Helmholtz-Initiative Energy System 2050 – Research Topic Life-Cycle-Oriented Sustainability Assessment of the Case Study Storage and Grid

Project description

Example Life Cycle Costing (LCC) for Energy storage systems (Source: ITAS)

Description of the overall initiative

"Energy System 2050" is a joint initiative of the research field energy of the Helmholtz Association. Running until 2019, it is aiming at improving the concrete understanding of energy systems and at developing technological solutions for use by politics and industry. The initiative explores the integration of technological key elements into the energy system and the respective links. It also elaborates solutions to integrate the partially fluctuating renewable energies successfully into German and European energy systems. Its five selected research topics (RT) address fundamental challenges of the Energiewende:

  1. Storage and Grids
  2. Bioenergy
  3. Hydrogen-based Energy and Resource Pathways
  4. Life-Cycle-Oriented Sustainability Analysis at System Level
  5. Toolbox and Data Models

Description of research topic 4: Life-cycle-oriented sustainability analysis at system level

To successfully continue and complete the Energiewende, it is important that technical and scientific, ecological, economic, and social aspects of the transformation are analyzed comprehensively and at an early stage and incorporated in the process. In research topic 4, a joint method for the sustainability assessment of technologies is developed. This method consists of the elements Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and an assessment according to social indicators. The method is used to assess three case studies in three research topics (RT 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) exemplarily. The findings and results of the case studies provide the basis for a sustainability assessment at the system level (RT 4.1).

Detailed information on the research topics 4.1 to 4.4 can be found at the following links:

RT 4.1: Development of Methods for Sustainability Assessment at System Level – DLR
RT 4.2: Storage and Grids – KIT-ITAS
RT 4.3: Bioenergy – KIT-ITAS
RT 4.4: Pathway Analysis Hydrogen – FZJ-IEK

Description of research topic 4.2: Case study "Storage and Grids"

The case study "Storage and Grids" analyzes relevant and potentially sustainable energy storage systems (with different net interaction) based on the life cycle regarding their ecological (LCA), economic (LCC), social, and technological aspects. For this purpose, new material flow and cost models are established and an energy storage data base is used as basis for LCA and LCC. A life-cycle inventory is created along the whole value chain for the ecological assessment using the openLCA software in combination with the data base ecoinvent. Statements regarding the sustainability of energy storage options can be realized by integrating social indicators (like the acceptance of energy storage systems).

At the technical level, the integration of various electrochemical energy storage systems into different grid applications in the energy system are analyzed and compared. The focus is on Li-Ion battery systems (e.g. LiFePO4, …), but also NaNiCl or vanadium redox flow batteries are considered. Depending on the application context, other flexibility options, like e.g. pumped-storage power plants or gas power plants, are used as comparison technology.


Journal Articles
Haase, M.; Wulf, C.; Baumann, M.; Rösch, C.; Weil, M.; Zapp, P.; Naegler, T.
Prospective assessment of energy technologies: a comprehensive approach for sustainability assessment
2022. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 12 (20), Article no: 20. doi:10.1186/s13705-022-00344-6Full textFull text of the publication as PDF documentShareExport/share the publication
Conference Papers
Harzendorf, F.; Wulf, C.; Haase, M.; Baumann, M.; Ersoy, H.; Zapp, P.
Domestic value added as an indicator for sustainability assessment – a case study on alternative drivetrains in the passenger car sector
2022. Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Kroatien, 10.-15.10.2021. doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1211251/v1ShareExport/share the publication
Journal Articles
Baumann, M.; Domnik, T.; Haase, M.; Wulf, C.; Emmerich, P.; Rösch, C.; Zapp, P.; Naegler, T.; Weil, M.
Comparative patent analysis for the identification of global research trends for the case of battery storage, hydrogen and bioenergy
2021. Technological forecasting and social change, 165, Art.-Nr.: 120505. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120505Full textFull text of the publication as PDF documentShareExport/share the publication
Science Communication on the Internet
Journal Articles
Emmerich, P.; Hülemeier, A.-G.; Jendryczko, D.; Baumann, M. J.; Weil, M.; Baur, D.
Public acceptance of emerging energy technologies in context of the German energy transition
2020. Energy policy, 142, Art.Nr. 111516. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111516ShareExport/share the publication
Marcelino, C.; Baumann, M.; Carvalho, L.; Chibeles-Martins, N.; Weil, M.; Almeida, P.; Wanner, E.
A combined optimisation and decision-making approach for battery-supported HMGS
2020. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71 (5), 762–774. doi:10.1080/01605682.2019.1582590ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Domnik, T.; Haase, M.; Wulf, C.; Emmerich, P.; Rösch, C.; Zapp, P.; Naegler, T.; Weil, M.
Analyse internationaler Patentstrategien für Li-Ion Batterien, Biomasse und Wasserstoff im Kontext der deutschen Energiewende
2020. 16. Symposium Energieinnovation (EnInnov 2020), Graz, Austria, February 12–14, 2020 ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Peters, J. F.; Weil, M.; Ersoy, H.
MCDA of Stationary battery storage systems
2020. Abschlusskonferenz - Ergebnispräsentation Helmholtz Initiative Energie System (Energie System 2050 2020), Berlin, Germany, September 30, 2020 ShareExport/share the publication
Baur, D.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Wulf, C.; Zapp, P.; Rösch, C.; Haase, M.; Buchgeister, J.; Junne, T.; Naegler, T.; Emmerich, P.; Hülemeier, A.-G.; Jendryczko, D.; Ly, H. M.; Weil, M.
Societal Acceptance of Emerging Energy Technologies in the Context of the Energy Transition
2020. ES2050-Abschlusskonferenz (2020), Berlin, Germany, September 28–30, 2020 ShareExport/share the publication
Baur, D.; Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Emmerich, P.; Hülemeier, A.-G.; Jendryczko, D.; Ly, H. M.
Gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz emergenter Energietechnologien
2020. STORENERGY congress (2020), Online, November 11–13, 2020 ShareExport/share the publication
Book Chapters
Marcelino, C. G.; Pedreira, C. E.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Almeida, P. E. M.; Wanner, E. F.
A Viability Study of Renewables and Energy Storage Systems Using Multicriteria Decision Making and an Evolutionary Approach
2019. Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization : 10th International Conference (EMO 2019), East Lansing, MI, March 10-13, 2019, Proceedings. Ed.: K. Deb, 655–668, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-12598-1_52ShareExport/share the publication
Journal Articles
Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Peters, J. F.; Chibeles-Martins, N.; Moniz, A. B.
A review of multi-criteria decision making approaches for evaluating energy storage systems for grid applications
2019. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 107, 516–534. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.02.016ShareExport/share the publication
Conference Papers
Zippel, F.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Hofmann, M.
Use Cases of Battery Storage for Optimized Grid Load of Different Industries
2019. NEIS 2019 : Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems : Hamburg, 19-20 September 2019. Ed.: D. Schulz, 234–239, VDE Verlag ShareExport/share the publication
Zippel, F.; Weil, M.; Hofmann, M.; Baumann, M.
Use Cases of Battery Storage for Optimized Grid Load of Different Industries
2019. NEIS 2019 : Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems Hamburg, 19 – 20 September 2019. Ed.: D. Schulz, 234–239, VDE Verlag ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Peters, J.
Challenges for the evaluation of storage technologies - use case for batteries
2019. 3. Jahrestreffen des Forschungsnetzwerks Energiesystemanalyse (2019), Aachen, Germany, May 23–24, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Peters, J.
Multikriterielle Bewertung von elektrochemischen Energiespeichertechnologien
2019. Workshop Prospektive multidimensionale Bewertung von Energietechnologien (2019), Oldenburg, Germany, February 18–19, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Junne, T.; Cao, K.-K.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Integration von Lebenszyklusdaten von Batterietechnologien in die Energiesystemmodellierung
2019. 3. Jahrestreffen des Forschungsnetzwerks Energiesystemanalyse (2019), Aachen, Germany, May 23–24, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.
Resource demand for the mobility transition - batteries for bus and autonomous minibus vehicles
2019. 13th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2019), Pisa, Italy, May 20–21, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; peters, J.
Resource demand of EV batteries until 2050 - contribution and challenges of recycling
2019. European Electric Vehicle Batteries Summit (2019), Berlin, Germany, June 18–19, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.
Life-cycle aspects of present and new battery technologies
2019. Europäisches Parlament (STOA 2019), Strasbourg, France, April 18, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J. F.; Wulf, C.; Zapp, P.; Haase, M.; Rösch, C.; Buchgeister, J.; Junne, T.; Naegler, T.; Emmerich, P.
Sustainability Assessment of technologies for the Energy transition – Focus on Societal Acceptance
2019. 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019), Poznan, Poland, September 1–4, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J. F.; Wulf, C.; Zapp, P.; Haase, M.; Rösch, C.; Buchgeister, J.; Junne, T.; Naegler, T.; Emmerich, P.
Societal Acceptance of Emerging Energy Technologies in the Context of the Energy Transition
2019. 4th European Technology Assessment Conference (2019), Bratislava, Slovakia, November 4–6, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.; Marcelino, C.
Economic and ecological assessment of stationary batteries using different energy to power ratios
2019. 13th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2019), Pisa, Italy, May 20–21, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Wulf, C.; Zapp, P.; Rösch, C.; Haase, M.; Buchgeister, J.; Junne, T.; Naegler, T.; Emmerich, P.
Social sustainability assessment of technologies for the energy transition - focus on societal acceptance
2019. 13th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2019), Pisa, Italy, May 20–21, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Wulf, C.; Zapp, P.; Rösch, C.; Haase, M.; Buchgeister, J.; Junne, T.; Naegler, T.; Emmerich, P.
Social sustainability assessment of technologies for the energy transition - focus on societal acceptance
2019. 3. Jahrestreffen des Forschungsnetzwerks Energiesystemanalyse (2019), Aachen, Germany, May 23–24, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Zippel, F.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Hofmann, M.
Assessment of battery storage for peak shaving in different industries
2019. Konferenz für nachhaltige Energieversorgung und Integration von Speichern (NEIS 2019), Hamburg, Germany, September 19–20, 2019 ShareExport/share the publication
Journal Articles
Marcelino, C. G.; Almeida, P. E. M.; Wanner, E. F.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Carvalho, L. M.; Miranda, V.
Solving security constrained optimal power flow problems: a hybrid evolutionary approach
2018. Applied intelligence, 48 (10), 3672–3690. doi:10.1007/s10489-018-1167-5ShareExport/share the publication
Conference Papers
Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.
Ökologische und ökonomische Performance stationärer Li-Ion-Batteriespeicher
2018. 15.Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, A, 14.-16.Februar 2018, Technische Universität Graz ShareExport/share the publication
Elkadragy, M. M.; Baumann, M.; Moore, N.; Weil, M.; Lemmertz, N.; Hiller, M.
Contrastive techno-economic analysis concept for off-grid hybrid renewable electricity systems based on comparative case studies within Canada and Uganda
2018. 3rd International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, E, May 8-9, 2018, Energynautics ShareExport/share the publication
Emmerich, P.; Weil, M.; Baumann, M.
Citizen concerns and acceptance for novel energy technologies
2018. Enterprise and Work Innovation pole at FCT-UNL ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.
A brief overview of techno-environmental issues related to hybrid energy and energy storage systems
2018. 3rd EERA-SmILES Workshop on Hybrid Energy and Energy Storage Systems (2018), Brussels, Belgium, November 14–15, 2018 ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.
Introduction and recent activities in the field of energy storage and techno-economics
2018. EERA JP Energy Storage Sub-Programme Meeting (2018), Eindhoven, Netherlands, May 3–4, 2018 ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.
Ökologische und ökonomische Performance stationärer Li-Ion-Batteriespeicher
2018. 15. Symposium Energieinnovation (EnInnov 2018), Graz, Austria, February 14–16, 2018 ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Moniz, A.
Socio-technical transitions and sustainability: The energy system, battery storage and transport
2018. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Seminar (2018), Caparica, Portugal, January 22, 2018 ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Tomasini, C.
Sustainability analysis of electrochemical storage for sectoral coupling activities
2018. 4th Scientific SCI Meeting „Integrated Energy“ (2018), Stuttgart, Germany, September 20–21, 2018 ShareExport/share the publication
Minke, C.; Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Environmental assessment of vanadium redox flow batteries
2018. 28th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting (2018), Rome, Italy, May 13–17, 2018 ShareExport/share the publication
Book Chapters
Baumann, M.; Moniz, A. B.; Weil, M.
Energy storage in the future German electricity system: A literature review and expert interviews based foresight approach
2017. Pensar o futuro, preparar a mudança [To think the future, to prepare change] Ed.: J. Saragoça, 89–108, CICS.NOVA ShareExport/share the publication
Journal Articles
Versteeg, T.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Moniz, A. B.
Exploring emerging battery technology for grid-connected energy storage with Constructive Technology Assessment
2017. Technological forecasting and social change, 115, 99–110. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2016.09.024ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.
Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen - Speicher und Netze
2017. Energie System 2050 (2017), Berlin, Germany, May 29–31, 2017 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.
System analysis of energy storage for stationary grid application. An economic and ecological perspective
2017. 2nd International Conference on Power Energy Engineering, München, July 17-18, 2017 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.
Sustainability assessment of energy storage for stationary grid application
2017. 7th International Symposium on Energy, Manchester, GB, August 13-17, 2017 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Rodrigues Garcia, G.; Ziemann, S.; Versteeg, T.
Life cycle sustainability assessment of nano-enabled energy storage technologies
2017. 9th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Jaipur, IND, March 9-12, 2017 ShareExport/share the publication
Weil, M.; Peters, J.; Rodrigues Garcia, G.; Baumann, M.; Ziemann, S.; Zimmermann, B.
Lebenszyklusorientierte Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen von Energiespeichern für mobile und stationäre Anwendungen
2016. Nachhaltiges Energie- und Stoffstrommanagment, Universität Freiburg, 20.04.2016 ShareExport/share the publication
Baumann, M.; Emmerich, P.; Weil, M.
Soziale Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung
2015. Projekttreffen "Energie System 2050" (2015), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, May 8–9, 2015 ShareExport/share the publication


Dr.-Ing. Marcel Weil
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608-26718