Public discussion on broadband, media convergence and leading media [07.12.2012] On the TAB report "Gesetzliche Regelungen für den Zugang zur Informationsgesellschaft", the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment, and of Economics and Technology of the German Bundestag perform together with the TAB on 16th January 2013 in the German Bundestag a public technical discussion. more |
New publication: Technikzukünfte – first volume of a new series by acatech, called "acatech IMPULS" [06.12.2012] The National Academy of Science and Engineering, acatech, set up a project group in 2010 in order to investigate "Technikzukünfte: Vorausdenken – Erstellen – Bewerten" (Technology Futures: Anticipation – Design - Evaluation). The project group under the direction of Armin Grunwald met between September 2010 and June 2012 and finished its work delivering the present publication, which is at the same time the first volume of a new series by acatech called "acatech IMPULS" . more |
TAB report "Organic Farming and biomass production" [03.12.2012] The Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment at the German Parliament approved TAB working report No. 151. more |
TAB report "The supply of the German economy in raw materials and materials for high technology" [03.12.2012] The Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment at the German Parliament approved TAB working report No. 150. more |
Issue 2 / 2012 of the ITAS Journal "Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis" (TATuP) has been published [30.11.2012] The main topic is titled "Science and/or Technology Assessment". more |
New project: openTA [30.11.2012] openTA, a project to establish a specialist Internet portal on TA, was launched in Bern in the context of the NTA5 conference. The project is funded by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). more |
High-level delegation from the United States in the TAB [14.11.2012] A high-level ten-member delegation of politicians from the United States visited on the 12th November 2012 the TAB. more |
New publication: Technikzukünfte als Medium von Zukunftsdebatten und Technikgestaltung [13.11.2012]
This book brings together articles by Armin Grunwald about technology futures (Technikzukünfte) in order to strengthen the concept in scientific discourse and as a conceptual contribution to the foundation of a new institute of KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) called ITZ (Institut für Technikzukünfte). more |
Launch of TA portal [23.10.2012] The PACITA project, with ITAS as one of its partners, is establishing an innovative web platform providing comprehensive access to resources in technology assessment (TA): On 22 October 2012, in a meeting of the Council of the European Parliamentary Technology Assessment (EPTA) network, the Technology Assessment Portal was launched officially. more |
Two China-Europe workshops in Beijing [18.10.2012] Two China-Europe workshops on socio-technological change and multidisciplinary research were held in Beijing on September 6 and 7 2012. They were initiated by the Rathenau Instituut, ITAS, and the member institutions of the European project Global Ethics in Science and Technology (GEST). more |
ITAS supports five national Biomass Support Centers in the Project BioenNW [12.10.2012] Within the EU Interreg Project "Delivering Local Bioenergy to North-Western Europe - BioenNW", ITAS supports five national Biomass Support Centers by modeling regional potentials for the sustainable utilization of biomass. more |
New publication: "Wissen für das Parlament" (Knowledge for the parliament) [26.09.2012] Technology Assessment for the German Parliament provided by a unique institutionalized advisory body can look back today on a tradition of more than 20-years. This volume reflects the opportunities, but also the difficulties of TA as a form of policy advice. more |
TAB report on "renewable base load" (regenerative Grundlast) [25.09.2012] The starting point of the project "Renewable energy for securing the base load in electricity supply" (Regenerative Energieträger zur Sicherung der Grundlast in der Stromversorgung) was the question of how the base load can be secured in a power system, which is already dependent on a substantial share of fluctuating renewable energy. more |
Launch of a HGF-project on energy efficiency of industrially relevant chemical reactions [06.09.2012] On 1 July 2012 the Helmholtz-Energy-Alliance launched a project titled "Energy-efficient multi-phase chemical processes". Partners of two HGF centers and four universities, and a Fraunhofer Institute try to optimize the energy efficiency of industrially relevant chemical reactions on various system levels. more |
TA Conference within the PACITA Project in Prague – extended Call for Papers [09.08.2012] The deadline for the submission of proposals for conference contributions has been extended until 9 September 2012. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to Ms. Iva Vančurová. more |
New publication: Is technology the future of human nature? [01.08.2012] The present book is the result of an essay contest and gathers 36 of the most interesting contributions, accompanied by an introduction by the editors. more |
Publication on market formation in innovation systems with the example of photovoltaic technology [31.07.2012] This monograph, published by LIT Verlag in the series "economic geography", is the dissertation of Ulrich Dewald. more |
New Release: End of an Illusion [30.07.2012] Concerns about ecology and environment are increasingly shifted to the private sphere. more |
International workshop on transition research within the context of the Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS [27.07.2012] "Transition Research for the German Energy Transition" was the theme of the international and interdisciplinary workshop from July 5 to 6, 2012, hosted by ITAS within the context of the Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS. The theme chosen for the workshop reflects the major task of the Alliance to research the transformation of the energy system in the course of the implementation of new energy policy in Germany. more |
Issue 1 / 2012 of the ITAS Journal "Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis" (TATuP) has been published [26.07.2012] The main topic of the current issue is "Challenges and Perspectives of Microalgae Production". All contributions to this topic are in English. more |
The STOA project "Nano Safety - Risk Governance of Manufactured Nanoparticles" published its final report [17.07.2012] The project for the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel of the European Parliament that ended in October 2011 makes its final report now publicly available. more |
Humans and Technology at the city hall [16.07.2012] With a high-level involvement of ITAS on July 4th, 2012, the KIT focus of research "Humans and Technology" (MuT) introduced itself as part of the event series "KIT at the city hall". Beside a one-week poster exhibition in the upper foyer of the city hall, in the evening, interested citizens were briefed on the objectives and the research work of the focus. more |
Interim evaluation of the Helmholtz program "Technology, Innovation and Society" [13.07.2012] On July 11th, the interim evaluation of the Karlsruhe part of the Helmholtz program "Technology, Innovation and Society" (TIS) has taken place. All research carried out by ITAS for the Helmholtz Association belongs to TIS. more |
New STOA project on cloud computing and social networks [11.06.2012] A new STOA project has been launched by ETAG. The project will incorporate and assess the key findings and conclusions of the relevant research conducted in the field of Cloud Computing services and Social Network Websites. more |
New publication: Der Systemblick auf Innovation [06.06.2012] Within this volume contributions are gathered dealing with socio-economic innovations from the perspective of a prospective systemic view. more |
Experts wanted for the project "Opportunities and criteria for a sustainability label for consumers" [05.06.2012] The call for experts is open until 04.07.2012. more |
Opening of the Helmholtz Research School on Energy Scenarios 10 May 2012 [23.05.2012] On 10 May the Helmholtz Research School on Energy Scenarios has been opened officially with a reception. Talks have been held by Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Bauer (KIT Energy Centre), Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald (KIT-ITAS) and Dr. Ulrich Fahl (University of Stuttgart). more |
New publication: Robo- and Informationethics [08.05.2012] In 2010 and 2011 a series of international workshops on the topic “Robotics and Information Ethics” was held at KIT, which were the starting point for this publication. more |
Public event May 23: "Women and Technology" (Frauen und Technik) [03.05.2012] In the public event jointly organized by the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag, the National Women's Council and the TAB, it will be explored which new opportunities would open up, if women were earlier and more intensely involved in technology development processes. more |
International Summer School "Scientific Knowledge and the Transgression of Boundaries" [25.04.2012] From 27 to 31 August 2012, the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis will be organising an International Summer School for PhD students in San Sebastian, Spain, in partnership with the Post-Graduate Program in Philosophy, Science and Values of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). more |
TA Conference within the PACITA Project, Prague 13 to 15 March 2013 – Call for Papers [24.04.2012] For the first time in over two decades, there will be a European Conference on Technology Assessment. The main focus of the conference will be the "great transitions" currently confronting European societies. more |
CONSIDER: New EU-project about stakeholder partizipation in research [16.04.2012] The project "Civil Society Organisations In Designing Research Governance (CONSIDER)" seeks to construct different models for the participation of civil society organisations in research projects. more |
Summer School of EU project PACITA [13.04.2012] The European project PACITA announces its first European summer school. Its topic is "Renewable Energy Systems: role and use of Parliamentary Technology Assessment" and it will take place in Liège, June 25th to 28th, 2012. more |
ITAS moves to the city center of Karlsruhe [03.04.2012] ITAS has got a new home. Now the entire institute can be reached at the Karlsruhe city center: Karlstrasse 11, near the Europaplatz. more |
ITAS is part of Sustainability Days [29.03.2012] The event "Karlsruhe zeigt Nachhaltigkeit" will take place on April 20th at the Tollhaus. Entry deadline for the photography competition is April 18th. more |
New publication: "Sustainable Development – Relationships to Culture, Knowledge and Ethics" [24.03.2012] The aim of this book is to forward the scientific debates about epistemic, ethical, and cultural implications of sustainable development on an interdisciplinary and international level. more |
New publication: "Zukünftige Themen der Innovations- und Technikanalyse" [23.03.2012] Four short studies of the ITA-Monitoring-project "Identification of future topics for the innovation and technology analysis" exemplify the demand of innovation and technology analysis. more |
World Water Day 2012 [22.03.2012] Food security and water are the focus of this year's World Water Day by the United Nations. KIT and ITAS present their work on this topic. more |
Experts wanted for the topic "Pharmaceuticals for Africa" [16.03.2012] The call for experts is open until 16.04.2012. more |
News issue of "TAB-Brief" [14.03.2012] The "TAB-Brief" No. 40 addresses "Pharmakologisches Enhancement – Entzauberung eines Hypethemas". more |
New publication: "Teaching technology assessment" [13.03.2012] Technology assessment is a relatively young transdisciplinary research field that, in recent decades, has been established at universities as well. Consequently, teaching TA became a new important task of TA. more |
Revised and updated new edition: "Sustainability" [12.03.2012] This extended introduction into "sustainability" draws on a wide range of sustainability research carried out in ITAS for the last twenty years. more |
Fiercer Competition for Quicker Innovations [07.03.2012] ITAS study analyzes business models of Mobile Services in Europe, Asia, and America. It further provides recommendations for the European Market. (KIT press release) more |
TAB is looking for a surveyor on “Valorization of biodiversity” [05.03.12] The call for experts is open until 02.04.2012. more |
Experts wanted for the project "Synthetic Biology" [24.02.2012] The call for experts is open until 19.03.2012. more |
New source of information: EPTA Briefing note no. 1 [22.02.2012] The network of parliamentary TA institutions in Europe, EPTA, aims to state its position on current issues of science- and technology politics by disseminating so-called "Briefing notes". No 1 on "Synthetic biology" has just been published. more |
PhD program of network NTA extended by two years [13.02.2012] In December the BMBF (The Federal Ministry of Education and Research) has agreed to the extension of the PhD program "TRANSDISS" for another two years. With that, the network is also open for new candidates. more |
TAB working report published on "E-Petitions" in Europe [02.02.2012] |
New European TA magazine [01.02.2012] The focus of the first issue of the magazine "VOLTA – Science, Technology and Society in Europe" is on energy supply. more |
Newly published: "Quantum Engagements" [30.01.2012] This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the second Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET) that took place in Darmstadt in 2010. more |
Newly published: "Im Dienste der Schönheit" (In service of beauty) [27.01.2012] This book is dedicated to the analysis of the philosophical, medical, ethical, social, and legal aspects of aesthetic surgery – for the first time in the German-speaking area. more |
Newly published: "Sustainable Development - The Cultural Perspective" [12.01.2012] In this publication the relationship between culture and sustainability is analyzed on an interdisciplinary and international level, conceptionally as well as generically. more |