ITAS in plain language
What we do
Here you find information about our work.
We deal with new technology.
We want new technology to help people and the environment.
We explore the consequences of a new technology.
We ask people who have already tested a new technology.
We call it technology assessment.
We help to make new technology better and safer.
Who we work with
ITAS works together with people from other fields of science.
We talk to each other and help each other.
We are part of many networks all over the world.
We work with partners from the US, China, and other countries.
We belong to the KIT and work very closely with some of its other departments.
K I T stands for Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Research and teaching are very important at KIT.
Scientists do research and teach there.
Young people study at KIT when they have finished school.
So KIT is called a research university.
Who we inform
Here you find information about our work for politicians.
ITAS advises the German Federal Parliament, which we call Bundestag.
ITAS has its own office for this purpose.
We call it TAB.
T A B stands for Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag.
We advise the members of parliament and help them to make decisions.
The members of parliament talk about new laws.
They pass new laws that apply to everybody in Germany.
The members have to agree on what the government spends its money on.
It is important that they are well informed about new technology.
They need to know what consequences new technology has for people.
We also advise some ministries.
For example, the Ministry of Research and Education.
Or the Ministry of Economics.
We also advise politicians from other countries in Europe and the European Union.
ITAS topics in plain language
Here you will find information about our fields of work.
ITAS deals with many topics.
All people should be informed about new technology.
That is why we put the information about new technology on our website.
Click here to go to the summary of ITAS topics in plain language.
Maybe something is missing on this website.
Maybe you have ideas or questions.
Write us an e-mail.
The e-mail address is:
buero ∂does-not-exist.itas kit edu
You can also call us.
The phone number is:
07 21 60 82 67 22