Opportunities and obstacles of urban ropeway systems in Baden Württemberg, Germany
- Project team:
Puhe, Maike (Project leader); Max Reichenbach
- Funding:
Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport
- Start date:
- End date:
- Project partners:
KIT: Institute for Transport Studies (IfV)
- Research group:
Project description
In recent years, transport experts and urban planners have time and again discussed urban ropeway systems as innovative and sustainable solution in support of existing public urban transport systems. Many examples around the world show that urban ropeways offer a unique travel experience for its users and can reduce travel times. Ropeway installations do not only serve as a tourist attraction, but can also be fully integrated into existing public transport systems (e.g. regarding timetables and tariffs). This could encourage people to make more use of public transport. Ropeways can be used to overcome topographic, architectural or traffic barriers, to reach areas with poor public transport or highly frequented areas, or act as feeders to existing public transport nodes. Cabins allow barrier-free access for wheelchair users and cyclists. Moreover, in many places, public transport networks cannot be further expanded as they have already reached capacity or spatial limits. Here, urban ropeways could provide additional capacity with relatively little effort and expense. While in other parts of the world ropeways have already been established as a complementary urban transport system (e.g. Colombia, Bolivia), in Germany most ideas have so far failed to get off the ground.
In recent years, however, the number of project ideas on the use of ropeways in urban areas has increased significantly. It is striking that, in a number of cases, such concepts have met substantial resistance from professionals (such as transport companies or authorities) and the population, which prevented the realization of such projects. We will ask whether this resistance is based on quantifiable factors and whether transport planning routines or attitudes and interests of actors hamper the implementation.
In a first step, we insight into both successful and unsuccessful urban ropeway projects in Germany was provided. In semi-structured expert interviews we actor dynamics were analyzed, also looking at whether they trigger or hamper the course of ropeway projects. Three cities in Baden-Württemberg were then analyzed qualitatively by conducting focus group discussions with the public and stakeholder workshops in order to identify conflicts of interest, goals, and norms and values at stake. Additionally, for one of the cities, the impact of a potential urban ropeway line and the suitability of microscopic transport models and standard assessment methods for urban ropeways were analyzed.
Detailed results
The detailed results of the project can be found in the following reports (in German):
- Handlungsleitfaden Urbane Luftseilbahnen: Empfehlungen aus dem Projekt „Hoch hinaus“
Reichenbach, M.; Puhe, M. (2018)
Summary of main results and recommendations - Arbeitsbericht Nr. 2:
Urbane Seilbahnen in Baden-Württemberg: Explorative Analyse von Bürgersicht, Expertenmeinungen und Planungshürden
Reichenbach, M.; Puhe, M.; Soylu, T.; von Behren, S.; Chlond, B. (2017)
Results from expert and citizen workshops in Heidelberg, Stuttgart and Konstanz; quantitative analysis for the of Stuttgart - Arbeitsbericht Nr. 1:
Praxis urbaner Luftseilbahnen
Reichenbach, M.; Puhe, M. (2016)
Updated version as “KIT Scientific Working Paper”:
Praxis urbaner Luftseilbahnen
Reichenbach, M.; Puhe, M. (2017)
Typical cases for urban ropeways; analysis of previous urban ropeway projects in Germany
Struggling with inertia: Regime barriers opposing planning and implementation of urban ropeways
2022. Journal of Urban Mobility, 2, Article no: 100023. doi:10.1016/j.urbmob.2022.100023
Urbane Seilbahnen - Potentiale und Hemmnisse eines ungewohnten Verkehrsmittels
2019. Sitzung des Verkehrsausschusses der IHK (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 19, 2019
Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg: Potentiale und Hemmnisse urbaner Luftseilbahnen
2019. 22. Bundesweite Umwelt- und Verkehrs-Kongress (BUVKO 2019), Darmstadt, Germany, March 15–17, 2019
Urbane Seilbahnen - Herausforderungen der Diffusion eines ungewohnten Verkehrsmittels
2018. "Grand Challenges" meistern : Der Beitrag der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Hrsg.: M. Decker, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Handlungsleitfaden Urbane Luftseilbahnen. Empfehlungen aus dem Projekt "Hoch hinaus"
2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg: Machbarkeit, Chancen und Hemmnisse urbaner Luftseilbahnen
2018. Abschlusskonferenz WITMO: Nachhaltig Mobil -Wissenstransfer von der Forschung in die Praxis (2018), Stuttgart, Germany, October 5, 2018
Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg: Machbarkeit, Chancen und Hemmnisse urbaner Luftseilbahnen
2018. Projektvorstellung beim Ministerium für Verkehr (2018), Stuttgart, Germany, July 9, 2018
Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg: Potentiale und Hemmnisse urbaner Luftseilbahnen
2018. 36. Horber Schienen-Tage (2018), Horb am Neckar, Germany, November 21–25, 2018
Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg: Potentiale und Hemmnisse urbaner Luftseilbahnen
2018. 12. Deutscher Nahverkehrstag (2018), Koblenz, Germany, April 24–26, 2018
Flying high in urban ropeways? A socio-technical analysis of drivers and obstacles for urban ropeway systems in Germany
2017. Transportation research / D, 61 (Part B), 339–355. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2017.07.019
Urbane Seilbahnen in Baden-Württemberg. Explorative Analyse von Bürgersicht, Expertenmeinungen und Planungshürden. Projekt “Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg: Machbarkeit, Chancen und Hemmnisse urbaner Luftseilbahnen in Baden-Württemberg”
2017. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Praxis urbaner Luftseilbahnen
2017. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000064581
Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg. Forschungsprojekt zum Potential urbaner Luftseilbahnen
2017. Podiumsdiskussion zu den Möglichkeiten einer innerstädtischen Luftseilbahn in Tübingen, Tübingen, 8.November 2017
Urbane Seilbahnen: Bürger- und Expertenperspektiven aus Baden-Württemberg
2017. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Tübingen, 30.September - 5.Oktber 2017
Urban ropeways in Germany: Citizen and expert views
2017. 2nd Swiss Mobility Conference, Lausanne, CH, June 29-30, 2017
Urbane Luftseilbahnen: Besondere Herausforderungen beim EInsatz in der Stadt
2017. 13. Stadtbahnforum (2017), Magdeburg, Germany, May 9–10, 2017
Praxis urbaner Luftseilbahnen : Projekt “Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg”
2016. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000103431
Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg. Erste Ergebnisse aus dem laufenden Forschungsprojekt
2016. Mit Seilbahnen zu attraktiverem ÖV? - Diskussionsveranstaltung, Stuttgart, 25.Juli 2016
Urbane Seilbahnen - Herausforderungen der Diffusion eines ungewohnten Verkehrsmittels
2016. 7. internationale Tagung des Netzwerks Technikfolgenabschätzung (NTA7), Bonn, 16.-18.November 2016
Flying high in urban ropeways. Chances and obstacles of urban ropeway systems in Germany
2016. mobil.TUM Conference 2016, München, June 6-7, 2016
Flying high in urban ropeways. Chances and obstacles of urban ropeway systems in Germany
2016. International Workshop ’Desirable Transport Futures’, Freiburg, June 28 - July 1, 2016
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Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
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