Municipal heat transition as a socio-technical system: Comprehensible visioning, well-founded analysis, successful communication and motivation (KOMM-WÄRME)

Project description

The transformation of the energy system toward climate compatibility and sustainability – commonly referred to in Germany as the energy transition – is a fundamental process of change. A look at the heating sector illustrates the challenges ahead, as fundamental transformations are necessary in this area. Simply substituting the energy source while maintaining the established infrastructures and end-use devices is not enough here, since the technology chains across the entire sector are primarily focused on the fossil energy sources oil and gas.

The joint research project KOMM-WÄRME (“Municipal heating transition as a socio-technical system: Comprehensible visioning, well-founded analysis, successful communication and motivation”) makes an important contribution to the successful implementation of the municipal heating transition by addressing important socio-technical aspects through a combination of scientific analysis and participation and the inclusion of practical knowledge from the municipalities organized in clusters.

As a problem- and application-oriented research project, KOMM-WÄRME focuses on three central objectives that may support a successful municipal heating transition:

  • Envisioning municipal heating transition”: Together with municipalities participating in the project, exemplary customized visions for a sustainable municipal heating transition will be developed in a participatory manner. (Part VDW)
  • Analyzing instruments”: The aim is to develop packages of measures for the municipal heating transition that bundle coordinated individual measures into efficient and effective policy packages. (Part ITAS)
  • Empowering key actors”: This subproject aims to support climate protection managers in their role as multipliers for the municipal heating transition by providing them with material and know-how. (Part FfE)

The three-pronged research approach of KOMM-WÄRME – objectives, instruments, actors – is being developed in close cooperation with the municipal clusters. The results will be made available to other interested municipalities and the interested public.

ITAS’s work includes:

  • Exploring and analyzing municipal measures and instruments for the heating transition. The aim is to use a comparative analysis approach to create an impact and intervention profile that shows the steering, regulatory, and impact effects of the measures.
  • Developing effective municipal policy packages in close cooperation with the practice clusters involved in the project.


PD Dr. Dirk Scheer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608-22994