Marianne van Panhuys

Marianne van Panhuys

  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Current positions

  • Doctoral student in the research group PHILETAS
  • Member of the research unit “The Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider”

Fields of work

  • Philosophy of science and technology
  • Philosophy of computer simulations
  • Epistemology
  • Risks and uncertainties

On the internet

Scientific networks:


Journal Articles
Jadreškić, D.; Panhuys, M. van
English for Women. When equality measures widen the gap
2024. 1st First Feminist Philosophy of Physics Workshop, University of Michigan (FPPM 2024), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, June 20–21, 2024 
Panhuys, M. van
Discovery, Path dependence, and Epistemic Risks
2022, September. Research Unit ELHC Meeting, University of Klagenfurt (ELHC 2022), Klagenfurt, Austria, September 23–24, 2022 
Panhuys, M. van
Philosophical Questions on Scientific Theory
2022, February 25. Seminar Day: A philosophical perspective on multiscale modeling of the Research Training Group (RTG) 2450 Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience (2022), Online, February 25, 2022 
Panhuys, M. van
Simulation-aided experiments: Observation in the turmoil
2021, November. Research Unit ELHC Meeting - Observation versus Experiment, University of Wuppertal (ELHC 2021), Wuppertal, Germany, November 4–5, 2021 
Panhuys, M. van; Hillerbrand, R.
Epistemic Risks and Computer Simulation
2021, September. Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy, Unipark Nonntal, Salzburg, Österreich (SOPhiA 2021), Online, September 9–11, 2021 
Panhuys, M. van; Hillerbrand, R.
Epistemic Risks and Computer Simulation
2021, November. Science and Art of Simulation Conference: Trust in Science (SAS-21), High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (2021), Online, November 27–29, 2021