Eike Düvel

Dr. Eike Düvel

  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Fields of work

  • Energy ethics
  • Ethics of Risk
  • Intergenerational justice

On the internet

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Professional background

since 2022 Postdoc with the PhilETAS research group at ITAS
2020 - 2022 Project-Management Consultant, Austria
2016 - 2019 PhD Philosophy, Doctoral program climate change and institute of philosophy, University of Graz, Austria
2010 - 2015 M.A. Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, University of Göttingen, Germany
2010 - 2015 B.A. Philosophy & Economics, Institute of Philosophy, University of Bayreuth, Germany

Selected publications

Placani, A; Düvel, E.; Pölzler, T.
Ethics and Risks: Approaches and issues
2018. Ethical perspectives, 25 (3), 355-361
doi: 10.2143/EP.25.3.3285421

Düvel, E.
Justifying the Imposition of Risks of Rights Violations on Future People on Contractualist Grounds
2018. Environmental Human Rights. A Political Theory Perspective. Hrsg.: Markku Oksanen, Ashley Dodsworth, Selina O'Doherty, 185-202, Routledge


Journal Articles
Düvel, E.; García-Portela, L.
The ethics of climate change loss and damage
2024. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 15 (6). doi:10.1002/wcc.910Full textFull text of the publication as PDF documentShareExport/share the publication
Düvel, E.
Compensating the losers of just transitions
2024. Enabling Net Zero Workshop Series (EnZO 2024), Karlsruhe, July 4, 2024 ShareExport/share the publication
Science Communication on the Internet
Düvel, E.
Normative emissions accounting
2023, July 1. Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Antwerp (2023), Antwerp, Belgium, July 1, 2023 ShareExport/share the publication
Düvel, E.
Stranded Assets and Legitimate Expectations
2023. Energy Ethics Conference, University of St. Andrews (2023), St. Andrews, UK, June 6, 2023 ShareExport/share the publication
Düvel, E.
Stranded Assets and Legitimate Expectations
2023, March 22. Normative Energy Ethics Lecture Series, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (2024), Online, March 22, 2024 ShareExport/share the publication
Düvel, E.
Saving Lives and Minimizing Complaints
2023, March 25. Varieties of Risk AHRC Project University of Stirling (2023), Stirling, United Kingdom, March 25, 2023 ShareExport/share the publication
Frigo, G.; Düvel, E.; García-Portela, L.; Hillerbrand, R.; Milchram, C.; Poznic, M.; Schmidt, M. W.; Widyatmanto, J. N.
Current Issues in the Emerging Field of Normative Energy Ethics
2023. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Germany, June 12–13, 2023 ShareExport/share the publication