
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
Karlstraße 11 …
Dr. Volker Stelzer, Anna König, KIT, ITAS
Climate Talks Klimapakt Karlsruhe veranstaltet Vortragsreihe zu Klimaschutz-Themen
Wie geht guter Klimaschutz? Diese Frage mag auf den ersten Blick simpel erscheinen, ist jedoch alles andere als einfach zu beantworten. Rasch wird klar, es geht nicht nur um die Senkung von Treibhausgasemissionen. Klimaschutz sollte auch gerecht sein, die wichtigsten Verursacher und Handlungsfelder berücksichtigen sowie die betroffenen Personen mitnehmen. Zeit, sich mit dieser Frage einmal genauer zu beschäftigen und darüber ins Gespräch zu kommen!
Vor diesem Hintergrund lädt der Karlsruher Klimapakt alle Interessierten zur Veranstaltungsreihe Climate Talks ein.
Am 18.07.2024 sprechen Volker Stelzer und Anna König (ITAS) zum Thema "Nachhaltiger Klimaschutz – mit voller Energie in die Zukunft". 
Alle Veranstaltungen sind kostenfrei, eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Karl9 - Wissenschaftslokal für Technik und Gesellschaft
Karlstraße 9 …
It can currently get pretty hot and uncomfortable in Karlsruhe. Our researchers Angela Beckmann-Wübbelt and Iulia Almeida explain what urban greenery can contribute to our well-being.
WHEN? July 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. WHERE? Karl9, Karlstraße 9, Karlsruhe Entry free. You can come and go at any time.
"Tell me, ITAS" is a series of events organized by ITAS at Karl9 - Science hub for technology and society. Researchers move their workplace to Karl9 for an afternoon and answer your questions about their research topics.
Online via Zoom
Ricardo Lopes Coelho, University of Lisbon
As a follow up to the first Normative Energy Ethics Workshop held in November 2021, the research group Philosophy of Engineering, Technology Assessment, and Science (PhilETAS) organizes a Normative Energy Ethics Lecture Series.
This lecture will be held by Ricardo Lopes Coelho (University of Lisbon) about "What is Energy?".
You will receive the Zoom link after registering.
You can find the registration and (soon) full abstract for the talk here.
Karlstraße 11 …
Prof. Dr. Roman Meinhold, Mahidol University, Thailand
The PhilETAS Group presents the ITAS Guest Lecture "Ecoterrorism and Ecotage: Ethical Considerations in the light of Deep Sustainability and Just War Theory" with Prof. Dr. Roman Meinhold (Mahidol University, Thailand).
If you want to participate on site or online, please contact Meike Hebich (
“What options are capable of stopping actors and institutions who already realize their actions and behavior may harm millions, degrade the biosphere, and contaminate the climate, but continue to do so, despite the scientific or moral reasons not to?” (Sovacool and Dunlap
2022). While the “Tyre Extinguishers” and “Just Stop Oil” activists are engaging in “non-violent” radical climate action about which Bob Geldof simply stated: "They're not killing anyone - Climate change will.", K.S. Robinson, in his recent climate fiction “The Ministry for the
Future” (2020), narrates scenarios in which flight bombing replaces flight shaming. This talk addresses ethical considerations in regard to monkey-wrenching, SUV tyre-deflating, and splashing liquids on artworks in galleries, as well as potential eco-terrorist actions such as
flight bombing and CEO assassinations of extremely polluting corporations.
Dr. Roman Meinhold is a Philosophy Professor teaching Business Ethics & Sustainability and other Ethics and Sustainability courses at Mahidol University, Thailand. His current research is focused on radical environmentalism, environmental and societal business impacts and underrepresented sustainability approaches, such as deep sustainability and digital sustainability. Roman is frequently invited in research, educational, governance and business contexts to share his expertise in regard to imminent sustainability issues. Previously Roman taught at Assumption University of Thailand, the National University of Lesotho, and at the University of Education Weingarten, Germany.
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Culture / Fun
Station Zukunft
Schlossplatz, Karlsruhe
Station Zukunft showcases sustainability contributions and initiatives. It offers all groups and organizations that are already making contributions to a sustainable future a stage in the heart of Karlsruhe in front of the Schloss to present themselves and get in touch with visitors. 
Station Zukunft will include
a market of opportunities a joint picnic and a bar camp.  
Details of the program can be found here.
The Station Future takes place as part of the Umzug in die Zukunft and is organized by the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change (KAT) at ITAS/KIT.
Schlossplatz, Karlsruhe
A moving film contribution at the Schlosslichtspiele!
Umzug in die Zukunft - Auf dem Weg in die Zukunftsweltstadt. The short film (5 min) is intended to touch, inspire, raise questions and invite people to develop new visions of desirable living environments in and around Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe is on its way to becoming a city of the future! Carl Wilhelm reloaded - but not as a vision of an absolutist autocrat - but as a cooperation of individual and collective transformation processes - for a culture of sustainability and joie de vivre!
Details of the program can be found here.
The short film project is part of the Umzug in die Zukunft and is organized by the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change (KAT) at ITAS/KIT.
ZKM | center for art and media
Lorenzstraße 19 …
The fPET conference will take place from Tuesday 17th until Thursday 19thSeptember 2024. An optional satellite workshop on Normative Energy Ethics follows on Friday 20th September 2024.
The conference will bring together researchers from the fields of engineering, philosophy, and neighboring disciplines such as technology assessment to address the theme of Understanding, Assessing, and Designing Responsible Futures. fPET 2024 will provide an opportunity to meet like-minded researchers, and to present and discuss issues on the intersection of engineering and philosophy.
For more information and the call for submissions visit the conference website:
ZKM | center for art and media
Lorenzstraße 19 …
The fPET conference will take place from Tuesday 17th until Thursday 19thSeptember 2024. An optional satellite workshop on Normative Energy Ethics follows on Friday 20th September 2024.
The conference will bring together researchers from the fields of engineering, philosophy, and neighboring disciplines such as technology assessment to address the theme of Understanding, Assessing, and Designing Responsible Futures. fPET 2024 will provide an opportunity to meet like-minded researchers, and to present and discuss issues on the intersection of engineering and philosophy.
For more information and the call for submissions visit the conference website:
Person asking a question in a room full of people
All events

See the complete list of ITAS events

light background, colourful yarn, openTA logo

Further TA events in German-speaking countries
