Neue ITAS-Stellenausschreibung | Position at ITAS [28.03.2006]
ITAS sucht für das Projekt "Energiepolitik und Verkehr", das im Rahmen der STOA-Aktivitäten angesiedelt ist, eine Sozialwissenschaftlerin oder einen Sozialwissenschaftler mit einschlägiger Berufserfahrung in dem Bereich. Die Stelle ist auf zwei Jahre befristet. Die Bewerbungsfrist läuft noch bis zum 5. April 2006.
Job description in English
The Institute for Technology Assessment and Technology Assessment (ITAS) of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe invites applications for the position of a
Research Scientist / Project Manager
Candidates are sought in the fields at the intersection of energy and transportation policies and new energy technologies for transportation and power system applications.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Analysis of national and European energy policies; Development of energy innovation strategies and scenarios; alternative transportation fuels; energy conversion, storage, and transmission; assessment of future transportation and energy technologies.
Prerequisites for the application are experience in collaboration in a multidisciplinary research group as well as scientific achievements as a research scientist (political sciences, social sciences, economics) at a school of higher education / university, non-university institute, industry, or administration.
Excellent English written and oral communication skills are required, good language skills in German would be beneficial.
Applications of women are specifically invited. In the case of similar qualification, competence, and specific achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms within the framework of the legal possibilities. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.
Documents in support of an application, enclosing CV, scientific career, structured catalogue of publications, acquired third-party funds and reprints of the three most important publications should be submitted to Antje Hase, Ref. Stellenauschreibung 2006-49, Hauptabteilung Personal und Soziales, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen.