News 2015

News on publications you can find below.

Logo TAB25 years of TAB - music, people and machines

The "business" of the TAB is the levelheaded, balanced and thereby sometimes dry analysis - but at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag emphasis was placed on vitality.

Logo OIICooperation with the Orient-Institut Istanbul

"Human, Medicine, and Society" are the focus of the partnership between ITAS and the Orient-Institut Istanbul. The new partnership will be marked with a ceremony on December 7, 2015, where Joachim Boldt will give a talk.

TSUNew cooperation with Russian universities

ITAS has started two new TA collaborations within the framework of a long-standing collaboration with Russian universities.

Fritz GloedeObituary of Fritz Gloede

On October 2, 2015 Fritz Gloede died. He had been researcher at AFAS and ITAS from 1981 to 2012.

TAB LogoCelebration of the 25th anniversary of the TAB

The 25th anniversary of the TAB is celebrated on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 in the foyer of the Paul Löbe Building of the German Bundestag with a varied program.

In-virto FleischProject on visions of in-vitro meat

Lab-grown meat could solve the problems of traditional meat production. ITAS is researching the overall concepts and visions for this new technology on behalf of BMBF.

QuartrBack-ExpertenbeiratQuartrBack: Kick-Off meeting of the expert advisory board

"QuartrBack" aims at supporting people with dementia to lead a life as self-determined as possible. Since 23 October 2015, the joint project has been supported by an advisory board made up of experts as well as affected persons.

NTA-LogoAnnual NTA meeting at ITAS

The members of the German-language network TA (NTA) meet in Karlsruhe on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of ITAS. On 26 and 27 November 2015, two workshops are held accompanying the annual meeting.

Foto: Sean Pavone / ShutterstockTheme night "Urban Futures"

ITAS invites to a discussion on transport and energy in the city of the future on Thursday, 29 October 2015, the fourth evening of the "technik.kontrovers" series of events.

US-Professoren zu Gast am ITASUS professors visit ITAS

Two TA experts from Washington DC and Berkeley are looking for an exchange of ideas with colleagues in Karlsruhe. The focus of their joint workshops and discussions is on socio-technical systems in the energy sector.

KIT-Präsident Holger Hanselka mit dem neuen Bereichsleiter Michael DeckerMichael Decker new Head of Division at KIT

ITAS Director took over leading position at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The Professor of Technology Assessment wants to keep close contact with the Institute and the scientific TA community.

Projekt zu Partizipation an InnovationsprozessenProject on participation in innovation processes

How can technical innovations benefit from public participation? ITAS looks for answers in the BMBF-funded project "PartInno".

TABSurvey on online citizen participation

In the context of the TA project "Online citizen participation in the parliamentary work" a survey among all stakeholders - representatives of civil society organizations, citizens' groups, the media, business, science, government, or citizens - takes place.

ITAS-Hypertext im ZKMEarly ITAS work on exhibition in "Flusser show"

The so-called "Flusser hypertext" is part of the exhibition "Bodenlos. Flusser und die Künste" (Without firm ground. Flusser and the arts) at the ZKM in Karlsruhe. The show is devoted to Vilém Flusser, an outstanding media and communication philosopher.

Ökodorf Sieben Linden District Future collaborates with Ecovillage Network

What can urban districts learn from sustainability concepts that have proven themselves in ecovillages? Together with the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), the District Future invites citizens to discuss the topic at workshops in Karlsruhe.

Logo 1. Foresight FilmfestivalFilm visions for tomorrow’s world

Submissions to the 1st Foresight Film Festival were shown in Halle (Saale) on Thursday, 2 July 2015. An interdisciplinary panel of experts – including ITAS director Michael Decker – selected 16 short films for this occasion.

QuartrBack for people with dementiaProject start of "QuartrBack" for people with dementia

ITAS participates in the development of an intelligent emergency chain that enables people with dementia as much as possible to live a self-determined life.

Armin Grunwald und Michael Decker, kollegiale Institutsleitung des ITASProfessor Michael Decker appointed as collegial head of institute

The presidential committee of KIT has appointed Michael Decker in consultation with the institute as second head of ITAS. This is the successful conclusion of a process initiated by Armin Grunwald who was the sole head of the institute so far.

TAB-LogoExperts on "Additive Manufacturing (3-D printing)" wanted

The TAB is looking for experts on the question, which concrete opportunities and potentials additive manufacturing processes do have for the business location Germany. Deadline for submitting tender documents is 13.07.2015.

Zukunftsraum Karlsruhe OststadtMinister opens "Future Room" in Karlsruhe

On Saturday, 13 June 2015, the new research and meeting room in Karlsruhe’s Oststadt will be inaugurated with a varied program. Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Science Theresia Bauer and Karlsruhe’s mayor Frank Mentrup have confirmed their attendance.

Massenware FleischWhat will we eat tomorrow?

ITAS is inviting to the third public event of "technik.kontrovers", Wednesday, 10 June 2015. The focus of the evening will be new technologies of food production and questions of responsibility in dealing with food.

Begleitstudium Nachhaltige EntwicklungComplementary course Sustainable Development

The Karlsruhe School of Sustainability’s new complementary course on Sustainable Development started in the summer term 2015. ITAS cooperates with the ZAK | Centre for Cultural and General Studies to realize this course.

Professor Rafaela HillerbrandNew Professor of Ethics of Technology at ITAS

Since March 2015, Rafaela Hillerbrand has been researching and teaching at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis of KIT. The physicist and philosopher of science has moved from TU Delft to Karlsruhe.

Zukunftsraum des Quartier ZukunftFuture Room for Karlsruhe Oststadt

The projects "District Future" and "Urban Transition Lab 131" are setting up a research, conference and meeting place. The "Future Room" will be opened on 13 June 2015 on the occasion of the Baden-Württemberg Sustainability Days.

ITAS-Projekt erforscht Wege verantwortungsvoller InnovationenProject examines roads of Responsible Innovation

The up and coming concept of Responsible Innovation promises new and better forms of research and development. The new ITAS project "Responsible Innovation and TA" (RITA) takes a closer look at its basic principles and applications.

APV-RESOLA: Innovationsgruppe AgrophotovoltaikInnovation group investigates agrophotovoltaics

The combination of agriculture and power generation allows for an optimal land use. ITAS uses participatory procedures to involve the local population in technology development.

EU Projekt „Responsible-Industry“Workshop on Responsible Research and Innovation

The EU-funded project Responsible-Industry is organizing a Stakeholder Dialogue and Implementation Plan Workshop from May 20 to 21, 2015 at ITAS.

Assessing Big Data: Kooperationsprojekt gestartetAssessing Big Data: Launch of Cooperation Project

The interdisciplinary project ABIDA explores the social opportunities and risks of the use of big data and develops options for action for politics, research, and development.

PACITA conference 2015Review: PACITA conference in Berlin

The closing event of the EU project "Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment" (PACITA) with 350 scientists, stakeholders, and parliamentarians from 38 nations took place from 25 to 27 February 2015.

Projekt "Konzept der Bioökonomie"Bio-economy in the spotlight

ITAS started a new project which will reflect on the visions, targets, and expectations of a bio-based economy, reveal deficits, and discuss alternative pathways for the implementation of a bio-economy in Germany.

technik.kontrovers „Smart. Vernetzt. Gläsern? | Leben in der Datenwolke“Thematic evening on Big Data opportunities and risks

ITAS is inviting to the second evening in its public series “technik.kontrovers” on Wednesday, March 18.

Foto: © CERTESS partnershipCERTESS presents project results

ITAS and its eleven international partners analyzed the design and management of European cultural routes and developed a tool kit for cultural tourism networks.

Professor Michael DeckerMichael Decker becomes Chairman of VDI Advisory Board

The Association of German Engineers (VDI) has elected the Professor of Technology Assessment and Deputy Head of ITAS as Chairman of the Advisory Board "Society and Technology".

Logo openTAInterim assessment on TA portal

Along the lines of the question "What did we achieve, what remains to be done?" the fourth openTA workshop will be held in Berlin on 25 February 2015.

(Bild: I. Hendel / beier+wellach projekte)District Future on board of the MS Wissenschaft 2015

From April to September 2015 the exhibition ship MS Wissenschaft will set sail. An exhibit of the ITAS project "District Future – Urban Lab" is part of the exhibition "City of the Future" on board of the MS Wissenschaft.

Ehrendoktorwürde GorokhovBridge builder between Moscow and Karlsruhe

In recognition of his great commitment to the philosophy of technology and the scientific cooperation between Germany and Russia, KIT awarded Prof. Dr. Vitaly Gorokhov an honorary doctorate on 12 January 2015.

Logo TABLooking for experts for the project "Digital Media in Education"

As part of the TAB project three expert opinions will be awarded. Deadline for submission of proposals is the 23 February 2015.

Projektstart: Leitbilder und Visionen als sozio-epistemische PraktikenNew project: Visions as socio-epistemic practices

The goal of this new ITAS project is to consolidate "Vision Assessment" theoretically and to advance it as a method for Technology Assessment (TA).

Quartier Zukunft begleitet Projekt der Stadt FreiburgDistrict Future accompanies project of the City of Freiburg

Various actors are jointly developing solutions for the sustainable development of urban districts in Freiburg’s “Future Labs”. The ITAS “District Future” team provides advice and scientific support.


New publications 2015

CoverNew TAB publications on Synthetic Biology

Simultaneously to the new TAB report no. 164 on "Synthetic Biology", the TAB-Brief also focuses on the "next stage of biotechnology and genetic engineering".

Cover TATuP 3/2015TATuP Issue 3/2015 published

"Energy Storage Systems for the Energy Transition – Developments, Challenges and Systemic Analysis" is the title of the new TATuP issue, which takes a closer look at storage technologies in the areas of energy and mobility.

CoverNew Springer series on technology futures

Editors of the interdisciplinary book series "Futures of technology, Science and Society" are Armin Grunwald, Reinhard Heil and Christopher Coenen.

CoverHandlungsmöglichkeiten für Kommunikation und Beteiligung beim Stromnetzausbau

The TAB background paper no. 20 presents practical options for action.

Jahrbuch-CoverITAS Yearbook 2014/2015 published

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Institute a Yearbook has been published, which takes a look at its history, but mainly aims to provide insights into the current activities at the Institute.

NanoEthics CoverNanoEthics about the crossings between "science" and "decisions"

Researchers from ITAS are editors of the current issue of NanoEthics with the title "Science and Decisions Facing Emerging Technologies".

CoverModern power grids as a key element of a sustainable energy supply

The central objective of TAB working report No. 162 is to show technological perspectives and options for reconstruction and operation of the future power system.

Potenziale zur Erzeugung von Biomasse aus MikroalgenPhD thesis on biomass from algae

In the future, biofuels and animal feed could be produced with microalgae, the theoretical potential is high. Johannes Skarka from ITAS investigated the requirements needed to realize this potential.

Cover TATuP 2/2015TATuP Issue 2/2015 published

The new issue of "Technology Assessment – Theory and Practice" (TATuP) focuses on the topic of "Technology and Care in a Society of Longer Living".

CoverOpportunities and criteria of a general sustainability seal

The TAB report no. 163 provides an analysis of the national discussion, classifies key concepts and proposals and thus is a well-founded presentation of the potentials and problems for a sustainability seal.

Modellierte Zukunft – Energieszenarien in der wissenschaftlichen PolitikberatungPhD thesis on energy scenarios

Christian Dieckhoff published his PhD thesis under the title “Modelled Future – Energy Scenarios in Scientific Policy Advice”.

CoverConversion of power grids

The issue 45 of the TAB-Brief deals mainly with various technical aspects, as well as opportunities to participate in conversion of power grids in the context of the energy transition in Germany.

CoverTA study "Big Data in der Cloud"

The preliminary study shows that cloud computing is gaining economic importance. On the other hand, the market for big data analysis still is in its infancy.

TAB-Publikation Was kostet die NaturWhat is the price of nature?

Biological diversity is threatened all over the world – despite the expansion of nature reserves and political initiatives. The TAB study investigates whether economic instruments can give new impulses for the protection of species.

Analyse „Zur Interpretation von Energieszenarien“Analysis on the interpretation of energy scenarios

The German analysis "Zur Interpretation von Energieszenarien" provides assistance in understanding and interpreting energy scenario studies.

ITAS journal 1/2015 publishedITAS journal 1/2015 published

The new issue of "Technology Assessment – Theory and Practice" (TATuP) focuses on "TA as an Institutionalized Practice – Recent National Developments and Challenges".

Cover Technikfolgenabschätzung im politischen SystemTechnology assessment in the political system

The conflicts and connections between science and politics are in the focus of this new publication which documents the contributions to the fifth conference of the Network Technology Assessment (NTA).

Computertechnik und SterbekulturNew Publication: Computer technology and the culture of death and dying

Computer technology is changing the culture of death and dying in modern societies and is challenging the interdisciplinary thanatology to which TA can contribute.

Climate Engineering StudieTAB study on “Climate Engineering”

Technical approaches promise control of global warming. Scientists from the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) discuss these technologies and their consequences for people and the environment.
