Exploring Mechanisms of "Knowledge Production in Modern Societies" within a Line of International Graduate Summer Schools

Project description

The project has three objectives: On the one hand, the promotion of young researchers in the social sciences is to be strengthened and internationally networked. Secondly, the thematic subjects of the Summer Schools are oriented towards basic social science research. These are developed in the research area, discussed with project partners and worked on at biennial Summer Schools. Finally, the project serves to improve the networking of content with selected partners through the thematically focused implementation of these summer schools. At present, these are the University of the Basque Country and the RWTH Aachen University (HumTec).

Project phases

  • First Summer School "Beyond Knowledge Society: Scientific knowledge production, consumption and transformation", September 2010, Inter University Center Dubrovnik, Croatia
    The dimensions of cognitive and normative knowledge were analyzed with respect to their societal relevance. The categories of social production, consumption and transformation of knowledge provided an analytical framework.
    summer school
    STI studies (Vol 8, No 1 (2012): Unknown future. New ideas about the production of future oriented knowledge)
  • Workshop, May 2011, KIT, Ostendorfhaus Karlsruhe
    The analytical potential of the three categories was contested. In cooperation with international partners further perspectives on the topic "Knowledge production in modern societies" were explored. This led to several research perspectives for the next summer schools.
    Flyer, german
  • Second Summer School, August 2012, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    Under the title "Scientific Knowledge and the Transgression of Boundaries" ITAS performed together with the University of the Basque Country, the second international summer school. The thematic focus of this school was based on the question of whether there will be new boundaries disciplinary knowledge with respect to current social trends and how they are classified epistemologically.
    summer school
    A report of the summer school (in German) is published in "Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis" (TATuP 3/12).
  • Third Summer School, July/August 2014, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    Title: The Regulative Capacity of Knowledge Objects: Opening the Black Box of Knowledge Governance
    summer school
  • Forth Summer School, July 2016, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    Title: Techno Science Societies: Between Myth Formation and Societal Structure
    summer school
  • Fith Summer School, September 2018, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    Title: RRI and Future-Making: Responsibility through Anticipation
    summer school
  • Sixth Summer School, 2022, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    Title: “Open science”: ambivalences and tensions - New borderlands between science, technology and society
    summer school
  • Siebte Summer School, 2024, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    Title: The transformation challenge: Re-Thinking cultures of research

Dissertation projects

Christoph Schneider (M.A.): Konkrete Utopien einer offenen Technologie. Die Praktiken und Zukünfte des Open Design (2013), Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen, PD Dr. Andreas Lösch (ITAS)

Patrick Sumpf (M.A.): Vertrauen und Risiko in zukünftigen Energieinfrastrukturen – Die Vision „Smart Grid“ (2013), Betreuung: PD Dr. Torsten Strulik (Universität Bielefeld), Dr. Christian Büscher (ITAS)

Paulina Dobroc (M.A.): Die Facetten der Openness-Vision und ihre gesellschaftlichen Folgen. Eine diskurslinguistische Analyse des Open-Source-Konzeptes (2016), Betreuung: PD Andreas Lösch (ITAS), Prof. Annette Leßmöllmann


Krings, B.-J.; Hausstein, A.
Die Vielfalt des Wissens in der Lehre als Spiegel sozialer Realitäten in Zeiten der Transformation
2023. Varieties of Knowledge Production and its Relevance for Societal Transformation (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 16–17, 2023 
Böschen, S.; Hahn, J.; Lösch, A.; Scherz, C.; Schneider, C.
Trading zones on and through objects: the regulative capacity of knowledge objects in the governance of knowledge societies
2015. Tagung SPIRAL “Trading Zones” (2015), Liège, Belgium, October 15–16, 2015 
Böschen, S.; Hahn, J.; Lösch, A.; Scherz, C.; Schneider, C.
Challenges for knowledge governance: the regulative capacitiy of knowledge objects
2014. 8th ECPR General Conference, Glasgow, GB, September 3-6, 2014 
Dieckhoff, C.
The production of future knowledge. An empirical analysis of energy scenario construction processes in the border zone of science and politics
2010. Internat.Graduate Summer School ’Beyond Knowledge Society : Scientific Knowledge Prodution, Consumption and Transformation, Dubrovnik, HR, September 13-17, 2010 
Grunwald, A.
The necessity of using future knowledge in policy advice and its problematic aspects
2010. Internat.Graduate Summer School ’Beyond Knowledge Society : Scientific Knowledge Prodution, Consumption and Transformation, Dubrovnik, HR, September 13-17, 2010 
Kunz, A. M.; Scherz, C.
Beyond knowledge society? Reflections on professions and policy advice
2010. Internat.Graduate Summer School ’Beyond Knowledge Society : Scientific Knowledge Prodution, Consumption and Transformation, Dubrovnik, HR, September 13-17, 2010 
Pfersdorf, S. P.
Shedding light in the theoretical basis of nowledge politics with the sociological concepts of power and knowledge. Consequences for an empirical analysis
2010. Internat.Graduate Summer School ’Beyond Knowledge Society : Scientific Knowledge Prodution, Consumption and Transformation, Dubrovnik, HR, September 13-17, 2010 
Schleisiek, A.
Economic principles and scientific practice: the case of research groups in the field of advanced materials research
2010. Beyond the Knowledge Society: Knowledge Production, Consumption and Transformation : Internat.Graduate Summer School, Dubrovnik, HR, September 13-17, 2010 Tentative Governance in Emerging Science and Technology : Actor Constellations, Institutional Arrangements and Strategies, Internat.Conf., University of Twente, Enschede, NL, October 28-29, 2010 


Dr. Bettina-Johanna Krings
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608-26347