New TATuP issue “Modeling for policy”
During the COVID-19 pandemic, forecasts of infection dynamics were used to evaluate and justify political decisions. In this way, the relevance of computer models for the decisions of policy makers was impressively demonstrated to the public.
Against the background of this development, computer simulations – which are more and more often developed using artificial intelligence methods –also play an increasingly important role for technology assessment. The current TATuP issue “Modeling for policy: Decision making with AI, models, and computer simulations – challenges for TA from new prognostic methods” asks about this role.
Case studies on sustainable mobility and risks of nanotechnologies
The special topic combines basic contributions on the subject with case studies on the role of modeling in different fields. In addition to the evaluation of the pandemic management, this includes, e.g., the risks of nanotechnologies, aspects of justice in the use of facial recognition software, or models for sustainable mobility.
Interview on TA for the Austrian parliament
In the TATuP interview, Eva-Maria Himmelbauer, member of the Austrian National Council, talks about the importance of TA studies for the Austrian parliament. Since 2013, the ÖVP politician has been a member of the Committee for Research, Innovation, and Digitalization, which is responsible for technology assessment and has recently extended its cooperation with TA researchers.
Also in the current issue of TATuP: a research article on the linguistic and epistemological analysis of texts in scientific policy advice, conference reports, book reviews, and news from the TA community. (23.03.2023)
Further links:
- Full issue (open access)