Vision assessment of scalable 3D printing in the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order

Project description


The vision assessment study funded by Carl Zeiss Foundation investigates the current visions of scalable digital 3D additive manufacturing. To this end, social scientists cooperate with researchers of the cluster of excellence 3D Matter Made to Order to assess, modify, and discuss relevant technology visions and application scenarios to embed the cluster’s visionary research in a societal dialogue.

The envisioned futures of scalable digital 3D additive manufacturing promise unprecedented capabilities of shaping matter with digital tools. New materials, digital machines, and scientific insights may create new applications and business cases and promote scientific recognition. Visions of the future as imaginations of what might be are essential for driving our quest for new knowledge and new technological capabilities. Such visions also increase the societal perception of and commitment to science and its products. Hopes and concerns, utopias and dystopias related to new technologies arise in different areas of society, even in science itself. Instead of predicting the future, visions shape the present of research in society. Therefore, researching and assessing visions of the future and their role in science and society is central to understanding and shaping the relationship between science, technology, and society. This vision assessment study aims to expand the imaginations of the cluster’s visionary research and make it more relevant to society through the dialogue with stakeholders in politics, industry, and civil society.

Based on the expertise on vision assessment at ITAS, the project focuses on the following tasks:

  • Analyzing the visionary discourses on scalable digital 3D additive manufacturing in the cluster and on an international level;
  • Assessing the anticipated innovative potentials, risks, ethical and social implications of future applications;
  • Constructing visionary scenarios to explore and discuss development paths for the cluster’s visionary technologies;
  • Engaging in an ongoing dialogue with the researchers of the cluster concerning the societal aspects of their research;
  • Cooperating with external experts, stakeholders, and society to collaboratively shape and communicate the imagined futures;
  • Supporting the cluster’s scientists in embedding their research in society and becoming responsive to societal implications of visionary research.

The project’s mission is to support the societal relevance of visionary research and make research and society more responsive to and responsible for each other to foster better technologies within a better society.


Book Chapters
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.; Schneider, C.
Transformatives Vision Assessment zu 3D Druck: Ein Beitrag zur demokratischen Gestaltung des digitalen Kulturwandels?
2024. Gestreamt, geliket, flüchtig - schöne neue Kulturwelt. Hrsg.: E. Ehrensperger, 165–181, Nomos Verlag 
Konrad, K.; Lösch, A.; Urueña, S.
Anticipatory practices at the intersections of innovation, policy and society: Special Issue - Overview
2024, May 7. 2nd Workshop “Anticipatory practices at the intersections of innovation, policy and society” (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 7–8, 2024 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.
Vision Assessment as a socio‐epistemic practice for (co‐)shaping sociotechnical transformations
2024. Workshop "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on ’Technology Futures’" (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 14–15, 2024 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.
Challenges for anticipatory practices of technology assessment with scientists, stakeholders and policy makers: An evaluation and reflection on improvements of the vision assessment methodology
2024. 2nd Workshop “Anticipatory practices at the intersections of innovation, policy and society” (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 7–8, 2024 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć , P.
Challenges for Intersectoral Anticipatory Practices of Technology Assessment. An evaluation and reflection on improvements of the vision assessment methodology
2024. The EU-SPRI Forum Annual Conference "Governing technology, research, and innovation for better worlds" (2024), Enschede, Netherlands, June 5–7, 2024 
Popplow, M.; Lösch, A.; Gondolf, J.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on „Technology Futures“ - Introduction
2024. Workshop "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on ’Technology Futures’" (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 14–15, 2024 
Journal Articles
Schneider, C.; Roßmann, M.; Lösch, A.; Grunwald, A.
Transformative Vision Assessment and 3-D Printing Futures: A New Approach of Technology Assessment to Address Grand Societal Challenges
2023. IEEE transactions on engineering management, 70 (3), 1089–1098. doi:10.1109/TEM.2021.3129834
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.
Opening and Closing down Futures: Opportunities, Requirements and Challenges in Vision Assessment Practices of Technology Assessment
2023. Open anticipations in research and policy (experiences, methods, concepts) : Workshop of the Network "Anticipation & Policies (2023), San Sebastián, Spain, July 12, 2023 
Journal Articles
Schneider, C.; Dobroć, P.
Szenarien des digitalen Wirtschaftens für den ländlichen Raum
2022. Zugluft : öffentliche Wissenschaft in Forschung, Lehre und Gesellschaft, 2 (3), 108–111 
Lösch, A.
Transformationen von 3D Druck Zukünften durch ko-kreativen Szenarioprozess - ein Einblick
2022. Abschlussworkshop Vision Assessment, ITAS/KIT (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, November 28, 2022 
Lösch, A.
Transformative Vision Assessment & Perspectives for Research Collaboration
2022, July 13. From Future Scenarios to Visions, workshop of the research project “Tecnologías emergentes responsables: la construcción de futuros socio-técnicos mediante gobernanza anticipatoria abierta”; Carlos Santamaria Center, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (2022), San Sebastian, Spain, July 13, 2022 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.; Schneider, C.
Transformatives Vision Assessment zu 3D Druck: Ein Beitrag zur demokratischen Gestaltung des digitalen Kulturwandels?
2022. 10. Gestreamt, gelikt, flüchtig - schöne neue Kulturwelt? Internationale Konferenz des Netzwerks Technikfolgenabschätzung (NTA 2022), Bern, Switzerland, November 14–16, 2022 
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider , C.
Transformative Vision Assessment: A Methodology for Shaping Responsible and Sustainable Digital Futures in Science and Society
2022. 5th European Technology Assessment Conference (ETAC5 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25–27, 2022 
Lösch, A.; Schneider, C.
Transformative Vision Assessment as an Approach for Responsible Future Making
2022. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology : The politics of technoscientific futures (EASST 2022), Madrid, Spain, July 6–9, 2022 
Dobroć, P.; Schneider, C.
Scenarios of the futures of 3D printing in society
2022. Future 3D Additive Manufacturing : The 3DMM2O Conference (2022), Schöntal, Germany, April 3–8, 2022 
Audio & Video
Leshkovych, M.; Schneider, C.; Häußermann, Manuel; Dobroć, P.; Hanke, Lars-Julian; Brenner, P.; Keller, G.
3D-Druck in öffentlichen Werkstätten. Im Gespräch mit Philipp Brenner & Gerd Keller
2022. doi:10.5445/IR/1000149947
Leshkovych, M.; Schneider, C.; Häußermann, Manuel; Dobroć, P.; Hanke, Lars-Julian; Lemma, E. D.; Hassemer, S.
3D-Druck im Bildungssystem. Im Gespräch mit Enrico Lemma & Simon Hassemer
2022. doi:10.5445/IR/1000149956
Leshkovych, M.; Schneider, C.; Häußermann, Manuel; Dobroć, P.; Hanke, Lars-Julian; Schepers, U.; Seibt, D.
3D-Druck in der Medizin. Im Gespräch mit Ute Schepers & David Seibt
2022. doi:10.5445/IR/1000150057
Leshkovych, M.; Schneider, C.; Häußermann, Manuel; Dobroć, P.; Hanke, Lars-Julian; Vazquez-Martel, C.; Petschow, U.
3D-Druck und Nachhaltigkeit. Im Gespräch mit Clara Vazquez-Martel & Ulrich Petschow
2022. doi:10.5445/IR/1000150058
Leshkovych, M.; Schneider, C.; Häußermann, Manuel; Dobroć, P.; Hanke, Lars-Julian; Wegener, M.; Lösch, A.
Ein Begriff, viele Technologien. Im Gespräch mit Martin Wegener & Andreas Lösch
2022. doi:10.5445/IR/1000149770
Book Chapters
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Vision Assessment als sozio-epistemische Praxis
2021. Technikfolgenabschätzung. Hrsg.: S. Böschen, 337–351, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. doi:10.5771/9783748901990-337
Grunwald, A.
Sociotechnical Futures and Scenarios for Society
2021. Re-Imagining the Futures of 3D Printing in Society - Scientific symposium and expert scenario workshop (2021), Online, March 23–24, 2021 
Lösch, A.
Re-Imagining 3D Printing and Assessing its Futures
2021. Re-Imagining the Futures of 3D Printing in Society - Scientific symposium and expert scenario workshop (2021), Online, March 23–24, 2021 
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Zukunftspfade des 3D Drucks in unserer Gesellschaft
2021. Zukunftspfade des 3D Drucks in unserer Gesellschaft: Scenario workshop des ITAS/KIT (2021), Online, October 20, 2021 
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
From Visions Towards Scenarios for Future Additive Manufacturing in Society
2021. Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – the 3DMM2O Conference 2021: 3D Hybrid Organotypic Systems (2021), Online, March 1–4, 2021 
Book Chapters
Baliga, A.; Roßmann, M.
Democratic Legitimation or Naturalized Evolution? How Prototyping Urban Futures Risks Democratic Participation of Urban Stakeholders
2020. Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds (EASST/4S 2020), Online, August 18–21, 2020 
Lösch, A.
Exploring and Shaping the Politicization of Sociotechnical Futures Differently: Contextual Challenges for TA’s Vision Assessment
2020. Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds (EASST/4S 2020), Online, August 18–21, 2020 
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Vision Assessment in the Cluster of Excellence: 3D Matter Made to Order
2020. Online Presentation for the Cluster of Excellence 3DMM20, KIT Karlsruhe (2020), Online, December 10, 2020 
Lösch, A.; Schneider, C.
Vision Assessment als sozio-epistemische Praxis. Grundlagen – Beispiele - Herausforderungen
2020. Kolloquium des Forschungsschwerpunkts "Gesellschaft - Gesundheit - Nachhaltigkeit" (2020), Furtwangen im Schwarzwald, Germany, January 24, 2020 
Roßmann, M.
Visions as Make-believe: How Models and Narratives Represent Sociotechnical Futures
2020. Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds (EASST/4S 2020), Online, August 18–21, 2020 
Journal Article Reviews
Book Chapters
Lösch, A.; Schneider, C.; Heil, R.
Visionary Practices Shaping Power Constellations
2019. Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present : Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges. Ed.: A. Lösch, 67–88, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-27155-8_4
Lösch, A.; Grunwald, A.; Meister, M.; Schulz-Schaeffer, I. (Eds.)
Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present : Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges
2019. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 
Lösch, A.; Hausstein, A.
Vision Assessment Study
2019. Kick-Off Meeting 3DMM20 (2019), Bad Herrenalb, Germany, February 14, 2019 
Lösch, A.; Hausstein, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Report Vision Assessment Studie
2019. Coordinating Committee Meeting 3DMM20 (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 12, 2019 
Lösch, A.; Hausstein, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Vision Assessment on the societal implications of scalable 3D printing
2019. Feedbackdialog des Projekts Vision Assessment des skalierbaren 3D Drucks im Exzellenzcluster 3D Matter Made to Order (2019), Heidelberg, Germany, July 18, 2019 
Schneider, C.; Lösch, A.
Vision Assessment of scalable 3D printing
2019. Review Tag des Exzellenzclusters 3DMM20 (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 23, 2019 


PD Dr. Andreas Lösch
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Phone: 0721 608-22505