Publications of ITAS and TAB

Here you will find the publications of the ITAS - including the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) and the Central Department of Material Flows (ITAS-ZTS) - with their bibliographic information.

For access, an interactive interface is available, which contains a search for words as well as various filter possibilities: the ITAS publication database via openTA publication service. Alternatively, you will find predefined selections on the publication data stock:

Publications sorted by publication date
2021-2025 - 2016-2020 - 2011-2015 - 2006-2010 - 2001-2005 - 1985-2000

Publications sorted by type of publication
Monographs and edited volumes - Research reports and Preprints - High-school graduations - Book chapters - Journal articles - Conference papers - Reviews - Presentations

Book series


ZTS Publikationen (ITC-ZTS)

Further information on the publication lists of ITAS and TAB

  • Publication lists of research projects can be found at the respective project pages.
  • Publication lists of ITAS and TAB staff can be found on the respective staff members’ page and can be accessed via these pages.
  • TAB also offers an overview of its publications on its own web server.
  • The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology offers further search options, namely the publication catalog of KIT.
  • An access to the publications of the NTA institutions including ITAS provides the openTA publication service.