Dr. Georgia Alexandri
- Scientific staff
- Research group “Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change”
- Room: 329.1
- Phone: +49 721 608-22384
- georgia alexandri ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
Postfach 3640
76021 Karlsruhe
Fields of work
- Housing studies
- Urban studies
- Urban political economy
- Gentrification
- Socio-spatial disparities
- Sustainable urban transitions
- Housing and climate change
- Qualitative research methods
- Comparative urban research
Professional background
2022 - 2023 | Postdoctoral researcher, Institute for Research on Society and Space (Leibniz IRS), Germany |
2019 - 2021 | Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Geography, University of Leeds (UK) |
2015 - 2019 | Postdoctoral researcher, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) |
2013 - 2015 | Research associate, National Centre for Social Research – EKKE (Greece) |
Selected publications
Alexandri, G. (2022)
Housing financialisation a la Griega. Geoforum, 136, pp.68-79
Janoschka, M.; Alexandri, G.; Ramos, H.O.; Vives-Miró, S. (2020)
Tracing the socio-spatial logics of transnational landlords’ real estate investment: Blackstone in Madrid. European urban and regional studies, 27(2), pp.125-141
Alexandri, G. (2018)
Planning gentrification and the ‘absent’ state in Athens. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 42(1), pp.36-50
Alexandri, G.; Janoschka, M. (2018)
Who loses and who wins in a housing crisis? Lessons from Spain and Greece for a nuanced understanding of dispossession. Housing Policy Debate, 28(1), pp.117-134
Beswick, J.; Alexandri, G.; Byrne, M.; Vives-Miró, S.; Fields, D.; Hodkinson, S.; Janoschka, M. (2016)
Speculating on London's housing future: The rise of global corporate landlords in ‘post-crisis’ urban landscapes. City, 20(2), pp.321-341
Local Housing Policies and Corporate Social Financial Logics: Insights from the Financialization of Housing in Barcelona
2025. Housing, Theory and Society, 42 (1), 41–59. doi:10.1080/14036096.2024.2328633
Real-Estate Speculation in Athens: Housing Financialization and Different Waves of Gentrification in a Tertiary Growth Model
2025, February
Energy Efficient Housing and Climate Finance: Exploring Policy Discrepancies in Spain, Germany and Turkey
2024. Workshop "Disentangling the relationships between race, property and climate finance" (2024), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, October 9–12, 2024
Aktivierung lokaler Innovation Communities für die Energiewende im urbanen Raum
2024, November 22. KIT Zentrum für Energie Topic 5 – „System & Nachhaltigkeit“ Schwerpunkt: Energy- & Urban Research - overlap & connections, (2024), Online, November 22, 2024
The social production of transformative urban space
2024, February 22. Urban Europe Research Alliance Conference 2024: Building Urban Transformative Capacities: Empowering Cities and Urban Actors by Experimentation, Collaboration and Learning (UERA Conference 2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, February 20–23, 2024