ITAS topics in plain language
Data, information, knowledge
More and more people use computers and the internet.
We also use computers to design new technology.
For example, machines and artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence means:
Computers and machines should think and learn on their own.
In this way, they can help people.
They do things that humans cannot do.
But this can also lead to problems.
For example, when only the machines decide on their own.
We call this development and the increasing use of computers and robots: digitalization.
ITAS deals with digitalization.
We look at ways to make digitalization better.
We make sure that digitalization helps people.
Sustainability means one is careful.
We should do things well and think about the future.
So things do not break.
And last a long time.
People have to be careful and take care of the earth.
Only in this way can all people live well on earth in the future.
But there is a problem.
The climate has been changing a lot in the last years.
It is getting warmer and warmer.
And heavy rains or severe drought are increasing.
We call this climate change.
Climate change is dangerous for people, animals, and plants.
We want to find out how to produce clean energy.
And how we can help people to keep the earth clean.
And how we can be careful and not waste anything.
Mobility means being mobile.
For example, by car or train.
To be mobile means to get from one place to another.
For example, from home to work.
Mobility is important for everyone’s life.
We want to help people move better.
In order to move faster.
And move more safely.
So that all people can move.
We achieve this, for example, by redesigning our cities.
This makes it easier for people to ride their bikes or walk instead of using their cars.
This helps not only people, but also the environment.
If only a few people have to drive, this is better for the environment.
New ideas for mobility can also help.
For example, self-driving buses or trains.
These are buses and trains without a driver.
Citizen participation
Citizen participation means that people can participate in something.
And that they can tell their opinions and ideas.
And that people can talk to others.
And that people get information.
When new technologies are developed, people should be informed.
They need to be informed to understand new technologies and to be able to participate.
When we develop new technologies, we should involve many people.
Then people can give their opinions and ideas about new technologies.
In this way, we can see how new technologies can affect different groups of people.
And what we have to watch out for.
This makes new technologies better and safer.
Life and technology
It is important to know how technology changes our life.
Many new technologies can help people.
Or make life easier and safer.
This happens especially when people and machines work well together.
For example, robots in medicine or nursing.
Or when the work between people and machines overlaps.
This includes, for example, prostheses.
But there are also risks and problems when people and machines work together.
For example, when machines have too much control.
We take a close look at new technology.
We want to see how people use new technology.
Then we think about how new technologies can change our life.
Or where the new technology can be used.
Visions and ethics
Newspapers or television often report what technologies can do in the future.
For example, we hope that technology will help us cure diseases.
Or we hope that technology will solve problems with the environment.
Sometimes we are also afraid of new technology.
For example, fear of robots or computer programs.
We call these wishes or fears visions.
Visions of technology have great influence.
They influence what scientists research.
And they influence what politicians do.
This is interesting for us.