Here you can find the published news in 2024. Subscribe to the ITAS news via RSS-Feed.

news_2024_029_TATuP_Cover_PublikationNew TATuP on “Material transitions in architecture and construction”

Modern architecture and construction methods create an ever-increasing demand for reinforced concrete, generating huge amounts of CO2 emissions. The new TATuP Special topic shows what a sustainable material transition could look like.

news_2024_028_MCDA_HELDA_FotoDecision analysis tool for a sustainable energy transition

The development of sustainable energy systems is a pressing challenge for our society. In order to support decision making in this field, ITAS researchers, together with colleagues at KIT, develop a software for multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA).

news_2024_tab_012_WaldumbauForest conversion in times of climate change

A new TAB report sheds light on the challenges and opportunities of near-natural forest conversion in Germany – from ecological principles to innovative technologies and funding models.

news_2024_tab_011_EPTA_ReportArtificial Intelligence and democracy

The European Parliamentary Technology Assessment Network (EPTA) has published the EPTA Report 2024. The report addresses the impact of AI on elections and public discourse, as well as the democratic control of AI.

news_2024_027_Grunwald_UN_1200UN commission informs itself about TA

What contribution can technology assessment make to sustainable development? Armin Grunwald, head of ITAS, was invited to speak on this topic by the United Nations Commission on “Science and Technology for Development” in Geneva.

Cover TA HandbookNew TA handbook out now

Given the worldwide spread and growth of technology assessment (TA), the time was ripe for a handbook dedicated to this scientific field, says Armin Grunwald. His recently published book serves as a guide for TA scholars, practitioners, and students.

news_2024_PREFIGURE“Prototypes of change” fight energy poverty

In the PREFIGURE project, KIT researchers and their European partners explore how housing inequalities and energy vulnerability hinder a just green transition. The focus is on local initiatives for housing energy upgrades in seven countries.

news_2024_024_esd_policy-briefFuture scenarios for a successful energy transition

Germany aims to be climate-neutral by 2045. A Policy Brief by the Helmholtz Association, with the participation of ITAS, shows how ecologic, social and economic aspects should be considered for a successful transformation of the energy system.

news_2024_023_Publikation_Emotional_Drivers_of_InnovationNew publication: “Emotional Drivers of Innovation”

Technical innovations are processes strongly driven by emotions. Cultural anthropologist and sociologist Franziska Sörgel explores this thesis in her dissertation.

news_2024_tab_010_Cyberresilienz_ErnährungCyber resilience in the food sector

As technical systems become more digitised and networked, companies in the food production, processing and distribution chain are increasingly vulnerable. The new TAB study examines the IT risk situation and outlines options for cybersecurity policy design.

news_2024_022_Anne_Bergmans_Senior_FellowITAS welcomes first senior fellow

The visit of Belgian sociologist Anne Bergmans marks the start of the ITAS Senior Fellowship Program. The professor from the University of Antwerp will work with ITAS researchers on issues related to the sustainable use of the deep subsurface.

Das Foto zeigt unterschiedliche Energiesystemkomponenten am Campus NordSector coupling: ITAS project in the final of “Digitale Orte 2024“

How can municipalities network their infrastructure for electricity, heating and transportation and thus advance the energy transition? The website of the ZuSkE project provides answers – and is now on the shortlist of the “Digitale Orte 2024” competition.

YouTube Thumbnail von NaProIngSustainability: Project introduces new skills to engineering studies

Sustainable products need engineers with a focus on sustainability and the corresponding training. ITAS has developed educational videos that present different aspects of the topic for the use in engineering courses.

news_2024_019_Würdigung_Hans_LenkOn the death of Hans Lenk

The internationally recognized philosopher and Olympic champion early on built a bridge between ethics and engineering in Karlsruhe and advocated for technology assessment. A tribute by Armin Grunwald, Head of ITAS.

news_2024_018_TAterScience meets theater: Reflection on technology and ecology

Together with the “Theater of the Anthropocene,” ITAS will design and implement a theater trilogy at the interface of art and science. The first performances are planned for 2024.

 air shot of castle in Karlsruhe Multi-talent urban tree: healthy trees for a better quality of life

They provide cool air, increase biodiversity and help with recreation. The URBORETUM innovation cluster coordinated by ITAS is investigating what is needed for urban trees to be able to provide their “services” even in times of more extreme climate conditions.

news_2024_tab_009_Neue_ProjekteNew TAB projects "at the pulse of time"

The Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag has decided on TAB's work program for 2024/25. Security and defense policy topics are of great importance.

news_2024_016_CulturalRoadMobility: New EU project “Cultural Road”

Connected and automated vehicles could help reduce EU’s mobility emissions. Researchers from across Europe have now started to develop guidelines for the implementation of these technologies that take into account equity and cultural diversity.

news_2024_015_KIT_Fellow_Güngörmüsler_01ITAS welcomes biohydrogen expert

Until September, ITAS is hosting Mine Güngörmüşler, one of KIT’s International Excellence Fellows in 2024. In Karlsruhe, the associate professor from Izmir University of Economics will analyze the potential benefits of a novel biohydrogen technology.

news_2024_014_CIRCUS_01Energy transition: New project aims to strengthen rural areas

How can rural areas support the energy transition – and benefit from it at the same time? The EU project CIRCUS, which has been officially launched with the aim of establishing “energy communities” in five European model regions, is developing answers.

news_2024_013_DuPaMore inclusive ways of citizen participation

The restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic have also hampered the work of real-world laboratories. In the "DuPa – Dual Mode Participation" project, researchers have researched new formats that combine digital and face-to-face participation.

news_2024_tab_008_Resilienz_Krisenvorsorge_01Strengthening resilience through better crisis prevention

Classical mechanisms are no longer sufficient to adequately address crises of a systemic nature. A new TAB study identifies options for policy makers to better anticipate and prepare for systemic crises.

news_2024_012_TATuP_2_2024_02New TATuP issue focuses on the malicious use of technology

How can technology assessment help prevent the misuse of technology to promote radicalization and terrorist violence? The current TATuP Special topic seeks to put issues of malevolent creativity and civil security on the TA map.

news_2024_011_EERA_White_Paper_02How to achieve a just energy transition in Europe?

ITAS researchers have contributed to the “White Paper: A Just Energy Transition in the EU” published by the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). It addresses pressing issues of justice in the transition to carbon-neutral energy systems.

news_2024_tab_007_Big_Data_KI_FußballBig data and AI in football

Professional football is experiencing a veritable "data revolution". In a short profile on the EURO24, the TAB looks at the changes and potential that this development brings for players, scouts and coaches as well as spectators.

news_2024_010_LeNa_Shape_Positionspapier_01Position paper to redefine the concept of excellence

How can excellent research with societal responsibility succeed? The “LeNa Shape” project has put forward proposals for a new definition of the concept of excellence and the necessary changes in the science system.

news_2024_tab_006_Foresight_Report_01Foresight Report 2024: Future-proofing critical infrastructure

The TAB has identified trends and systemic risks for the critical infrastructure systems of energy, agriculture and food as well as transport and mobility. The results are available on a new, modular microsite.

news_2024_tab_005_klimaneutrale_Industrieproduktion_01Transformation to climate-neutral industrial production

Steel, cement, and chemical raw materials could be produced climate-neutrally in Germany. This is the conclusion of a recent TAB study that examined alternative technology paths for the three most emission-intensive basic industries.

news_2024_009_Mobiles_Futurium_01Future skills for young people

The Futurium exhibition is visiting schools all over Germany with its mobile Futurium. ITAS researchers accompany the mobile future lab and investigate how it affects the way we deal with topics of the future.

news_2024_tab_004_Studie_Luftverkehr_01Study on more climate-friendly air transport

Which fuels or propulsion systems can contribute to more climate-friendly aviation in the future? Which political measures could make the sector completely climate-neutral? A new short study by TAB provides an overview of these questions.

news_2024_008_MoWiKoConflicts of values: project investigates goal-oriented negotiation processes

Climate justice, freedom energies, or frankenfood – moral values are omnipresent in debates on social and scientific topics. The MoWiKo project investigates the appropriate communication of ethical aspects.

news_2024_tab_003_komplexe_Systeme_02Complex systems – benefit or burden?

A new TA preliminary study discusses why and how an in-depth examination of the complexity of our energy system can help build more resilience into our critical infrastructure.

Außenansicht vom deutschen BundestagA new impetus for parliamentary technology assessment in Germany

In the new contract period with the German Bundestag, the TAB has further developed its formats. Armin Grunwald presented the innovations at his presentation of the 2023 Activity Report to the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment.

news_2024_007_GAIA_Sonderausgabe_02Transforming toward sustainability with real-world laboratories

Real-world laboratories have established themselves as places of transdisciplinary research and innovation, particularly in German-speaking countries. A special issue of GAIA, co-edited by ITAS researchers, includes the international state of research.

news_2024_006_TATuP_1_2024_01New TATuP issue on AI for decision support

Whether for steering vehicles, making medical diagnoses, or supporting the courts – increasingly far-reaching decisions are in the hands of artificial intelligence. The current TATuP Special topic asks about the consequences.

news_2024_005_CO-SFSC_01Project on the future of sustainable food supply

Cooperative business models could play an important role in the transformation of global food supply. A Belmont Forum project involving ITAS and partners on three continents investigates how these models can be strengthened.

news_2024_tab_001_RezyklateTAB report on the improved use of recycled materials

Only a small part of the German economy's demand for raw materials is covered by recycled materials. Using the example of plastic packaging, electrical appliances and building materials, the current report identifies policy options to change this.

news_2024_004_Emerging_Battery_Technologies_01Batteries for the energy and mobility transition

A book co-edited by ITAS scientists offers a new, holistic perspective on the field of emerging battery technologies – from innovative materials and recycling methods to sustainability and potential markets.

news_2024_003_Projekt_KI-Risiken_02Project on systemic and existential risks of AI

Do AI models and their applications bear systemic risks or could they even take on a life of their own and thus become an existential threat? ITAS investigates this issue on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. 

news_2024_002_automatisierter_ÖPNV_01Mobility transition: Handbook on automated public transport

Areas outside major conurbations are often not well served by public transport. A new open access handbook with practical instructions shows how automated, driverless shuttles can help to close these gaps.

news_2024_001_Fokusprojekt_Long_term_governanceNew project puts focus on “long-term governance”

Climate protection or the final disposal of highly radioactive waste are challenges that will affect us for a long time to come. ITAS now wants to contribute to the basic understanding of the political approach to such “long-term problems.”
