Pascal Vetter

Pascal Vetter, M.Sc.

  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Fields of work

  • Human-centered artificial intelligence
  • Participatory design of digital systems
  • Applied technology ethics
  • Human computer interaction

Professional background

Bachelor's degree in mechatronics with a focus on technical editing. Bachelor of Engineering 2016. Master's degree in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Siegen. Master of Science 2020.

Pascal Vetter has been active in the human-centered design of digital systems for 10 years, where he develops ways out of seemingly deadlocked situations at the interface of people, organization and technology. He accompanies decision-making processes, identifies critical factors and hidden potential and develops concepts and strategies for the realization of target-oriented solutions. In participative formats, he creates productive spaces without bans on thinking, builds bridges between management levels and specialist departments and identifies opportunities and risks of products, system landscapes and organizational structures.

With his many years of experience in scientific and business project contexts in the areas of strategy design, technology design, process analysis, knowledge management and interaction design (design thinking), he builds bridges between scientific disciplines and business practice and develops solutions and ways out of seemingly deadlocked situations. He uses applied research methods for this purpose.

Pascal Vetter has been working on his doctorate at ITAS since 2020, where he is working on a topic of human-centered AI design.


Lefint, J.; Norman, U.; Weinberger, N.; Vetter, P.; Maia, M.
Woher wissen wir, was Sie wissen?
2024. TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum & KIT Reallabore : Afterwork | Reallabor trifft Robotik (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2–6, 2024 
Soedibjo, K.; Lefint, J.; Norman, U.; Vetter, P.; Maia, M. J.; Bruno, B.; Nierling, L.; Weinberger, N.
Different Models of Knowledge -Insights from Real-World Labs on Robotic Artificial Intelligence
2024. International Conference Knowledge Transfer in and through Living Labs (2024), Aachen, Germany, June 24–26, 2024 
Nierling, L.; Vetter, P.; Weinberger, N.
Reallabor „Robotische KI“ – KI im städtischen Kontext erfahrbar machen
2023. KI-Dialog "Reallabore als Innovationstreiber" (2023), Heilbronn, Germany, March 23, 2023 
Nierling, L.; Weinberger, N.; Vetter, P.; Maia, M. J.; Asfour, T.; Krebs, F.; Peller-Konrad, F.; Reister, F.; Younes, A.; Bärmann, L.; Loewe, M.
Holding the Tension between Technological Pathways and Societal Needs : A critical Reflection on a Technology Oriented Real-World Lab
2023. 21st Annual STS Conference : Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies (2023), Graz, Austria, May 8–10, 2023 
Vetter, P.
Menschzentrierte Gestaltung - Wie die Gestaltung menschgerechter Systeme gelingen kann
2023. Ringvorlesung "What’s next?" des Masterstudiengangs Wirtschaftsinformatik (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, April 24, 2023 
Maia, M. J.; Nierling, L.; Weinberger, N.; Vetter, P.
Robotics/AI in society – a socio-technical approach from a TA and RRI perspective
2022, July 25. Helmholtz program “Engineering Digital Futures” - Topic 4: Knowledge in Action (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 22, 2022 Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Vetter, P.
Human-centered design of AI - What technology design can take up from technology assessment
2022. 5th European Technology Assessment Conference (ETAC5 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25–27, 2022 
Nierling, L.; Maia, M. J.; Weinberger, N.; Vetter, P.; Lahn, N.; Asfour, T.; Krebs, F.; Peller-Konrad, F.; Reister, F.
Real world Lab “Robotic Artificial Intelligence” - Experience artificial intelligence through humanoid robots
2022. Cultures of Artificial Intelligence - New Perspectives for Museums (2022), Online, December 1–2, 2022 Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Journal Articles
Vetter, P.
Menschzentrierte Technikgestaltung. Von Methoden, Maschinen und Menschenbildern
2021. Lehrveranstaltung "Human-Computer Interaction" / Universität Augsburg (2021), Online, July 5, 2021 
Vetter, P.
Menschzentrierte Technikgestaltung - Von Methoden, Maschinen und Menschenbildern
2021. Lehrveranstaltung "Technikgestaltung" - Studiengang "User Experience" / Hochschule Aalen (2021), Online, June 2, 2021