Thematic evening on Big Data opportunities and risks
Notions like "Big Data" and "Internet of Everything" evoke both, hopes and fears. It is evident that the vastly growing technical possibilities to collect, connect and change digital data are changing us and our social lives, e.g. through smartphones that record vital data, mass storage of electronic communication or digital surveillance of street traffic. How can large amounts of data be used for the welfare of individuals and society? Where do they create more transparency and when do they call into question the right to privacy? At the thematic evening "Smart. Vernetzt. Gläsern? | Leben in der Datenwolke" (engl. Smart. Linked. Vitreous? | Living in the data cloud), Wednesday, March 18 at ITAS (Karlstraße 11, Karlsruhe), ITAS researchers examine opportunities and risks of Big Data from different perspectives and include the audience in this.
Contrary to usual formats of science communication, the quarterly events of "technik.kontrovers" at ITAS aim to proceed in a connecting, interactive and diverse manner. Therefore, the researchers consciously dismiss the style of a classic lecture. Instead, they convey different positions concerning the societal dimension of particular technologies in short inputs with which they seek the immediate – and readily conterversial – exchange with the public. (05.03.2015)
Further information