Publications of ITAS and TAB

Here you will find the publications of the ITAS - including the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) and the Central Department of Material Flows (ITAS-ZTS) - with their bibliographic information.

For access, an interactive interface is available, which contains a search for words as well as various filter possibilities: the ITAS publication database via openTA publication service. Alternatively, you will find predefined selections on the publication data stock:

Publications sorted by publication date
2021-2025 - 2016-2020 - 2011-2015 - 2006-2010 - 2001-2005 - 1985-2000

Publications sorted by type of publication
Monographs and edited volumes - Research reports and Preprints - High-school graduations - Book chapters - Journal articles - Conference papers - Reviews - Presentations

Book series


ZTS Publikationen (ITC-ZTS)

High-school graduations

Erakca, M.
Energy- and Material Flow Analysis of the Production of a Lithium-Ion Battery Cell. master’s thesis
2020. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 
Sand, M.
Futures, visions and responsibility: an ethics of innovation. PhD dissertation
2020, March 17. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-22684-8
Biemann, K.
Vergleichende Ökobilanzierung der semi-zentralen Hauswärmebereitstellung aus Holzreststoffen. PhD dissertation
2015. Dissertation, Technische Universität Darmstadt 2015 
Boavida, N.
Decisions of technology innovation: the role of indicators. PhD dissertation
2015. Dissertation, Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2015 
Nayono, S.
Development of a sustainability-based sanitation planning tool (SusTA) for developing countries. PhD dissertation
2015. Dissertation, Bauhaus Universität Weimar 2015 
Ard-Paru, N.
Implementing spectrum commons: Implications for Thailand. PhD dissertation
2013. Dissertation, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Göteborg, 2013 
Garcia, G. R.
Life cycle assessment and wastewater treatment: Applications and methodological improvements. PhD dissertation
2013. Dissertation, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 2013 
Hurtig, O.
Techno-ökonomischer Vergleich des Einsatzes von Strom, SNG und FT-Diesel aus Waldrestholz im Pkw-Bereich. PhD dissertation
2013. Dissertation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 2013 
Zschieschang, E.
Life cycle assessment in technology development. The case of micro process engineering. PhD dissertation
2013. Dissertation, Technische Universität Darmstadt 2013 
Dewald, U.
Energieversorgung im Wandel. Marktformierung im deutschen Photovoltaik-Innovationssystem. PhD dissertation
2012. Dissertation, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen 2012 Berlin [u.a.] : LIT Verl., 2012 (Wirtschaftsgeographie ; 51) 
Gonzalez Martinez, T. M.
Analysis of different municipal solid waste management systems in Santiago de Chile. PhD dissertation
2011. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart 2011 
Nierling, L.
Die Verbindung von Arbeit und Leben. Anerkennung in einem erweiterten Verständnis von Arbeit. PhD dissertation
2011. Dissertation, Universität Frankfurt 2011, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität 
Parodi, O.
Massivwasserbau und naturnaher Wasserbau. Weltbilder, Nachhaltigkeit, Ethik. PhD dissertation
2007. Dissertation, Universität Karlsruhe 2007