Eco-Efficient Transport Futures for Europe
- Project team:
Schippl, Jens (Project leader); Maike Puhe; Torsten Fleischer; Sarah Meyer-Soylu; Markus Edelmann, Max Reichenbach
- Funding:
- Start date:
- End date:
- Project partners:
STOA (The Science Technology Options Assessment Panel of the European Parliament)
- Research group:
Project description
The challenge for future transport policy is to overcome the paradox of transport becoming ever more efficient on the one hand and the steady growth in transport volume on the other hand. Thus, a transition to a more eco-efficient transport system is needed to cope with recent challenges and the anticipated future developments in the transport sector. Eco-efficient transport can be conceptualized in different ways, but it surely is a basic pillar of a sustainable transport system. A wide range of technologies and concepts supporting eco-efficient transport are available, others are emerging, but are still at an early stage with a low level of market penetration. However, eco-efficiency is not restricted to technologies but encompasses also organizational approaches or business concepts. It includes concepts of ownership of cars, development of integrated transportation services as well as the introduction of stronger demand-oriented public transport.
The proposed project will look at the established, emerging and more visionary (out-of-the box) technologies and concepts supporting eco-efficient transport. It will not only take into account the innovations themselves but also the demand side of transport innovations. In a nutshell, the idea of the project is to conduct technology assessment supported by a consultation of citizens and experts/stakeholders with scenario building as an integrative element. The consultations/assessments will focus on the technical and organizational design of eco-efficient transport systems and on the attitudes and preferences of its users. In doing so, the project uses a demand-oriented foresight approach.
Einschätzungen zu ökoeffizienten Mobilitätszukünften - ein visionärer Blick auf die europäische Ebene
2015. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, (2), 471–486
Scenarios on eco-efficient transport for Europe: a structured approach for involving stakeholders in TA-processes
2015. Engage2020: Societal Challenges Workshop, Bruxelles, B, January 27, 2015
Assessing options towards eco-efficient transport. Results of a survey
2014. European Transport Conference, Frankfurt, September 29, 2014
Einschätzungen zu öko-effizienten Mobilitätszukünften. Ein visionärer Blick auf die euroäische Ebene
2014. Was bewegt uns morgen? : Heutige und künftige Mobilität auf dem Prüfstand, Bonn, 3.November 2014
Interim report: Overview of potentials for an increased eco-efficiency maritime shipping
2013. Brüssel
The STOA project “Eco-efficient transport”
2013. STOA Lunch Debate, European Parliament (2013), Brussels, Belgium, May 7, 2013
Learning from scenarios on eco-efficient transport for Europe
2013. European Technology Assessment Conference “Technology assessmentpolicy areas of great transitions” (2013), Praha, Slovakia, March 13–15, 2013
Participative scenarios on eco-efficient transport: Methodological challenges, results and relevance for policy making
2013. First International Foresight Academic Seminar (IFA 2013) ’Participatory Foresight for Smarter Futures - From Design to Impact’, Winterthur, CH, September 16-17, 2013
Users, costumers, citizens and the general public in the Germany energy transition: The Helmholtz-Alliance ENERGY-TRANS as an example
2013. Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions, Praha, CZ, March 13-15, 2013
Scenarios on eco-efficient transport futures for Europe - Reflections on methodology, outcomes and potential impacts
2013. 41st European Transport Conference (ETC 2013), Frankfurt, September 30 - October 2, 2013
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
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76021 Karlsruhe
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