TRANSFORuM – Transforming European Transport through an Active Actors Forum
- Project team: Schippl, Jens (Project leader); Max Reichenbach, Torsten Fleischer
- Funding: European Commission
- Start date: 2013
- End date: 2015
- Project partners:
Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung GmbH (project coordinator, Cologne, Germany)
VTI - Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (Linköping, Sweden)
University of Gdańsk (Gdańsk, Poland)
CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Lyon, France)
AustriaTech - Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd. (Vienna, Austria)
Technical University of Denmark (Kongens Lynby, Denmark)
University of Oxford (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Transport Research Centre (Brno, Czech Republic)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
TØI - Institute of Transport Economics (Oslo, Norway)
- Research group:
Project description
The TRANSFORuM project is conducted by a consortium of eleven well connected but independent and experienced policy advisers and researchers from across nine European countries who offer a "fresh approach" to helping to implement four key goals of the European Transport White Paper:
- Clean Urban Transport and CO2‐free city logistics (goal 1)
- Shift of road freight to rail and waterborne transport (goal 3)
- Completion and maintenance of the European high‐speed rail network (goal 4)
- European multimodal information, management, and payment system (goal 8)
The project will initiate a discussion forum of relevant actors by organizing meetings and thematic groups on the four selected White Paper goals. The forum will offer an environment for a balanced and open discussion process bringing research and innovation into focus. TRANSFORuM will produce concrete implementation‐oriented outputs, including recommendations and roadmaps of joint actions as required by the actors / stakeholders. The project will promote targeted dissemination and communication activities to stimulate the implementation of the White Paper goals.
Within the project, the main task of ITAS will be the development of roadmaps for the four thematic areas to support and accelerate the implementation of the White Paper goals. Therefor, the stakeholders’ perceptions and needs will be gathered by a specific stakeholder consultation. In an iterative process, implementation-oriented roadmaps will be developed together with the members of the forum. These roadmaps will then provide the basis for concrete recommendations for joint actions and policies of how to reach the goals and also for a strategic outlook on the future European transport system.
Towards a European framework for a multimodal transport information, management and payment system: stakeholder insights and lessons learned from the TRANSFORuM FP7 project
2016. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 28.-30.09.2015, Frankfurta.M. Hrsg.: AET - Association for European Transport, AET
The roadmap to achieve EU goals on urban mobility
2015. Eurotransport, 13 (3), 54–57
Highspeed Rail Roadmap
2015. Rupprecht Consult
TRANSFORuM Roadmap Urban Transport
2015. Rupprecht Consult
Recommendations on joint actions across thematic areas. TRANSFORuM D6.2
2015. TRANSFORuM Deliverable D6.2 (January 2015)
Societal embedding in the technological development of HS-trains
2015. 9th UIC World Congress on High Speed Rail (2015), Tokyo, Japan, July 7–10, 2015
Long-distance freight roadmap. TRANSFORuM Deliverable 6.2
2014. Rupprecht Consult
TRANSFORuM Roadmap Multimodal Transport Information, Management and Payment Systems - MIMP
2014. Rupprecht Consult
Recommandations on joint actions across actor groups
2014. Transformation is Possible : Roadmaps for the Future of Transport in Europe ; Final Conference of the FP7 Project TRANSFORuM, Bruxelles, B, December 8, 2014
Recommendations on joint actions across actor groups
2014. EESC Conference ’Transformation is possible. Roadmaps for the future of transport in Europe’, Bruxelles, B, December 8, 2014
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 608-23994