Giovanni Frifo

Dr. Giovanni Frigo

  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Current positions

Fields of work

  • Energy Ethics
  • Philosophy of Energy
  • Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
  • Energy Humanities
  • Science and Technology Studies (STS)

On the internet

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Professional background

since 2019 Postdoctoral researcher in the PhilETAS research group at ITAS (member of scientific staff at ITAS)
2018 Visiting assistant professor, Department of philosophy, Northern Michigan University (NMU), Marquette, MI, USA
2013 - 2018 Ph.D. Environmental Ethics, Department of philosophy & religion, University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, TX, USA
2017 Graduate certificate in Energy, Department of mechanical & energy engineering, University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, TX, USA
2014 - 2018 Teaching fellow, Department of philosophy & religion, University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, TX, USA
2013 - 2014 Teaching assistant, Department of Philosophy & religion, University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, TX, USA
2008 - 2011 M.A. Philosophical Sciences, University of Verona, Italy and Erasmus Program at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France
2005 - 2008 B.A. Philosophy, University of Verona, Italy

Selected publications

Frigo, G.; Milchram, C.; Hillerbrand, R.
Designing for Care: Changing Values in Energy Systems
Science and Engineering Ethics (forthcoming 2023)

Frigo, G.; Hillerbrand, R.
Energy Ethics, Justice and SDG7
in L. Filho, W., Azul, A.M., Brandli, L., Özuyar, P.G., Wall, T. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Cham: Springer 2022.

Frigo, G.; Baumann, M.; Hillerbrand, R.
Energy and the Good Life: Capabilities as the Foundation of the Right to Access Energy Services
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 22 (1) 2021.


Journal Articles
Frigo, G.; Düvel, E.; García-Portela, L.; Hillerbrand, R.; Milchram, C.; Poznic, M.; Schmidt, M. W.; Widyatmanto, J. N.
Current Issues in the Emerging Field of Normative Energy Ethics
2023. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Germany, June 12–13, 2023 
Book Chapters
Frigo, G.; Hillerbrand, R.
Energy Ethics, Justice and SDG7
2022. Affordable and Clean Energy. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Ed.: W.L: Filho, 1–11, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71057-0_135-1Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Frigo, G.; Milchram, C.; Poznic, M.; Schmidt, M.; Hillerbrand, R.
An Ethical Assessment of Digital Mobility Transitions: Perspectives from Care Ethics
2022. 5th European Technology Assessment Conference (ETAC5 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25–27, 2022 
Book Chapters
Frigo, G.
Beyond the Capitalocene: An Ecocentric Perspective for the Energy Transition
2020. Ethics and Politics of Space for the Anthropocene. Ed.: A. Valtonen, 150–174, Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781839108709.00015Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Frigo, G.; Hillerbrand, R.
The Right to Energy Access and the Capabilities Approach
2020. International Engager Workshop "Co-Creating the ’Right to Energy’ in Theory and Practice", Universität Groningen, Niederlande, 08.-09.01.2020 (2020), Groningen / Girona, January 8–9, 2020 
Journal Articles