ITAS is part of Sustainability Days [29.03.2012]
As part of the Sustainability Days "Ab in die Zukunft!" in Baden-Württemberg young and old will have the opportunity to present and discuss their ideas of what sustainable development can look like in Karlsruhe. ITAS within the KIT focus "Humans and Technology" as well as the KIT Centers "Energy" and "Climate and Environment" invite everyone interested to the event "Karlsruhe zeIgt NachhaltigkeiT" at the cultural center Tollhaus. For all the kids who have always wanted to see how to make a (fair) difference in the world, the "Eine Welt Theater" will show puppet Fernanda on her journeys (starting at 4.30 pm). Afterwards (starting at 6 pm) a panel discussion with different personalities and involved citizens will debate on how to overcome sustainability deficits. Following this, a world café will offer the visitors the chance to become active participants themselves. Here they will have the opportunity to discuss sustainability issues in Karlsruhe.
Everyone who wants their creative side to speak can participate in the photography competition "What does sustainability mean for you? Show us your point of view!". Entry deadline is April 18th. All pictures will be exhibited during the event on April 20th and the winners of great prizes will be chose by all participants. The play "Nachhaltigkeit – alles Wurst oder was?" ("sustainability – what is it good for?") by the improv-theater group "ARTGenossen" will start at 9 pm. And for everyone who wants to try out their new dance moves towards a sustainable future our "Survival-Bar" will open at 10 pm.
Entry is free.
Further Information here