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Karl9 – science hub for technology and society

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Welcome to the leading international institution for technology assessment!

Scientific and technological progress does not only improve our lives, but frequently has unexpected and often undesirable effects. At ITAS, we contribute to realizing its potential while minimizing its risks. 

Our addressees are politics, business, and society – the actors who shape scientific and technological progress. We offer them knowledge for action and point out possible solutions to global challenges.

ITAS profile

Hybrid forms of work and their social implications

The combination of onsite and offsite work has become widespread in Germany in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A new TAB study explores the current prevalence of these forms of work, their acceptance, and their health, economic and social impacts.

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On the way to the municipal heat transition

How can we heat in a climate-friendly way in the future? In the KOMM-WÄRME project, ITAS researchers examine how the municipal heat transition can succeed with measures at the interface between technology and society.

TAB study on nuclear fusion

Nuclear fusion is now within reach thanks to recent advances. A new compact study examines the current state of the art and identifies critical knowledge gaps and the resulting research needs on the way to a possible fusion power plant.

New TATuP on “Material transitions in architecture and construction”

Modern architecture and construction methods create an ever-increasing demand for reinforced concrete, generating huge amounts of CO2 emissions. The new TATuP Special topic shows what a sustainable material transition could look like.




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