Blue-green infrastructures for the climate-resilient city

How can cities use waters and green spaces to better adapt to climate change? Researchers from ITAS and the Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig look into this question in a new project.
Blau-grüne Infrastruktur Christian Lue / unsplash
Trees and rivers contribute significantly to urban cooling and help cities adapt to climate change.

“Blue-green infrastructures combine ecological and social benefits, such as the cooling of cities by flowing waters and parks or the promotion of biodiversity,” explains Somidh Saha, head of the project. Blue infrastructures include, for example, ponds, lakes, and canals, while green infrastructures aim at creating new green spaces as well as green roofs and facades. The project “Urban Transformations towards Blue-Green Infrastructures” (UT-UBGI) develops sustainable solutions to make cities more resilient and more livable with the help of such infrastructures.

Tree analysis as part of the research

The researchers investigate how blue-green infrastructures are established and maintained, what resources – for example, how much water – they require, and what conflicts could arise during their implementation. ITAS focuses on the research of trees as part of the urban infrastructure. On the KIT Campus South in Karlsruhe and on the campus of the Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig, researcher have equipped two tree species under different irrigation conditions with sensors. This allows a more detailed research of the trees’ resistance to drought and their potential for local cooling.

Supporting cities in adapting to climate change 

The results of the project will be translated into practical recommendations to help German cities adapt to climate change while also improving the quality of life of their residents. “The project bridges the gap between science, practice, and innovation to make the urban future more sustainable,” says Somidh Saha. (13.03.2025)


Further links and information:

Project page:
Urban Transformation towards Blue-Green Infrastructure (UT-UBGI)