Technology assessment in the political system
What role does technology assessment play in contemporary politics? Which challenges and conflicts does it have to face, for example, when it comes to assessing the political and social framework conditions of new technologies or involving citizens? Which factors hinder the implementation of the "scientifically best" solutions by political actors?
These questions are in the focus of the current publication. It documents the contributions to the fifth conference of the Network Technology Assessment (NTA) which was held on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Swiss Centre for Technology Assessment (TA-SWISS) in Bern in October 2012.
This volume, with an introduction of co-editor Michael Decker, vice director of the Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), features 19 contributions and 8 short reports. Its wide range of topics includes new approaches for the further methodological development of technology assessment, the experience gained in the conflict between politics and science as well as the description of existing conflicts and the different facets of scientific objectivity of the discussions on technology-related issues. Also practical experience on how TA is dealt with in Austria and Belgium and the ethical and moral dimensions of TA are addressed.
It has to be explicitly emphasized that the "demand side" of TA is included, too. "Technikfolgenabschätzung im politischen System" (Technology assessment in the political system) documents a panel discussion chaired by Sergio Bellucci, managing director of TA-SWISS, with Ruth Humbel, member of the Swiss National Council, Ruperta Lichtenecker, Chairwoman of the Committee on Research, Technology, and Innovation of the Austrian National Council, and Ulla Burchardt, Chairwoman of the Committee on Education, Research, and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag. The parliamentarians expressed, among other things, the wish for even better ways of communicating TA issues. (04.02.2015)
Bibliographic data:
Decker, Michael; Bellucci, Sergio; Bröchler, Stephan; Nentwich, Michael; Rey, Lucienne; Sotoudeh, Mahshid (Hg.)
Technikfolgenabschätzung im politischen System. Zwischen Konfliktbewältigung und Technologiegestaltung, Berlin: edition sigma 2014 (Gesellschaft - Technik - Umwelt, Neue Folge 17) more about the book; review (Portal für Politikwissenschaft)