Kirsten Gaber, M.Sc.
- Scientific staff
- Research group “Designing Real-World Laboratory Research”
- Room: 316
- Phone: +49 721 608-26437
- kirsten gaber ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
Postfach 3640
76021 Karlsruhe
Fields of work
- Digitalization in agriculture
- Participatory research
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Sustainability assessment
Professional background
since 2018 | Scientific staff member at ITAS |
2017 | Research associate at Fachbereich Industrie und Produkte, Biomasse und Nahrungsmittel ath the Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung (ifeu), Heidelberg |
2015 | Research associate at Land and Food Systems Faculty, Human Nutrition Department at the University of British Columbia |
2015 - 2017 | M.Sc. Organic Agriculture and Food Systems: University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart M.Sc. Agroecology: ISARA-Lyon, Lyon, France |
2011 - 2015 | B.A. Geography: The University of British Columbia und Queen's University, Canada |
Journal Articles
Gaber, K.; Rösch, C.; Bieling, C.
Digital transformation of fruit farming in Germany: Digital tool development, stakeholder perceptions, adoption, and barriers
2024. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences, 96, Article no: 2349544. doi:10.1080/27685241.2024.2349544
Digital transformation of fruit farming in Germany: Digital tool development, stakeholder perceptions, adoption, and barriers
2024. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences, 96, Article no: 2349544. doi:10.1080/27685241.2024.2349544
Journal Articles
Ferraria, A.; Bacco, M.; Gaber, K.; Jedlitschka, A.; Hess, S.; Kaipainen, J.; Koltsida, P.; Toli, E.; Brunori, G.
Drivers, barriers and impacts of digitalisation in rural areas from the viewpoint of experts
2022. Information & software technology, 145, Art.Nr. 106816. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2021.106816
Drivers, barriers and impacts of digitalisation in rural areas from the viewpoint of experts
2022. Information & software technology, 145, Art.Nr. 106816. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2021.106816
Gaber, K.; Rösch, C.; Biondi, N.
Life Cycle Assessment of Total Fatty Acid (TFA) Production from Microalgae Nannochloropsis oceanica at Different Sites and Under Different Sustainability Scenarios
2022. BioEnergy research, 15, Art.Nr. 1595–1615. doi:10.1007/s12155-021-10279-z
Life Cycle Assessment of Total Fatty Acid (TFA) Production from Microalgae Nannochloropsis oceanica at Different Sites and Under Different Sustainability Scenarios
2022. BioEnergy research, 15, Art.Nr. 1595–1615. doi:10.1007/s12155-021-10279-z
Rösch, C.; Benighaus, C.; Gaber, K.
Saurer Apfel oder Sahnehäubchen? Digitalisierung im Obstbau
2022. KIT im Rathaus "Wandel gestalten" (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 18, 2022
Saurer Apfel oder Sahnehäubchen? Digitalisierung im Obstbau
2022. KIT im Rathaus "Wandel gestalten" (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 18, 2022
Gaber, K.; Rösch, C.
Use, expectations, and barriers to acceptance of digital technologies in German fruit farming
2021. Scientific Workshop - Session 3 "Farmer interaction and robotic acceptability" / World FIRA Conference - AG Robotics Forum (2021), Toulouse, France, December 7–9, 2021
Use, expectations, and barriers to acceptance of digital technologies in German fruit farming
2021. Scientific Workshop - Session 3 "Farmer interaction and robotic acceptability" / World FIRA Conference - AG Robotics Forum (2021), Toulouse, France, December 7–9, 2021
Gaber, K.; Rösch, C.
Obstanbau mit Drohnen und Roboter – ist das nachhaltig?
2021. EFFEKTE im Juni: Von Digitalbauern, Mischwäldern und Nachhaltigkeit (2021), Online, June 15, 2021
Obstanbau mit Drohnen und Roboter – ist das nachhaltig?
2021. EFFEKTE im Juni: Von Digitalbauern, Mischwäldern und Nachhaltigkeit (2021), Online, June 15, 2021
Moore, K.; Ketzer, F.; Rösch, C.
Challenges of upscaling innovative processes in LCA - Case study of butanol production by synechocystis PCC6803
2019. Workshop “LCA on Upscaled Algae Production: Challenges of Data Gaps and Modelling” (2019), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 24, 2019
Challenges of upscaling innovative processes in LCA - Case study of butanol production by synechocystis PCC6803
2019. Workshop “LCA on Upscaled Algae Production: Challenges of Data Gaps and Modelling” (2019), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 24, 2019
Moore, K.; Rösch, C.
Life cycle assessment on microalgae biofuel production scenario - The Italian case study of N. oceania
2019. 9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB 2019), Boulder, CO, USA, June 17–19, 2019
Life cycle assessment on microalgae biofuel production scenario - The Italian case study of N. oceania
2019. 9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB 2019), Boulder, CO, USA, June 17–19, 2019
Moore, K.; Rösch, C.
Comparison of LCA on biofuel production from first (food crop) and third generation biofuels (microalgae)
2019. International Conference AlgaEurope (2019), Paris, France, December 3–5, 2019
Comparison of LCA on biofuel production from first (food crop) and third generation biofuels (microalgae)
2019. International Conference AlgaEurope (2019), Paris, France, December 3–5, 2019
Moore, K.; Rösch, C.
Prospective life cycle assessment (LCA) scenarios on biofuel precursor production with microalgae: the Italian case study of N. oceania
2019. 9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB 2019), Boulder, CO, USA, June 17–19, 2019
Prospective life cycle assessment (LCA) scenarios on biofuel precursor production with microalgae: the Italian case study of N. oceania
2019. 9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB 2019), Boulder, CO, USA, June 17–19, 2019
Varela Villarreal, J.; Moore, K.; Rösch, C.
Acceptance of using genetically modified microalgae for an improved biofuel production. Opinion of European Citizens
2019. 9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB 2019), Boulder, CO, USA, June 17–19, 2019
Acceptance of using genetically modified microalgae for an improved biofuel production. Opinion of European Citizens
2019. 9th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB 2019), Boulder, CO, USA, June 17–19, 2019