
The potential of hydrogen for decarbonising EU industry
2021. European Union (EU). doi:10.2861/271156
Globaler Energiezugang – Strom und saubere Kochmöglichkeiten
2021. technik.kontrovers "Saubere und bezahlbare Energie – für alle?" (2021), Online, 20. Mai 2021
Promoting sustainable communities via appropriately designed and participatory energy access in rural areas of developing countries
2021. 3rd International Conference on Solar Technologies and Hybrid Mini Grids to Improve Energy Access (2021), Online, 15.–17. September 2021
Principles of Inclusivity in Energy Access: Processes that Promote Equity
2020. Pathways to Sustainable & Inclusive Energy. Insights from the 2019 AE4H Innovation Lab. Eds.: Ambika Opal, Jatin Nathwan, 16–27, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy
Designing for Social Value of Energy at The Grassroots: A Multi-Criteria Design Framework for Clean Energy Interventions
2020. 26th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference "Sustainability in Transforming Societies" (ISDRS 2020), Budapest, Ungarn, 15.–17. Juli 2020
Eradicating Poverty through Energy Innovation: Co-producing people centered energy transitions through praxis at the grassroots
2020. 26th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference "Sustainability in Transforming Societies" (ISDRS 2020), Budapest, Ungarn, 15.–17. Juli 2020
Future Perspectives on the Energy-Poverty Nexus in the Rural Areas of Ceará, Brazil
2020. Summer Talks organized by the Grassroots Energy Innovation Lab from the Arizona State University (ASU 2020), Tempe, AZ, USA, 6. August 2020
Descriptors and trends used in the project eXtremOS for the development of context scenarios
Low-carbon transitions in European countries under the influence of extreme political, social, economic and energy-related developments
2019. 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions 2019, Bolzano/Bozen (Italy), 9-13 December 2019 [Abstract Booklet], 161–162, Eurac Research
Low-carbon transition in Germany under the influence of extreme political, social, economic and energy-related developments
2019. 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions (SSPCR 2019), Bozen, Italien, 9.–13. Dezember 2019
Changing the focus on energy poverty to the energy-poverty nexus. The case of rural Ceará - Brazil
2019. 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science : Energy and Society in Transition (2019), Tempe, AZ, USA, 28.–31. Mai 2019
Context energy scenarios for the energy-poverty nexus: looking beyond the number of people with access to modern energies
2018. ESS International Conference ’Energy Scenarios - Construction, Assessment, and Impact’ (2018), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 24.–25. September 2018