
Project description


Urbanization is one of the central phenomena of global development with some immense changes. Since 2008 more than 50% of the world´s population live in cities. In metropolitan regions and large metropolises, not only the dimensions of quantitative growth, the high concentration of people, infrastructures, capital and economic power is new, but also the synchronicity / concurrency, complexity and overlapping of most different processes. Thus, these cities increasingly become a habitat offering both risks and chances. Due to its speed, extent and world-wide impacts, urbanization is a driving force of global change. Its specific dynamic makes megacities and inhabitants both cause the linked phenomena and be affected by them.

Mega-urbanization does not only require new concepts but also new technologies. Metropolitan regions are particularly challenged regarding environmental technologies, public and individual transport, telecommunication, water and energy supply as well as the waste and waste water management. The German-Chilean initiative of the Helmholtz Association elaborated strategies for a more sustainable development in megacities and mega urban agglomerations between 2005 and 2010. These strategies are based on a solid theoretical base.

Special focus and concept

The research initiative laid its focus on the "mature" megacities in Latin America, where the processes of urbanization have proceeded broadly - different to the situation in Asia. The case study was Santiago de Chile. Despite its proceeded development, this metropolitan region suffers from typical megacity problems such as high air pollution, social injustice, lack of energy and water). The initiative developed an integrative research approach. Due to the intense cooperation with the partners in Santiago, the concept´s coherence and applicability to Santiago could be optimized. Important for the choice of Santiago as a case study has been its excellent research infrastructure, as well as the fact, that the Headquarters of the "Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean" of the UN (ECLAC/CEPAL) is located in Santiago. The cooperation with its "Division of Sustainable Development and Human Settlements" has always been very intense and assured that results were constantly evaluated regarding their relevance and transferability to other megacities.

The research initiative developed and applied an integrative research approach. Therefore, the Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development of the German Helmholtz Association - mainly developed by ITAS (Institute of Technical Assessment and Systems Analysis) - served as a basis to develop targets for a sustainable metropolitan area. These targets were developed by means of appropriate indicators for 7 fields of application. Against this background the most important current deficits regarding sustainability were identified and analyzed in scenario considerations up to 2030. Based on this, suggestions were elaborated for appropriate strategies to improve the situation. These suggestions were presented in the ongoing debates and activities for a sustainable strategy in the metropolitan area and adequate planning instruments. Researchers and stakeholders in Santiago worked together with the project partners of the Helmholtz Association. In the initiative, more than 20 graduate students as well as numerous students about to take their diploma or masters were involved. Therefore, particularly, the initiative was awarded the status of a UN-Decade-Project "Education for Sustainable Development" in 2009. ITAS was responsible for the fields of "sustainable development", "risk", "waste management", "energy systems", "water - resources and services" as well as the development and application of the scenario method.

Participating organizations

Partners in Latin America:

Partner of the Helmholtz Association:


The important results of the Helmholtz program initiative were published (in condensed form) in the broschure "How sustainable is Santiago de Chile":

Kopfmüller, J.; Lehn, H.; Nuissl, H.; Krellenberg, K.; Heinrichs, D.
Sustainable development of megacities: An integrative research approach for the case of Santiago Metropolitan Region. Die Erde 140(2009)4, S. 417-448

Krellenberg, K.; Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J.
How sustainable is Santiago? Current performance - future trends - potential measures. Synthesis Report of the Risk Habitat Research Initiative. Leipzig: Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ (2010)4, 26 S. (Report)
Volltext engl. / pdf Volltext span. / pdf


Book Chapters
Stelzer, V.; Kopfmüller, J.
Sustainability Assessment: Integrative Concept, Methodology and Examples
2020. Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems. Ed.: C. Binder, 161–180, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781108574334
Conference Papers
Stelzer, V.
Science-based Systematic Sustainability Assessment in Practice
2019. Navigating the Sustainability Transformation in the 21th Century, KOSMOS Conference, 73, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
Stelzer, V.
Science-based Systematic Sustainability Assessment in Practice
2019. KOSMOS Conference: Navigating the Sustainability Transformation in the 21th Century (2019), Berlin, Germany, August 28–30, 2019 
Book Chapters
Barton, J. R.; Kopfmüller, J.
Las megaciudades del mañana
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. BartonJ., 47–57, RIL editores 
Barton, J. R.; Kopfmüller, J.
Desarrollo sustentable en Chile: un cambio de paradigma?
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 79–97, RIL editores 
Barton, J. R.; Kopfmüller, J.
Recomendaciones para Santiago
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 349–359, RIL editores 
Barton, J. R.; Kopfmüller, J.
El contexto político de la planificación regional
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 309–326, RIL editores 
Bräutigam, K.-R.; Gonzalez, T.; Seifert, H.; Szanto, M.; Vogdt, J.
Evaluacion de la sustentabilidad de los escenarios de gestion de residuos solidos urbanos (RSU)
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 243–270, RIL editores 
Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J. R.
Planificación estratégica y gestión de la transición metropolitana
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 13–29, RIL editores 
Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J. R.
Lecciones aprendidas
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 361–369, RIL editores 
Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J. R.
Análisis de escenarios: enfoque conceptual y base analítica
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 101–130, RIL editores 
Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J. R.
Desarrollo urbano sustentable y el concepto integral de sustentabilidad de la asociación Helmholtz
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 59–66, RIL editores 
Lehn, H.; Simon, L. M.
Riesgos actuales y futuros para la gestión sustentable del agua
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la planificación estratégica. Ed. J.R. Barton, 219–242, RIL editores 
Stelzer, V.; Quintero, A.; Vargas, L.; Paredes, G.; Simon, S.; Nienhaus, K.; Kopfmüller, J.
Escenarios para el sistema energético
2016. Santiago 2030 : Escenarios para la Planificacion Estrategica. Ed.: J. R. Barton, 197–217, RIL editores 
Book Chapters
Stelzer, V.; Quintero, A.; Simon, S.; Vargas, L.; Kopfmüller, J.; Paredes, G.
Sistemas energeticos sustentables en ciudades latinoamericanas. El caso de Santiago de Chile
2015. Torres Lima, P. [Hrsg.] Ecourbanismo y habitabilidad regional : Contribuciones de America Latina Mexico City : Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, 2015, 307–323 
Stelzer, V.; Lehn, H.
Perspektiven einer urbanen Stromversorgung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Megacities
2015. Vortr.: Inhouse-Schulung der Pfisterer Kontaktsysteme GmbH, Winterbach, 25. März 2015 
Conference Papers
Stelzer, V.; Quintero, A.; Vargas, L.; Paredes, G.; Simon, S.; Nienhaus, K.; Kopfmüller, J.
Indicator based sustainability analysis of future energy situation of Santiago de Chile
2014. Energy, Environment, Biology and Biomedicine: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Development (EEED’14) and the 2014 International Conference on Biology and Biomedicine II (BIO’14), Praha, CZ, April 2-4, 2014. Ed.: J. Awrejcewicz, 24–27 
Book Chapters
Barton, J. R.; Kopfmüller, J.
Sustainable urban development in Santiago de Chile: Background - concept - challenges
2012. Heinrichs, D. [Hrsg.] Risk Habitat Megacity Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer, 2012 e-ISBN 978-3-642-11544-8, 65–86 
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.; Szanto, M.; Seifert, H.; Vogdt, J.
Municipal solid waste management in Santiago de Chile: Challenges and perspectives towards sustainability
2012. Heinrichs, D. [Hrsg.] Risk Habitat Megacity Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer, 2012 e-ISBN 978-3-642-11544-8, 279–301 
Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J. R.; Salas, A.
How sustainable is Santiago?
2012. Heinrichs, D. [Hrsg.] Risk Habitat Megacity Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer, 2012 e-ISBN 978-3-642-11544-8, 305–326 
Lehn, H.; McPhee, J.; Vogdt, J.; Schleenstein, G.; Simon, L.; Strauch, G.; Godoy Barbieri, C. H.; Gatica, C.; Nino, Y.
Risks and opportunities for sustainable management of water resources and services in Santiago de Chile
2012. Heinrichs, D. [Hrsg.] Risk Habitat Megacity Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer, 2012 e-ISBN 978-3-642-11544-8, 251–278 
Simon, S.; Stelzer, V.; Vargas, L.; Paredes, G.; Quintero, A.; Kopfmüller, J.
Energy systems
2012. Heinrichs, D. [Hrsg.] Risk Habitat Megacity Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer, 2012 e-ISBN 978-3-642-11544-8, 183–205 
Bräutigam, K. R.
Management of MSW in Santiago de Chile under sustainability aspects
2012. Il Seminario International Gestion Integral de Residuos Solidos ’Residuos para Energia’, Santigo de Chile, RCH, 28 Septiembre 2011 (2011), Santiago, Chile, September 28, 2011 
Lehn, H.; Simon, L.; Oertel, M.
Sustainable development of megacities - the case of Santiago de Chile
2012. KIT-Alumni Treffen, Cordoba, RA, 23. November 2012 
Stelzer, V.
Future energy system of Santiago de Chile
2012. 54 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (2012), Vienna, Austria, July 15–20, 2012 
Stelzer, V.
Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung als Beispiel der energetischen Nutzung von Grünlandaufwuchs
2012. Vortrag: Kontaktstudium zum Fächerverbund "Naturwissenschaftliches Arbeiten", Karlsruhe, 6. Dezember 2012 
Book Chapters
Selzer, V.
Global Change in der systematischen Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Santiago de Chile
2011. Coy, M. [Hrsg.] Global Change : Herausforderung für Lateinamerika Innsbruck : Geographie Innsbruck, Selbstverl. 2011 (Innsbrucker Geographische Studien ; 38), 91–98 
Journal Articles
Braun, S.; Arndt, W. H.; Aumayer, R.; Dörsam, B.; Dahmann, A.; Illigmann, K.; Koziol, M.; Krumme, K.; Maerten, M.; Mörschel, I.; Pfenning, U.; Pietsch, J.; Kruhl, J.; Stryi-Hipp, G.; Seelig, S.; Stelzer, V.; Weinhold, M.; Wischermann, S.; Witte, A.
Morgenstadt - unser Leben in der Zukunft
2011. Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, 2011 (4), 11–52 
Mascareno, A.; Büscher, C.
Sociologia del territorio
2011. Rivista Lider, 18 (Ano 13), 25–52 
Conference Papers
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.
Integrated management of municipal solid waste in Santiago de Chile. Recycling treatment and final disposal
2011. Kühle-Weidemeier [Hrsg.] Waste-to-Resources 2011 : Mechanisch-biologische Abfallbehandlung und automatische Abfallsortierung ; Tagungsband 4.Internat.Tagung MBA und Sortieranlagen, Hannover, 24.-26.Mai 2011 Göttingen : Cuvillier Verl., 2011, 92–109 
Gonzalez-Martinez, T.; Bräutigam, K. R.; Seifert, H.
Municipal solid waste management in Santiago de Chile - towards sustainability?
2011. Future Megacities in Balance : Young Researchers Symp., Essen, October 9-10, 2010 Bonn : DAAD, 2011, 99–104 
Simon, S.; Stelzer, V.; Quintero, A.; Vargas, L.; Paredes, G.; Nienhaus, K.; Kopfmüller, J.
Thematic field: Energy
2011. Krellenberg, K. [Hrsg.] How Sustainable is Santiago de Chile? : Current Performance - Future Trends - Potential Measures Synthesis Report of the Risk Habitat Megacity Research Initiative (2007-2011) UFZ-Report 04/2010 
Barton, J.; Kopfmüller, J.; Lehn, H.; Stelzer, V.
Ciudades-regiones, cambio climatico y la gestion de recursos naturales: Repensando la localizacion de decisiones para un fortalecimiento del desarrollo sustentable en la RMS
2011. 32.Congreso Nacional y 17.Internacional de Geografia ’Conciencia Geografica en el Tercer Milenio’, Valparaiso, RCH, 22-25 de Noviembre 2011 
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.
Integrated management of municipal solid waste in Santiago de Chile. Recycling treatment and final disposal
2011. Kühle-Weidemeier [Hrsg.] Waste-to-Resources 2011 : Mechanisch-biologische Abfallbehandlung und automatische Abfallsortierung ; Tagungsband 4.Internat.Tagung MBA und Sortieranlagen, Hannover, 24.-26.Mai 2011 Göttingen : Cuvillier Verl., 2011 
Bräutigam, K.-R.; Gonzalez, T.
Integriertes Abfallmanagement in Santiago de Chile - Recycling, Vorbehandlung und Deponierung von Siedlungsabfällen
2011. 4. Internationale Tagung MBA und Sortieranlagen (2011), Hanover, Germany, May 24–26, 2011 
Kopfmüller, J.; Nienhaus, K.; Paredes, G.; Quintero, A.; Simon, S.; Stelzer, V.; Vargas, L.
The energy system in the Santiago metropolitan region
2011. Risk Habitat Megacity : Final Status-Conf., Santiago de Chile, RCH, May 18-19, 2010 
Stelzer, V.
Designinig sustainable low carbon cities
2011. Low Carbon Earth Summit (LCES 2011), Dalian, China, October 19-26, 2011 Book of Abstracts 
Stelzer, V.
Regenerative Energien
2011. Workshop im Rahmen der Sommerakademie "Talente im Land Baden-Württemberg" auf Schloss Salem (2011), Salem, Germany, July 29–August 5, 2011 
Book Chapters
Gonzalez, T.; Bräutigam, K.-R.; Seifert, H.; Szanto, M.
Thematic field: Waste Management. Challenges of the current municipal solid waste management
2010. How sustainable is Santiago de Chile? : current performance - future trends - potential measures; synthesis report of the Risk Habitat Megacity research initiative (2007 - 2011). Ed.: Kerstin Krellenberg, 18–20, Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ) 
Simon, S.; Stelzer, V.; Quintero-Márquez, A.; Vargas, L.; Paredes, G.; Nienhaus, C.; Kopfmüller, J.
Area temática: Sector Energia
2010. ¿Qué grado de sostenibilidad presenta Santiago de Chile? Situación actual - Tendencias futuras - Medidas potenciales. Informe de la iniciativa de investigación Risk Habitat Megacity (2007-2011). Ed. K. Krellenberg, 12–14, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ 
Conference Papers
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.
Evaluation of municipal solid waste management in Santiago de Chile regarding sustainability
2010. Internat.Solid Waste Association (ISWA) World Congress 2010, Hamburg, November 15-18, 2010 Proc.publ.online 
Lehn, H.; Schleenstein, G.
Alternatives for a sustainable management of stormwater in megacities of emerging countries. The case of Santiago de Chile
2010. Integrated Water Resources Management Karlsruhe 2010: IWRM, International Conference, 24 - 25 November 2010 conference proceedings. Ed.: H. Steusloff, 329–335, KIT Scientific Publishing 
Bräutigam, K. R.
Waste management in Santiago de Chile
2010. Conf.of the Research Initiative ’Risk Habitat Megacity’, Santiago de Chile, RCH, May 17-19, 2010 
Bräutigam, K. R.
Options to reduce risks from landfill gas emissions resulting from landfills in Santiago de Chile
2010. Megacities : Risk, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development ; Internat.Conf., Leipzig, September 7-9, 2009 
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.
Evaluation of municipal solid waste management in Santiago de Chile regarding sustainability
2010. Internat.Solid Waste Association (ISWA) World Congress 2010, Hamburg, November 15-18, 2010 Proc.publ.online 
Bräutigam, K.-R.
Escenarios de manejo de residuos sólidos en 2030
2010, October 26. 1. Seminario Internacional: Tecnicas de reciclaje y valorización de residues sólidos urbanos (2010), Santiago, Chile, October 26, 2010 
Bräutigam, K.-R.; Gonzales, T.
Evaluation of MSW Management in Santiago de Chile
2010. ISWA World Congress “Urban DevelopmentSustainability - a major challenge for waste management in the 21st century" (2010), Hamburg, Germany, November 15–18, 2010 
Kopfmüller, J.
The integrative sustainability concept of Helmholtz. Case of application: The “Risk Habitat Megacity” project
2010. 7th Workshop of the Forum on Sustainable Technological Development in a Globalizing World (2010), Berlin, Germany, June 9–12, 2010 
Kopfmüller, J.
Sustainable metropolitan development in Latin America. The ’Risk Habitat Megacity’ (RHM) project and the ’Climate Adaptation Santiago’ (CAS) project: objectives, concept, methods
2010. Conference ’Desarollo Sustentable en Megaciudades de America Latina en Tiempos de Cambio Climatico: El Ejemplo de Santiago de Chile’ (2010), Lima, Peru, November 5, 2010 
Kopfmüller, J.
Megacities und nachhaltige Entwicklung. Das Beispiel Santiago de Chile
2010. Workshop ’Nachhaltige Ökonomie’, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6.April 2010 
Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J.
Results of the working group sustainable development
2010. Risk Habitat Megacity, Final Status-Conference (2010), Santiago, Chile, May 17–19, 2010 
Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J.
Santiago de Chile 2030 - towards sustainability? Indicators and scenario analysis. Results from the German-Chilean research initiative ’Risk Habitat Megacity’
2010. Pontificia Universidad Católica - Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Teritoriales (2010), Santiago, Chile, May 7, 2010 
Kopfmüller, J.; Stelzer, V.
The energy system in Santiago de Chile and future climate change adaptation strategies
2010. Conference ’Desarollo Sustentable en Megaciudades de America Latina en Tiempos de Cambio Climatico: El Ejemplo de Santiago de Chile’ (2010), Lima, Peru, November 5, 2010 
Lehn, H.
Risk habitat megacity - stakeholder participation
2010. 5th World Urban Forum, Rio de Janeiro, BR, March 22-26, 2010 
Lehn, H.
Risk habitat megacity
2010. 5th World Urban Forum, Rio de Janeiro, BR, March 22-26, 2010 
Journal Articles
Kopfmüller, J.; Lehn, H.; Heinrichs, D.; Nuissl, H.; Krellenberg, K.
Die HGF-Forschungsinitiative “Risk Habitat Megacity”: Ziele, Ansatz, Fragestellungen
2009. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 18 (1), 35–45 
Kopfmüller, J.; Lehn, H.; Nuissl, H.; Krellenberg, K.; Heinrichs, D.
Sustainable development of megacities: an integrative research approach for the case of Santiago metropolitan region
2009. Die Erde <Berlin>, 140 (4), 417–48 
Lehn, H.; Kopfmüller, J.
Megacities - ein zentraler Faktor für eine global nachhaltige Entwicklung: Einführung in den Schwerpunkt
2009. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 18 (1), 4–7 
Lehn, H.; Kopfmüller, J.
Megacities - a crucial factor for a globally sustainable development
2009. Die Erde <Berlin>, (Editorial), 140 (4), 337–340 
Conference Papers
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.; Seifert, H.; Vogdt, J.; Wens, B.
Landfill gas emissions from landfills in Santiago de Chile. Strategies to reduce impact on local environment as well as on global climate
2009. de Fonseca, A.E. [Hrsg.] La Gestion Sostenible de los Residuos : Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Residuos, Barranquilla, CO, 24 y 25 de Septiembre de 2009 Baranquilla : Ediciones Uninorte, 2009, 76 
Barton, J.; Kopfmüller, J.
Results and road map of the working group sustainable development
2009. Second Status-Conference zum Projekt Risk Habitat Megacity (2009), Leipzig, Germany, September 7–9, 2009 
Barton, J.; Kopfmüller, J.; Heinrichs, D.; Krellenberg, K.; Stelzer, V.; Woll, T.
Scenario work in Risk Habitat Megacity (RHM): Current state - next steps
2009. Megacities : Risk, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development ; Internat.Conf., Leipzig, September 7-9, 2009, Second Status-Conference zum Projekt Risk Habitat Megacity (2009), Leipzig, Germany, September 7–9, 2009 
Barton, J.; Kopfmüller, J.; Stelzer, V.
Measuring sustainable urban development for strategic planning: the case of Santiago de Chile
2009. Megacities : Risk, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development ; Internat.Conf., Leipzig, September 7-9, 2009 
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.; Seifert, H.; Vogdt, J.; Wens, B.
Landfill gas emissions from landfills in Santiago de Chile. Strategies to reduce impact on local environment as well as on global climate
2009. de Fonseca, A.E. [Hrsg.] La Gestion Sostenible de los Residuos : Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Residuos, Barranquilla, CO, 24 y 25 de Septiembre de 2009 Baranquilla : Ediciones Uninorte, 2009 
Kopfmüller, J.; Barton, J.; Stelzer, V.
Santiago de Chile 2030 - towards sustainability? A scenario based analysis
2009. Megacities : Risk, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development ; Internat.Conf., Leipzig, September 7-9, 2009 
Lehn, H.
The research initiative ’Risk Habitat Megacity’
2009. Vortr.: Universidade Federal do Parana, BR, 6.April 2009 
Stelzer, V.; Vargas, L.
The current and future energy system in the Santiago metropolitan region
2009. Megacities : Risk, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development ; Internat.Conf., Leipzig, September 7-9, 2009 
Stelzer, V.; Vargas, L.; Kopfmüller, J.
Sustainable energy system
2009. Megacities : Risk, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development ; Internat.Conf., Leipzig, September 7-9, 2009 
Conference Papers
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.; Seifert, H.; Szanto, M.; Vogdt, J.
Risk habitat megacity. Waste management in Santiago de Chile
2008. Gallardo, A. [Hrsg.] Ingenieria de Residuos : Hacia una Gestion Sostenible ; 1r Simposio Iberoamericano sobre Ingenieria de Residuos, Castellon, E, 23-24 Julio, 2008 Castello de la Plana : Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 2008 (e-Treballs d’Informatica i Tecnologia ; 7) 
Bräutigam, K. R.; Gonzalez, T.; Seifert, H.; Szanto, M.; Vogdt, J.
Risk habitat megacity. Waste management in Santiago de Chile
2008. Gallardo, A. [Hrsg.] Ingenieria de Residuos : Hacia una Gestion Sostenible ; 1r Simposio Iberoamericano sobre Ingenieria de Residuos, Castellon, E, 23-24 Julio, 2008 Castello de la Plana : Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 2008 (e-Treballs d’Informatica i Tecnologia ; 7) 
Bräutigam, K.-R.
Waste treatment and management
2008. Fachkongress im Rahmen der Expo Deutschland: Bogota - Berlin - Beijing. Challenges Solutions for Megacities (2008), Bogotá, Colombia, October 2, 2008 
Heinrichs, D.; Nuissl, H.; Stelzer, V.
Risk Habitat Megacity - Strategies for sustainable development in megacities and urban agglomerations
2008. Proc.of the Conf.Disaster Reduction in a Changing Climate, Karlsruhe, 15.-16.Oktober 2007 Bonn : DKKV CD-ROM 
Lehn, H.
Treatment and management of water ressources
2008. Fachkongress im Rahmen der Expo Deutschland: Bogota - Berlin - Beijing. Challenges Solutions for Megacities (2008), Bogotá, Colombia, October 2, 2008 
Lehn, H.
Risk habitat megacity - sostenibilidad en riesgo?
2008. KIT Alumni Experts Natural desasters (2008), Santiago, Chile, March 31, 2008 
Lehn, H.
Tratamiento y gestion del recurso hidrico para un desarrollo sostenible
2008. Desafios y Soluciones para las Megaciudades : Foro Internacional Bogota - Berlin - Beijing, Bogota, CO, Octubre 1-2 de 2008 
Lehn, H.
Criteria and indicators for sustainable sanitation
2008. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Wien, A, September 7-12, 2008 
Lehn, H.
Risk Habitat Megacity - zur Nachhaltigkeit von Wasserdienstleistungen in einer Metropole Latein Amerikas
2008. Vortr.: Universität Kassel, 24.Juni 2008 Vortr.: Universität Karlsruhe, 16.Juli 2008 
Lehn, H.; Kopfmüller, J.; Nuissl, H.; Bartosch, A.
Do megacities and metropolitan areas pose a risk to sustainable development?
2008. World Water Week, Stockholm, S, August 17-23, 2008 
Stelzer, V.
Sustainability in megacities
2008. Desafios y Soluciones para las Megaciudades : Foro Internacional Bogota - Berlin - Beijing, Bogota, CO, Octubre 1-2 de 2008 
Stelzer, V.
Strategies for sustainable energy supply in the cities of Latin America
2008. Desafios y Soluciones para las Megaciudades : Foro Internacional Bogota - Berlin - Beijing, Bogota, CO, Octubre 1-2 de 2008 
Stelzer, V.
Global Change in der systematischen Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Santiago de Chile
2008. Global Change : Herausforderungen für Lateinamerika ; 4.Workshop des Arbeitskreises Lateinamerika in der DGfG, Obergurgl, A, 3.-5.Oktober 2008 
Stelzer, V.
Wandel der Stadtentwicklung unter dem Einfluss zunehmender Probleme in der Energieversorgung
2008. Die Lateinamerikanische Stadt im Wandel : Interdisziplinärer Workshop, Berlin, 31.Oktober 2008 
Journal Articles
Lehn, H.; Kopfmüller, J.
Start der Hauptphase bei Risk Habitat Megacity : Neues HGF-Verbundsprojekt
2007. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 16 (2), 76–78. doi:10.14512/tatup.16.2.76
Stelzer, V.
Sostenibillidad, riesgo y gobernabilidad en las metropolis latinoamericanas
2007. Seminario Ciudades Sostenibles en America Latino et Caribe: Politicas, Estrategias e Instrumentos, Santiago de Chile, RCH, 22 Noviembre 2007 
Stelzer, V.
Risk Habitat Megacity
2007. Regionalwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Karlsruhe 12.Dezember 2007 
Book Chapters
Kopfmüller, J.; Lehn, H.
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Megacities
2006. Kopfmüller, J. [Hrsg.] Ein Konzept auf dem Prüfstand : Das integrative Nachhaltigkeitskonzept in der Forschungspraxis Berlin : edition sigma, 2006 (Global zukunftsfähige Entwicklung - Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft ; 12), 269–82 
Grunwald, A.
Steering for sustainable development facing the uncertainty of knowledge
2006. Workshop der Sozial-ökologischen Forschung (SÖF): Governance for Sustainable Development. Steering in Contexts of Ambivalence, UncertaintyDistributed Control (2006), Berlin, Germany, February 6–7, 2006 
Grunwald, A.
Sustainable development. Complementary relations between normative reflection, empirical research and modelling&simulation
2006. Taller ’Ciudades Sustenables: Propuestas para la Gestion Estrategica’, Santiago de Chile, RCH, 7-9 Agosto, 2006 
Grunwald, A.
Sustainable development of mega-cities. Conceptual suggestions and methodical challenges
2006. Workshop Megacities, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, RCH, August 8, 2006 
Lehn, H.; Kopfmüller, J.
Risk habitat megacities. Function of the 3 cross cutting themes
2005. Desarrollo Sustentable en Areas Metropolitanas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, RCH, 30 Noviembre 2005 


Dr. Helmut Lehn
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe