Christoph Schneider

Dr. rer. soc. Christoph Schneider, M.A.

  • Scientific staff until 2022
  • resigned
  • Research group “Socio-Technical Futures and Policies”
  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Fields of work

My research focuses on the emerging relationships between society, science, politics and the economy due to digitization. I think that technology assessment has to participate in the democratic shaping of these relationships and needs to be relevant to different fields of practice. This needs a view towards possible futures and the possibilities of the present for change. But it also needs engaged and participatory forms of research. Concretely this means:

  • How is our knowledge changing due to digitization and how can we expand on human strengths such as imagination, creativity and collaboration to shape our digital future.
  • How do we achieve new forms of embedding science in society?
  • How can we use digital technologies for the common good?
  • How can we democratically shape the technological jump that we are living through?
  • How can technology assessment become more strong in co-shaping societal futures?

On the internet

Scientific networks:


Professional background

2007 - 2010 Studies in Sociology and Educational Planning and Instructional Design (B.A.) at Freiburg University.
2010 - 2011 Studies of Sociology at Lancaster University (M.A.). Title of masters thesis “Smartphones: circulating possibilities”
2012 - 2017 Scientific staff member Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis
2017 Awarded PhD at Technical University of Munich with distinction. “Opening digital fabrication: transforming TechKnowledgies
2017 - 2018 Scientific staff at Munich Center for Technology in Society
since 2018 Consultant for digital-social innovation
2019 - 2022 Scientific staff member Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis
