Beruflicher Werdegang
2022 - 2024 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am ITAS (Postdoc) |
seit 2019 | Dozentin für Landschaftsarchitektur an der Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, China |
2017 - 2018 | Forschungsassistentin am Medizinisch-Botanischen Garten der Autonomen Region Guangxi Zhuang, China |
2014 - 2017 | Doktorandin in Ökologie am Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology der Chinesischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (CAS) Dissertation: Räumliche und zeitliche Variationen der städtischen Vegetation und der Kohlenstoffspeicherung im Boden: eine Fallstudie in Harbin |
2011 - 2014 | M.Sc. in Botanik an der Northeast Forestry University, China Masterarbeit: Reaktion des Wachstums und der interspezifischen Konkurrenz von Pinus koraiensis und Quercus mongolica Sämlingen auf Trockenheit |
2007 - 2011 | B.A. in Forstschutz an der Northeast Forestry University, China |
Lv, H.; Dermann, A.; Dermann, F.; Petridis, Z.; Köhler, M.; Saha, S.
Comparable diameter resulted in larger leaf area and denser foliage in the park trees than in street trees: A study on Norway maples of Karlsruhe city, Germany
2024. Heliyon, 10 (1), Art.-Nr.: e23647. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23647
Comparable diameter resulted in larger leaf area and denser foliage in the park trees than in street trees: A study on Norway maples of Karlsruhe city, Germany
2024. Heliyon, 10 (1), Art.-Nr.: e23647. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23647
Lv, H.; Gangwisch, M.; Saha, S.
Crown die-back of peri-urban forests after combined heatwave and drought was species-specific, size-dependent, and also related to tree neighbourhood characteristics
2024. Science of The Total Environment, 913, Art.-Nr.: 169716. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169716
Crown die-back of peri-urban forests after combined heatwave and drought was species-specific, size-dependent, and also related to tree neighbourhood characteristics
2024. Science of The Total Environment, 913, Art.-Nr.: 169716. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169716
Saha, S.; Beckmann-Wübbelt, A.; Almeida, I.; Fricke, A.; Schobert, M.; Cueva, J.; Albrecht, A.; Hirsch, M.; Gangwisch, M.; Matzarakis, A.; Köhler, M.; Collet, F.; Laux, M.; Lv, H.
Combining inter-and transdisciplinary research approaches to increase the resilience of urban forests to climate change impacts in Southwest Germany
2023. 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests (2023), Washington, DC, USA, 16.–20. Oktober 2023
Combining inter-and transdisciplinary research approaches to increase the resilience of urban forests to climate change impacts in Southwest Germany
2023. 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests (2023), Washington, DC, USA, 16.–20. Oktober 2023
Laux, M.; Lv, H.; Entling, M. H.; Schirmel, J.; Narang, A.; Köhler, M.; Saha, S.
Native pedunculate oaks support more biodiversity than non-native oaks, but non-native oaks are healthier than native oaks: a study on street and park trees of a city
2022. The science of the total environment, 853, 158603. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158603
Native pedunculate oaks support more biodiversity than non-native oaks, but non-native oaks are healthier than native oaks: a study on street and park trees of a city
2022. The science of the total environment, 853, 158603. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158603
Laux, M.; Lv, H.; Saha, S.
Native pedunculate oaks support more biodiversity than non-native oaks, but non-native oaks are healthier than native oaks: A study on street and park trees of a city
2022. International Research Conference Singapore (2022), Online, 26.–27. Oktober 2022
Native pedunculate oaks support more biodiversity than non-native oaks, but non-native oaks are healthier than native oaks: A study on street and park trees of a city
2022. International Research Conference Singapore (2022), Online, 26.–27. Oktober 2022
Laux, M.; Lv, H.; Saha, S.
Native Pedunculate Oaks Support More Biodiversity than Non-native Oaks, but Non-native Oaks are Healthier than Native Oaks: A Study on Street and Park Trees of a City
2022. Urban Transitions (2022), Sitges, Spanien, 8.–10. November 2022
Native Pedunculate Oaks Support More Biodiversity than Non-native Oaks, but Non-native Oaks are Healthier than Native Oaks: A Study on Street and Park Trees of a City
2022. Urban Transitions (2022), Sitges, Spanien, 8.–10. November 2022
Lv, H.; Dermann, A.; Dermann, F.; Saha, S.
Comparable diameter and light availability resulted to bigger leaf area and denser foliage in the park than street trees: A study on Norway maple
2022. Urban Transitions (2022), Sitges, Spanien, 8.–10. November 2022
Comparable diameter and light availability resulted to bigger leaf area and denser foliage in the park than street trees: A study on Norway maple
2022. Urban Transitions (2022), Sitges, Spanien, 8.–10. November 2022