

Ecoterrorism and Ecotage: Ethical Considerations in the light of Deep Sustainability and Just War Theory

Thursday, 25 July 2024, 14:00-15:30
Karlstraße 11
76133 Karlsruhe

The PhilETAS Group presents the ITAS Guest Lecture "Ecoterrorism and Ecotage: Ethical Considerations in the light of Deep Sustainability and Just War Theory" with Prof. Dr. Roman Meinhold (Mahidol University, Thailand).


If you want to participate on site or online, please contact Meike Hebich ( meike hebich does-not-exist.kit edu).

“What options are capable of stopping actors and institutions who already realize their actions and behavior may harm millions, degrade the biosphere, and contaminate the climate, but continue to do so, despite the scientific or moral reasons not to?” (Sovacool and Dunlap
2022). While the “Tyre Extinguishers” and “Just Stop Oil” activists are engaging in “non-violent” radical climate action about which Bob Geldof simply stated: "They're not killing anyone - Climate change will.", K.S. Robinson, in his recent climate fiction “The Ministry for the
Future” (2020), narrates scenarios in which flight bombing replaces flight shaming. This talk addresses ethical considerations in regard to monkey-wrenching, SUV tyre-deflating, and splashing liquids on artworks in galleries, as well as potential eco-terrorist actions such as
flight bombing and CEO assassinations of extremely polluting corporations.


Dr. Roman Meinhold is a Philosophy Professor teaching Business Ethics & Sustainability and other Ethics and Sustainability courses at Mahidol University, Thailand. His current research is focused on radical environmentalism, environmental and societal business impacts and underrepresented sustainability approaches, such as deep sustainability and digital sustainability. Roman is frequently invited in research, educational, governance and business contexts to share his expertise in regard to imminent sustainability issues. Previously Roman taught at Assumption University of Thailand, the National University of Lesotho, and at the University of Education Weingarten, Germany.

Prof. Dr. Roman Meinhold

Mahidol University, Thailand
ITAS - Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Karlstraße 11
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-28548
Mail: buero does-not-exist.itas kit edu
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Please send an email to Meike Hebich if you want to attend this guest lecture online or offline.
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