Fatemeh Bahmei

Fatemeh Bahmei, M.Sc.

  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Fields of work

  • System analysis
  • Life cycle assessment of energy storage systems

On the internet

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Professional background

since 2023 Scientific staff member at ITAS
2022 - 2023 Visiting researcher at ITAS
2018 - 2023 Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Technology at Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran (Iran), with a thesis titled “Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Electrochemical Supercapacitor Electrodes Using Graphene Prepared from Banana Peel Waste”
2015 - 2018 Master's degree in Environmental Engineering, at Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (Iran), with a master's thesis titled “Application of Magnetic Graphene Nanocomposite for the Removal of Antibiotics from Aqueous Solutions”
2010 - 2014 Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering, at Khatam Al-Anbia University of Technology, Behbahan (Iran)

Selected publications

Bahmei, F.; Bahramifar, N.; Ghasemi mir, S.; Younesi, H.; Weil, M. (2022)
A Brief review of supercapacitors as a novel energy storage device, Fourth International Conference on Energy Infrastructure Management, Optimization and Development, Tehran

Fateme, B.; Nader, B.; Habibollah, Y.; Valeri, T. (2020)
Synthesis of porous graphene nanocomposite and its excellent adsorption behavior for Erythromycin antibiotic. Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика, 11(2)

Azimi Bizaki, S.; Bahramifar, N.; Zandipak, R.; Bahmeei, F. (2020)
Preparation of magnetic graphene nanocomposite for the removal of cefixime from aqueous solution. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1-17


Journal Articles
Bahmei, F.; Bahramifar, N.; Ghasemi, S.; Younesi, H.; Weil, M.
Comparison of environmental impacts in the production of graphene from biomass waste and the Hummers’ method
2025. Journal of Cleaner Production, 497, Art.-Nr.: 145145. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2025.145145
Bahmei, F.; Bahramifar, N.; Ghasemi, S.; Younesi, H.; Weil, M.
Evaluating the Global Warming Potential and Cumulative Energy Demand of Graphene as an Electrode Material for Supercapacitors
2024. 18th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2024), Jönköping, Sweden, May 14–15, 2024 
Pushpendra, P.; Weil, M.; Bahmei, F.; Baumann, M.; Erakca, M.; Ersoy, H.; Godoy Ortega, J. C.; Haruna, B. R.; Jasper, F.; Kumar, M.; Lazar, L.; Bautista Pinto, S.; Stuhm, P.; Buchgeister, J.; Deprie, T.; Das , S.
Sustainability Assessment of Battery Recycling
2024, October 18. Battery 2030+ Collaboration Board Meeting: Sustainability in Batteries (2024), Uppsala, Sweden, October 18, 2024 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Haruna, B.; Erakca, M.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Jasper, F.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.; Pushpendra, P.; Das, S.; Khaki, E.; Güngörmüsler, M.; Kumar, M.
Assessing Sustainability - The Environmental Impact of Sodium-Ion Batt
2024. Automotive Battery Tech Summit 2024 (2024), Berlin, Germany, September 29–October 1, 2024 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Jasper, F.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.; Pushpendra, P.; Das, S.; Khaki, E.; Kumar, M.
Sustainability Challenges for the Recycling of Present and Emerging Batteries
2024, May 14. 14th International Advanced Automative Battery Conference (AABC Europe 2024), Strasbourg, France, May 13–16, 2024 
Bahmei, F.; Bahramifar, N.; Ghasemi, S.; Younesi, H.; Weil, M.
Sustainable Perspective: Utilizing Biomass Waste as Electrode Material for Supercapacitors
2024. 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Technology (GEET 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, July 29–31, 2024 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Bahmei, F.; Jasper, F.; Stuhm, P.; Das, S.; Buchgeister, J.; Ersoy, H.
Alternative Batterietechnologien – Fokus Natrium-Ionen-Batterie
2023. Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung einer Rohstoffwende. Potentiale und Herausforderungen im Mobilitätssektor (2023), Bonn, Germany, November 27, 2023 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Jasper, F.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Sustainability-Focused Technology Assessment of Lithium and Post-Lithium Batteries – Resource Criticality, Recycling, and Prospective Life Cycle Assessment
2023. 13th International Advanced Automotive Battery Conference (AABC 2023), Mainz, Germany, June 19–22, 2023 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Jasper, F.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Life-cycle oriented sustainability analysis of current and future battery systems
2023. 17th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 9–10, 2023 
Bahmei, F.; Pinto-Bautista, S.; Weil, M.
Sodium-Ion Capacitors: A Pathway towards Environmentally Sustainable Energy Storage Technologies
2023. Transforming towards a sustainable society - challenges and solutions (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 11–13, 2023 
Weil, M.; Varzi, A.; Brousse, T.; Crosnier, O.; Taberna, P.-L.; Simon, P.; Balducci, A.; Fagon, A.; Bouesse, J. L.; Aries, S.; Soulage, J.; Briet, C.; Amosse, J. C. de; Amosse, Y.; Martin, S.; Charrier, C.; Cluchague, N.; Ruttert, M.; Lou, F.; Kaspersen, J. D.; Skofteland, K.; Li, Y.; Romo, S.; Junguitu, E.; Olarte, J.; Clancy, R.; Moreno, A. G.; Arnaiz, M.; Saurel, D.; Mysyk, R.; Hainthaler, A.; Marcel, M.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Bahmei, F.; Saenz de Buruaga, A.; López Cardona, J. D.; Castillo, I.; Carriazo, D.; Ajuria, J.; Baumann, M.
Sustainable Design of Sodium based Supercapacitors for Mobile and Stationary Applications
2023. 17th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 9–10, 2023 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Jasper, F.; Thomas Kochuveedu, S.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Data issues for sustainability assessment of present and emerging battery systems
2022. StoRIES Webinar: FAIR and open data for environmental, techno-economic and socio-economic assessments for Energy Storage (2022), Online, October 27, 2022 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Kochuveedu, S. T.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Lithium Batterien - Rohstoffbedarf & Recycling und die Suche nach Post-Lithium Batterien
2022. IWAR Vortragsreihe - Neues aus der Umwelttechnik (2022), Online, November 14, 2022 
Conference Papers
Bahmei, F.; Bahramifar, N.; Ghasemi, S.; Younesi, H.; Weil, M.
A Brief review of supercapacitors as a novel energy storage device
2021. Fuel, Elsevier