Sustainability and transformation of the energy system

Which local and global strategies point the way to a resource-saving future?
ITAS topic Sustainability and transformation of the energy system

The ecological crisis has been moving further up the list of pressing problems facing humanity for decades – not only because of climate change but also due to the loss of biodiversity, sinking groundwater levels, the degradation of arable land, and the pollution of the oceans. Despite all the commendable progress in the efficiency of modern technology and all the efforts made so far, such as in the German energy transition, the crisis is far from being overcome. Creative approaches and new thinking are needed, also for better use of scarce resources as part of a circular economy. The concept of sustainability points to ways to ensure that future generations can still meet their needs. However, it must be laid down for every individual issue.

The importance of sustainability in our daily lives and its practical implementation in the international community is one of the central research fields at ITAS. The Institute has developed a special integrative concept for sustainability assessment. Sustainability is also at the heart of real-world lab research, orients our research on the reorganization of economic processes toward renewable raw materials (bioeconomy), and guides ITAS’s research on new technologies and transformation paths for the energy system. ITAS also explores fundamental ethical aspects of sustainability.

Real-world lab research

Real-world lab research and development is the subject of numerous projects at ITAS and is characterized by its transdisciplinary nature. The District Future – Urban Lab, for example, was established in 2012 as one of the first real-world labs in Germany. There, in addition to the development of methods, ITAS carries out real-world lab projects, such as Energy transformation in dialogue for the participatory and sustainable design of our future energy system or Universities in society on a culture of sustainability at universities. The Karlsruhe Real-world Lab for Sustainable Climate Protection (KARLA), which implements transformation experiments in Karlsruhe with more than 30 partners, also works on this topic. A further key element is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center.

Society and energy transition

The work of ITAS aims at dynamically embedding the energy transition in social, economic, environmental and technological contexts. Thereby the perception of the society is a decisive factor. The researchers of the institute adopt a holistic perspective and involve a wide range of stakeholders. For example, they are assessing transformation pathways for sustainable regional energy systems (ENSURE), develop scenarios for the pan-European exchange of energy (eXtremOS) or for remote regions (e.g. in Mexico and Brazil) to overcome poverty.

Additionally, the transformation of local energy systems by integrating wastewater and solid waste infrastructures is in the focus (RUN). Furthermore, the researchers are working on a stronger anchoring of sustainability aspects in engineering education (NaProIng). They support the implementation of the European Commission's Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SUPEERA) and are working on sustainable raw material supply chains for solar cells.


In the field of bioeconomy, ITAS evaluates the energetic and material use of agricultural and forestry residues (Energy System 2050) or products made from algae (PHOTFUEL, ABACUS). In addition to ecological, social, and economic aspects, the focus is on the sustainable use of resources and closed cycles (ALG-AD). The resilience of urban forests and their contribution to livable cities is being studied by researchers in the GreenLung project.

Sustainability assessment

The Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development (ICoS) developed at ITAS formulates three overarching sustainability goals: securing human existence, maintaining society’s productive potential, and preserving society’s options for development and action. To achieve these goals, it is important to equally consider and integrate social, ecological, and economic aspects. A particular scientific challenge is the (further) development and application of integrative assessment methods that do justice to the complexity of the application contexts (e.g., the energy system).


Further contact

Jonas Moosmüller
Public relations
Tel.: +49 721 608-26796

Projects on the topic

CIRCUS Energy Transition

Connecting Initiatives for Rural Communities, Upscaling their Sustainable Energy

NetZeroCities Grüne Stadt

Developing a differentiated understanding of both existing and new financing options to the promotion of energy-efficient renovation of the housing stock

Prefigure Themen Projekt

Prototypes of change addressing the housing-enery nexus

Transformation Ernährungssystem
Transformation of the food system towards sustainability

Using the example of innovations for communal catering in the Upper Rhine region

Freiburg Innovation communities
Strengthening and consolidation of innovation communities

Implementing the recommendations of the Climate Citizens’ Council of the Freiburg region


Research Infrastructure Services for Renewable Energy


Inter- and transdisciplinary measures to reduce tree mortality for preserving ecosystem services in cities in the face of increasing drought, heat stress, and urbanization


Publications on the topic

Albiez, M.; Stelzer, V.
Chapter 9 Energy Transition – More Than Solar Plants and Grids
2025. The Future of Cities and Energies in Western Europe – Scales, Actors and Social Experiments. Ed.: P. Hamman, 227–254, De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111378992-013
Fricke, A.
Wie können wir Wandel bewirken? Mit Entschleunigung in die Transformation
2025. Theisen, Hermann (Hg.): Klimawende jetzt. Inspirierende Wege für eine gesellschaftliche und ökologische Erneuerung, 104–108, Oekom-Verlag 
Laborgne, P.
Chapter 8 Local Energy Transitions: The Role of Socio-Technical Niches
2025. The Future of Cities and Energies in Western Europe – Scales, Actors and Social Experiments. Ed.: P. Hamman, 207–226, De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111378992-012
Albiez, M.; Weinberger, N.; Hebich, M.
Wissenstransfer in Zeiten der Transformation
2024. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 1–8 
Dusseldorp, M.; Does, E.; Hillerbrand, R.; Parodi, O.
How to develop a Code of Ethics for real-world labs
2024. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33 (4), 397–406. doi:10.14512/gaia.33.4.11Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Farham, B.; Craveiro, F.; Moniz, A. B.; Seebacher, A.
Impact of Urban Morphology on Energy Consumption—An Approach Towards Sustainability
2024. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023), Leiria, 10th-12th May 2023, Ed.: J. Galvão, 169–176, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-48532-9_16
Holst, J.; Potthast, T.; Fritz, H.; Nölting, B.; Singer-Brodowski, M.; Albiez, M.; Betz, C.; Lang, D. J.; Meyer, S.; Ober, S.; Parodi, O.; Schaltegger, S.; Scheiding, C.; Weynand, M.
Vom Ziel zur Normalität
2024. Deutsche Universitätszeitung, (2), 20–23 
Lissandrello, E.; Laborgne, P.; Pinto de Sousa, R.
Social Justice: How might we ensure that the 15-minute City promotes a just urban mobility transition where nobody is left behind?
2024. Navigating the 15-minute City. First Learnings and Discussions from the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership. Ed. : Zeisel, Lena; Jäger, Maximilian; Hanna, Kristin, 42–43, Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) 
Ober, S.; Szaguhn, M.; Fricke, A.
Transdisziplinarität : Wie die Kooperation von Wissenschaft und Praxisakteuren in Reallaboren soziale Innovationen in der Stadt fördert
2024. Urbane Transformation durch soziale Innovation. Hrsg.: C. Peer, 219–226, Technische Universität Wien Academic Press (TU Wien). doi:10.34727/2024/isbn.978-3-85448-064-8_28Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Parodi, O.; Ober, S.; Lang, D. J.; Albiez, M.
Reallabor versus Realexperiment: Was macht den Unterschied?
2024. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33 (2), 216–221. doi:10.14512/gaia.33.2.4Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Parodi, O.; Seebacher, A.
Real-world Labs and Living Labs
2024. Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity, Hrsg. : Frédéric Darbellay, 421–425, Edward Elgar Publishing 
Scholz, N.; Trenks, H.
2024, July 30 
Seebacher, A.; Böhm, S.; Boerman, E.
Materials libraries as knowledge tools on the path toward a circular construction industry
2024. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 33 (3), 35–41. doi:10.14512/tatup.7147Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document