GrassToGurt – Turning green meadows into yoghurts while keeping out the cow

Project description

Illustration zum Projekt
Source: Laurids Pernice

The United Nations estimate that the world population will increase to 10 billion people by mid-century. This emphasizes the need for sustainable and climate-friendly food production to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of the key challenges is to provide sufficient protein while reducing the dependence on traditional animal sources, which contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. To address this issue, alternative protein sources are being explored. Plant-based proteins, e.g., from soybeans and peas, could be an option, but they come with ecological challenges, such as deforestation of rainforests for their cultivation. Proteins from microorganisms, especially yeasts, are a promising sustainable alternative, because protein production takes place in bio reactors that are scalable and independent of fertile soils and light sources, reduce water and land use for protein production, and can utilize by-products and waste streams from the agricultural and food industries.

The GrassToGurt (G2G) project is pioneering a revolutionary approach to sustainable food production by exploiting the potential of grassland to produce plant-based yoghurt alternatives. It aims to develop sustainable, protein-rich food using yeast that ferments on grass clippings. In this way, cultural and recreational landscapes characterized by grassland as well as regional agriculture can be preserved when cows are replaced by yeast to reduce the high carbon footprint of dairy products. The project covers the whole process chain from fermentation to food formulation and uses the entire yeast biomass to avoid waste. The focus is on inter- and transdisciplinary design by integrating the perspectives of stakeholders and citizens and their opinions about the product in terms of taste and texture, but also normative values and expectations regarding ecological, economic, and social aspects. The aim is to produce yeast-based foods with properties similar to those of animal products. At the same time, farmers should be able to generate an alternative added value from grassland use, thus preserving the cultural and recreational landscape.

Role of ITAS

ITAS combines advanced geospatial technology with consumer-oriented product development to address global sustainability challenges. Using the PPGIS scenario tool, areas are identified that could be suitable for repurposing to produce yoghurt without cow’s milk. ITAS will analyze consumer attitudes toward a G2G yoghurt and identify the most important factors that influence consumer choice, such as taste, health and environmental benefits, animal welfare, and affordability. The project pursues a co-design approach that includes the results of empirical analyses of stakeholders and citizens in technology development to create a G2G product that addresses key challenges while also meeting the needs of society. By combining participatory geospatial and land use analyses, consumer knowledge, and collaborative design, ITAS is involved in the development of technology-based alternatives to traditional dairy products and contributes to global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote healthier and more ethical diets.


Dr. Christine Rösch
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608-22704