Participation and governance

How can conflicts over future issues in technology and science be resolved democratically?
ITAS Tema Participation and governance

We do not know what the world will look like in 20 or even 100 years. But we can observe technological developments, social conditions, and political trends and depict possible futures. This shows that future technological consequences are created in the here and now. In the interest of desired developments, we must intervene and shape already today. However, there are considerable uncertainties and doubts about the “right” paths to take, especially since hasty decisions may lead to paths that are difficult to leave again. Thinking long-term and at the same time being flexible and able to learn in the short term is extremely ambitious. Furthermore, these deliberations, whether on the design of energy policy or the progress of digitalization, must be democratic. The difference in the level of knowledge between experts and citizens alone makes this a major challenge.

At ITAS, we address this challenge with a combination of new approaches to the long-term governance of long-term processes and their participatory design. We see long-term processes such as the phasing out of nuclear energy, the final disposal of high-level radioactive waste, the introduction of the bioeconomy, or the energy transition as socio-technical challenges. Fundamental considerations on how to deal with risk and non-knowledge also have their place at ITAS.

Knowledge transfer

We consider the exchange of knowledge between research, politics, and society as a central cross-cutting activity. ITAS focuses on the impact of participatory formats, conducts on-site real-lab research (cf. section “Transformation of Society”), citizen science projects (e.g. TeQfor1 and TechnoCitizenScience) and topic-specific citizen dialogues. In addition, we are active in policy advice for the German Bundestag and the European Parliament and publish TATuP, an open access journal, which adresses the scientific community as well as those interested in TA.

Repository research

ITAS has been analyzing the possibilities of societal participation in the search for a final repository for many years. The SOTEC-radio project aimed at new political processes considering technical and societal aspects in the management of radioactive waste. In the Public participation in the siting procedure for a final repository project, researchers investigated a cross-generational learning procedure for public participation. Furthermore, they are currently working interdisciplinarily and transdisciplinarily with citizens in the TRANSENS project on specific issues relating to the search for a final repository.

Transformation of society

With its real-world lab District Future, the Institute is dedicated to the participatory transformation of Karlsruhe’s Oststadt. Urban society and researchers jointly test and explore new paths to sustainability. Participation – from exchange of knowledge to the empowerment of actors – is at the center of a series of transdisciplinary projects in the real-world lab, such as Climate protection – let’s dare it together, #climatechallenge, or Dual Mode Participation (DUPA). The Karlsruhe Real-world Lab for Sustainable Climate Protection (KARLA) extends the radius of the real-world lab to the whole of Karlsruhe and implements transformation experiments for more climate protection with more than 30 partners. The transformation of society also relates to the development and evaluation of sector coupling strategies together with municipal stakeholders. 

Global Technology Assessment

ITAS is co-initiator and coordinator of the globalTA Network, an association of 29 non-profit members worldwide. The goals of the network are to develop global frameworks and codes of conduct for the assessment of new technologies, to promote the worldwide exchange in the field of TA and to enable the anticipatory governance of technologies.

Co-Design of technologies

Together with citizens and stakeholders, ITAS develops action-oriented knowledge on co-design, for example in the field of assistive technologies or the use of renewable resources. Projects such as TERRAIN and QuartrBack aim to contribute to the demand-oriented development of human-machine interfaces for people with visual impairments and dementia, respectively. In projects such as APV-RESOLA, GECKO and FuTuReS, researchers are developing environmentally compatible paths for biomass and energy use that meet the demand for transparency and social co-determination.


Further contact

Jonas Moosmüller
Public relations
Tel.: +49 721 608-26796


Projects on the topic

CIRCUS Energy Transition

Connecting Initiatives for Rural Communities, Upscaling their Sustainable Energy

NetZeroCities Grüne Stadt

Developing a differentiated understanding of both existing and new financing options to the promotion of energy-efficient renovation of the housing stock

Prefigure Themen Projekt

Prototypes of change addressing the housing-energy nexus

Transformation Ernährungssystem
Transformation of the food system towards sustainability

Using the example of innovations for communal catering in the Upper Rhine region

Innovation communities stärken
Strengthening and consolidation of innovation communities

Implementing the recommendations of the Climate Citizens’ Council of the Freiburg region

Study on technology assessment for quantum technologies

Publications on the topic

Albiez, M.; Stelzer, V.
Chapter 9 Energy Transition – More Than Solar Plants and Grids
2025. The Future of Cities and Energies in Western Europe – Scales, Actors and Social Experiments. Ed.: P. Hamman, 227–254, De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111378992-013
Fricke, A.
Wie können wir Wandel bewirken? Mit Entschleunigung in die Transformation
2025. Theisen, Hermann (Hg.): Klimawende jetzt. Inspirierende Wege für eine gesellschaftliche und ökologische Erneuerung, 104–108, Oekom-Verlag 
Laborgne, P.
Chapter 8 Local Energy Transitions: The Role of Socio-Technical Niches
2025. The Future of Cities and Energies in Western Europe – Scales, Actors and Social Experiments. Ed.: P. Hamman, 207–226, De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111378992-012
Smeddinck, U.
Die Standortvereinbarung: Raumentwicklung, kooperative Gerechtigkeit und Emotionen – Die singuläre Infrastruktur eines Endlagers für hochradioaktive Abfälle als Anlass für Kompensationen
2025. Smeddinck, Ulrich; Sierra, Rosa; Schwarz, Lucas (Hg.): Kooperative Gerechtigkeit – blühende Landschaft? Die Standortvereinbarung nach § 10 Abs. 4 S. 3 Standortauswahlgesetz – Interdisziplinäre Beiträge, 19–51, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH 
Smeddinck, U.; Sierra, R.; Schwarz, L.
Kooperative Gerechtigkeit – blühende Landschaft? Die Standortvereinbarung nach § 10 Abs. 4 S. 3 Standortauswahlgesetz: zur Einführung
2025. Smeddinck, Ulrich; Sierra, Rosa; Schwarz, Lucas (Hg.): Kooperative Gerechtigkeit – blühende Landschaft? Die Standortvereinbarung nach § 10 Abs. 4 S. 3 Standortauswahlgesetz – Interdisziplinäre Beiträge, 9–17, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH 
Albiez, M.; Weinberger, N.; Hebich, M.
Wissenstransfer in Zeiten der Transformation
2024. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 1–8 
Bechthold, E.; Enderle, S.
Hands on! Mit kollaborativem Erarbeiten von Lösungsideen zu neuen Räumen der Zusammenarbeit : die Arbeitsweise des Design Thinking
2024. Transdisziplinäre Ansätze in der nuklearen Entsorgungsforschung : Erfahrungen und Reflexionen aus dem Projekt TRANSENS, 2024 (17), 99–116. doi:10.21268/20240529-4
Eckhardt, A.; Becker, F.; Mintzlaff, V.; Scheer, D.; Seidl, R.
Das Unbekannte vorausdenken : Entscheidungen unter Ungewissheit und zum Umgang mit Ungewissheiten
2024. Entscheidungen in die weite Zukunft : Ungewissheiten bei der Entsorgung hochradioaktiver Abfälle. Hrsg.: A. Eckhardt, 383–403, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-42698-9_18Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Eckhardt, A.; Becker, F.; Mintzlaff, V.; Scheer, D.; Seidl, R. (Eds.)
Entscheidungen in die weite Zukunft : Ungewissheiten bei der Entsorgung hochradioaktiver Abfälle
2024. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-42698-9
Farham, B.; Craveiro, F.; Moniz, A. B.; Seebacher, A.
Impact of Urban Morphology on Energy Consumption—An Approach Towards Sustainability
2024. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023), Leiria, 10th-12th May 2023, Ed.: J. Galvão, 169–176, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-48532-9_16
Grunwald, A.
Offene Zukunft und unsicheres Zukunftswissen: die Endlagerung hochradioaktiver Abfälle
2024. Entscheidungen in die weite Zukunft : Ungewissheiten bei der Entsorgung hochradioaktiver Abfälle. Hrsg.: A. Eckhardt, 13–30, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-42698-9_2Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Holst, J.; Potthast, T.; Fritz, H.; Nölting, B.; Singer-Brodowski, M.; Albiez, M.; Betz, C.; Lang, D. J.; Meyer, S.; Ober, S.; Parodi, O.; Schaltegger, S.; Scheiding, C.; Weynand, M.
Vom Ziel zur Normalität
2024. Deutsche Universitätszeitung, (2), 20–23 
Lissandrello, E.; Laborgne, P.; Pinto de Sousa, R.
Social Justice: How might we ensure that the 15-minute City promotes a just urban mobility transition where nobody is left behind?
2024. Navigating the 15-minute City. First Learnings and Discussions from the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership. Ed. : Zeisel, Lena; Jäger, Maximilian; Hanna, Kristin, 42–43, Driving Urban Transitions (DUT)