Workshop on Responsible Research and Innovation
The project Responsible-Industry explores the incorporation of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approaches in private sector research and development. One of our main goals is to design an exemplar Implementation Plan of RRI in industry to demonstrate how industry can work together with societal actors and integrate principles and methodologies of RRI into research and innovation processes. To achieve maximum impact where it is most needed, the Implementation Plan will focus on the grand challenge of "health, demographic change and wellbeing" starting from the research and innovation activities in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Services for an ageing society.
On the 20th of May around 25 invited stakeholders from industry, policy and CSOs will come together to discuss aspects of RRI in industry as well as the Implementation Plan.
On the 21st of May from 9:30 am to 1 pm (room 413) the project will introduce itself to a wider audience and present the Implementation Plan and further outcomes of the project. In the morning, Armin Grunwald will give a short input on RRI and Bernd Stahl will introduce the Responsible-Industry project. This day is open to the public and we welcome anyone interested to join the discussions. Attendance is free, registration required. Please email: julia hahn ∂does-not-exist.kit edu (15.04.2015)
Further information