Research group “Digital Technologies and Societal Change” (DigIT)

Based on a theoretical as well as empirical approach, the research group analyzes and evaluates developments in the field of digital technologies regarding their interaction with societal change processes. The social implications of digital technologies are examined both in the context of recent technological developments, such as in the field of artificial intelligence or algorithms, and in their transformative potential in social fields, such as the world of work.

On the one hand, the research results are fed into current scientific debates. On the other hand, they serve the mission of technology assessment in the sense of formative societal advice: They examine the technical and social dimensions of current digital change, determine risks, needs, and options for action, and can thus ultimately contribute to transforming technological progress into societal progress.

Conceptual work on AI & digital transformation processes

  • Governance, trust & risk of AI
  • Automation & digitalization of the world of work

Research methods

  • Social science research methods
  • Extension of the TA method portfolio to include digital methods
  • Participation and inclusion of stakeholder groups

Design of the digital transformation

  • Interdisciplinary collaboration, especially with technical disciplines
  • Integration of societal aspects into technology development processes
  • Promotion of dialog between stakeholders, citizens and science
Current projects
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