QuTec: Quantum Technology Innovations for Society

Project description

Quantum technology (QT) has become a high priority worldwide in recent years. With the developments in cryogenics, photonics, lithography, and similar complementary technologies, the fabrication and manipulation of ever smaller physical systems enable the creation of novel devices and techniques that exploit quantum phenomena such as superposition, interference, and entanglement. By using these physical phenomena of the quantum realm, the development of new sensors, communication systems, and a novel type of computers called “quantum computers” appear feasible soon.

Currently, planned public investment in QT worldwide totals more than €20 billion over the next decade, and Germany alone plans to spend €2.65 billion on these technologies. With the allocation of such large amounts of public funds, there is a growing need to link R&D in QT with reflection and action on societal issues, ethics, and technology assessment topics. As QT becomes more popular, it becomes increasingly important to explore questions such as potential threats to the current internet infrastructure from quantum computers or the reasons for prioritizing QT against other research topics.

This project will conduct research on the landscape of QT, innovation and transformation expectations, and societal aspects of quantum technologies. This will involve interviews with researchers in the field and workshops on responsible research and innovation (RRI) in this area.

As QT develops, path dependencies will emerge and new opportunities for research on the topic will arise. The following two questions are thus at the core of the project:

  • How are quantum technologies imagined, envisioned, and intended to be realized in our current techno-societies?
  • What are the possible path dependencies for future scenarios for the development of these technologies?

The project will also make recommendations for future research in quantum technology assessment.


Journal Articles
Bayer, J. C.; Brange, F.; Schmidt, A.; Wagner, T.; Rugeramigabo, E. P.; Flindt, C.; Haug, R. J.
Real-Time Detection and Control of Correlated Charge Tunneling in a Quantum Dot
2025. Physical Review Letters, 134 (4), Art.-Nr.: 046303. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046303
Schmidt, A.; Seskir, Z. C.
Responsible Quantum Technologies – Ongoing Initiatives Connecting the Dots
2025. International Quantum Forum (2025), Munich, Germany, January 30–31, 2025 
Book Chapters
Barbato, F.; Barthelemy, M.; Beck, C.; Biamonte, J. D.; Cirac, J. I.; Malz, D.; Marino, A.; Seskir, Z. C.; Ventura-Traveset, J.
Chapter 7: Physics for secure and efficient societies
2024. EPS Grand Challenges – Physics for Society in the Horizon 2050, 1–105, IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/978-0-7503-6342-6ch7Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Faletic, S.; Bitzenbauer, P.; Bondani, M.; Chiofalo, M.; Goorney, S. R.; Krijtenburg-Lewerissa, K.; Mishina, O.; Müller, R.; Pospiech, G.; Ercan, İ.; Malgieri, M.; Merzel, A.; Michelini, M.; Onorato, P.; Pol, H.; Santi, L.; Seskir, Z. C.; Sherson, J.; Stadermann, H. K. E.; Stefanel, A.; Surer, E.; Tóth, K.; Yago Malo, J.; Zabello, O.
Contributions from Pilot Projects in Quantum Technology Education as Support Action to Quantum Flagship
2024. Teaching and Learning Physics Effectively in Challenging Times. Ed.: S. Faletič, 219–238, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-72541-8_15
Goorney, S.; Beduini, F.; Bondani, M.; Nita, L.; Sanmartí-Vila, L.; Seskir, Z. C.; Sherson, J.; Chiofalo, M. L.
Communicating Quantum Technologies in an Era of Mistrust and Misinformation
2024. Achiam, Marianne; Jontes, Dejan; Skapin, Anja (Hg.): The Ecosystem of Science Communication in the Post-Truth Era: Perspectives, Contexts, Dynamics. Ed.: M. Achiam, 169–193, Založba Univerze v Ljubljani (University of Ljubljana Press). doi:10.51746/9789612972417Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Journal Articles
Chiofalo, M. L. (.; Foti, C.; Lazzeroni, C.; Maniscalco, S.; Seskir, Z. C.; Sherson, J.; Weidner, C. A.; Michelini, M.
Games for Quantum Physics Education
2024. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2727 (1), Art.-Nr.: 12010. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2727/1/012010Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Purohit, A.; Kaur, M.; Seskir, Z. C.; Posner, M. T.; Venegas-Gomez, A.
Building a quantum‐ready ecosystem
2024. IET Quantum Communication, 5 (1), 1–18. doi:10.1049/qtc2.12072Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Skult, N.; Piispanen, L.; Atas, M.; Jankiewicz, K.; Surer, E.; Smed, J.; Seskir, Z. C.
A Chronicle of Quantum Technologies in Game and Software Development
2024. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 44 (5), 14–26. doi:10.1109/MCG.2024.3448613
Conference Papers
Chapman, J.; Seskir, Z. C.; Belguith, S.; Tryfonas, T.
Quantum Sensing Technologies and Smart Cities: Opportunities and Challenges
2024. IEEE (Hg.): Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference on “Smart Cities : Revolution for Mankind”, Pattaya City, Thailand, 29.10.2024 - 01.11.2024, Paper ID: 06217, IEEEXplore 
Schmidt, A.; Seskir, Z. C.
Self-Guided Learning in Quantum Technologies: Unveiling the Role of Grassroots Organizations in Education and Outreach
2024. Book of Extended Abstracts. 4th World Conference on Physics Education "Embracing Changes Together". Ed.: M. Kaczmarek, 386–387, Jagiellonian University 
Seskir, Z. C.; Umbrello, S.; Vermaas, P.
Exploring Pitfalls for Defence and Security by Narratives on Quantum Technologies
2024. Proceedings NATO STO: IST-SET-198 Research Symposium on "Quantum Technology for Defence and Security (2023), Amsterdam, Niederlande, 03.10.2023 – 04.10.2023 Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Schmidt, A.
Quantum for Education
2024, October 18. OQIxGiga: Quantum for Connectivity Roundtable (2024), Geneva, Switzerland, October 18, 2024 
Schmidt, A.
Panel | Quantum-ready Workforce: Are we equipped for the future?
2024. AI & Data Summit and Quantum Summit (2024), Berlin, Germany, September 25–26, 2024 
Schmidt, A.
Self-Guided Learning in Quantum Technologies: Unveiling the Role of Grassroots Organizations in Education and Outreach
2024. 4th World Conference on Physics Education "Embracing changes together" (2024), Krakow, Poland, August 26–30, 2024 
Schmidt, A.
Why teach quantum on your own time: The values of grassroots organizations involved in quantum technologies education and outreach
2024. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology and the Society for Social Studies of Science: Conference Making and Doing Transformations (EASST/4S 2024), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 16–19, 2024 
Schmidt, A.
Discourse Formats for Responsible Research and Innovation in Quantum Technologies
2024. 22nd Annual STS Conference Graz 2024 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“ (2024), Graz, Austria, May 6–8, 2024 
Schmidt, A.
Artists in QT – their works, views and how they could shape the future of QTs
2024, April 17. Responsible Quantum Technologies Workshop 2024 (2024), Karlsruhe, April 16–18, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Responsible Approaches to QT: Perspectives from ITAS
2024, November 20. Exploring the Arms Control Implications of Quantum Technologies - Workshop (2024), The Hague, Netherlands, November 20, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Technology Assessment for Quantum Technologies at ITAS
2024. Studio Quantum: Quantum Technology in Art and Science, ZKM (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 30, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Responsible Quantum Technologies (ResQT): Impact of Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific Region
2024, October. Responsible Quantum Technologies: Impact of Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific Region (2024), Singapore, Singapore, October 15–16, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Impact of Geopolitics on Quantum Technologies in Europe
2024. Responsible Quantum Technologies: Impact of Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific Region (2024), Singapore, Singapore, October 15–16, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
How opening up quantum computing helped: The case of QWorld and beyond
2024, September 20. IEEE Quantum Week (2024), Québec, Canada, September 15–20, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
The (Short) History of “Responsible Quantum”
2024, September 18. IEEE Quantum Week (2024), Québec, Canada, September 15–20, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Why teach quantum at your own time: The values of grassroots organisations involved in quantum technologies education and outreach
2024, September 15. 3rd Annual Quantum Science and Engineering Education Conference (QSEEC 2024), Montreal, Canada, September 15–16, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Path Dependencies (in QT)
2024, July 5. PushQuantum QEI Workshop (2024), Munich, Germany, July 5, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Responsible Quantum Science & Technology
2024, April 25. Strategizing Quantum Science & Technology in the ASEAN Context (2024), Bangkok, Thailand, April 25–26, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
How can technology assessment support the healthy development of a European QT ecosystem?
2024. Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (2024), Prague, Czechia, March 26, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Technology Assessment of Quantum Sensors (for Military Applications)
2024. European Conference on Quantum technologies for Defence: Current and future capabilities (2024), Warsaw, Poland, March 13–14, 2024 
Seskir, Z. C.
Quantum Governance: Ethical, Legal, and Societal Dimensions
2024. Quantum Innovation Summit: Dare to Leap (2024), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 28–29, 2024 
Vermaas, P.; Coco, M.; Lamonato, M.; Seskir, Z. C.
Ethics and Disruptions of Quantum Technologies
2024, November 20. European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC 2024 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, November 18–20, 2024 
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
Seskir, Z. C.
The Second Quantum Revolution and Quantum Technologies as an STS Research Object
2023. STS: Bir Disiplin Olarak Kimlik İnşası, 198–210 
Seskir, Z. C.
Quantum games and interactive tools for developing quantum intuition
2023. IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering / Workshop on Quantum Algorithm Design Automation (2023), Bellevue, WA, USA, September 22, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
What can the patent landscape tell us about the quantum ecosystems in different countries?
2023. Building a National Innovation System for Quantum Technology (2023), Jena, Germany, September 7–8, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Democratization of Quantum Technologies
2023. Washington Quantum Computing Meetup (2023), Online, July 29, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
The Future of Quantum Technologies in Turkey and Around the Globe
2023. METU-TEKPOL (2023), Ankara, Turkey, August 11, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Responsible Quantum Technologies in Space
2023. INSQT Workshop 3: Space Quantum Internet (2023), Berlin, Germany, August 30–September 1, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.; Coenen, C.
Quantum Sensing and Metrology Applications for Mobility Systems
2023. 23rd Biennial International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology: "Technology and Mobility" (SPT 2023), Tokyo, Japan, June 7–10, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.; Goorney, S.; Chiofalo, M.
Educating to the “culture” of Quantum Technologies: Concepts for Public Awareness
2023. 2nd The Quantum Science and Engineering Education Conference (QSEEC 2023), Bellevue, WA, USA, September 17–18, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.; Umbrello, S.; Coenen, C.; Vermaas, P.
Democratization of Quantum Technologies
2023. 6th Nordic STS Conference (2023), Oslo, Norway, June 7–9, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.; Umbrello, S.; Coenen, C.; Vermaas, P. E.
Democratization of Quantum Technologies
2023. IEEE Quantum Week (2023), Bellevue, WA, USA, September 17–22, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Responsible Quantum Technologies (at ITAS)
2023, November 23. The Quantum Energy Initiative Workshop 2023 (#QEI 2023), Singapore, Singapore, November 20–24, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Responsible Quantum Technologies Meets Quantum Ethics: An Overview
2023. #STSMeetsEthics23 (2023), Ankara, Turkey, October 31–November 2, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Design Exercise on Industrial Applications of Quantum Sensing
2023. Ethical and Social Implications of Quantum Sensing (2023), Delft, Netherlands, October 6, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Global innovation and competition in quantum technology, viewed through the lens of patents
2023. Quantum Science Days (QSD 2023 2023), Online, May 29–31, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Democratization of quantum technologies
2023. Quantum Science Days (QSD 2023 2023), Online, May 29–31, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Path Dependencies of Commercial Futures for Quantum Computing
2023. Paper Development Workshop: From Margins to Mainstream (2023), Aalto, Finnland, May 25–26, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Commercial and Publication Landscape of Space Quantum Technologies: Preliminary Findings
2023. INSQT Workshop On Current Missions And Component Developments, Jena, 22.05.2023-23.05.2023 (2023), Jena, Germany, May 22–23, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.
Quantum games and interactive tools for quantum technologies outreach and education
2023. QIran’s World Quantum Day (2023), Online, April 14, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.; Ercan, İ.
Path Dependency in Energy Futures of Quantum Computers
2023, November 27. The Quantum Energy Initiative Workshop 2023 (#QEI 2023), Singapore, Singapore, November 20–24, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.; Umbrello, S.; Vermaas, P.
Exploring Pitfalls for Defence and Security by Narratives on Quantum Technologies
2023. IST-SET-198 Research Symposium on "Quantum Technology for Defence and Security (2023), Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 3–4, 2023 
Seskir, Z. C.; Vermaas, P.; Umbrello, S.
Communities of Quantum Technologies: Stakeholder Identification, Legitimation, and Interaction
2023. 4S (2023), Honolulu, HI, USA, November 8–11, 2023 
Journal Articles
Seskir, Z. C.; Migdał, P.; Weidner, C.; Anupam, A.; Case, N.; Davis, N.; Decaroli, C.; Ercan, İ.; Foti, C.; Gora, P.; Jankiewicz, K.; La Cour, B. R.; Malo, J. Y.; Maniscalco, S.; Naeemi, A.; Nita, L.; Parvin, N.; Scafirimuto, F.; Sherson, J. F.; Surer, E.; Wootton, J.; Yeh, L.; Zabello, O.; Chiofalo, M.
Quantum games and interactive tools for quantum technologies outreach and education
2022. Optical engineering, 61 (8), Article no: 081809. doi:10.1117/1.OE.61.8.081809Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Coenen, C.; Seskir, Z.
Towards quantum technology assessment
2022. Hermeneutics of Science and Technology: Sino-German and Darmstadt-Guangzhou workshop (2022), Darmstadt, Germany, March 12, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.
Perspectives on societal aspects and impacts of quantum technologies
2022. Quantum Week Webinar exploring the forthcoming quantum technology revolution [Webinar] (2022), Online, October 10, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.
Quantum Technologies and Application Areas
2022. Quantum Technology Seminars (2022), Istanbul, Turkey, September 21–22, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.
What does the second quantum revolution mean for medicine and healthcare?
2022. Tagung zur Digitalisierung in Medizin und Gesundheitswesen (2022), Berlin, Germany, September 1, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.
Quantum secure as an emerging topic: a landscape study
2022. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology : The politics of technoscientific futures (EASST 2022), Madrid, Spain, July 6–9, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.
Quantum Games and Interactive Tools for Quantum Technologies Outreach and Education
2022. Quantum Science Days (QSD 2022), Online, June 1–3, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.
The Landscape of the Quantum Start-up Ecosystem
2022. Quantum Science Days (QSD 2022), Online, June 1–3, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.
The Landscape of the Quantum Start-up Ecosystem
2022, May 5. Quantum Eastern Europe: Creating Quantum Awareness in Eastern Europe (2022), Online, May 5–6, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.
Overview of Quantum Technologies Around the World
2022. EuroCC@Turkey Quantum Computing and Technologies Workshop (2022), Online, March 31–April 1, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.; İdil, K.
‘Quantum Secure’ as an Emerging Topic: A Landscape Study
2022. Transatlantic Quantum Forum (2022), Munich, Germany, September 16–17, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.; Umbrello, S.; Coenen, C.; Vermaas, P. E.
Democratization of Quantum Technologies
2022. STS Turkey 2022, İstanbul Bilgi University Santralistanbul Campus (2022), Istanbul, Turkey, November 24–25, 2022 
Seskir, Z. C.; Coenen, C.
How will quantum technologies (QT) change the digital world?
2022. 5th European Technology Assessment Conference "Digital Future(s). TA in and for a Changing World" (ETAC 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25–27, 2022 Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document


Dipl.-Pol. Christopher Coenen
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608-24559