Integrated water resources management (IWRM) for Java in Indonesia (application phase)
- Project team:
Lehn, Helmut (Project leader); Jürgen Kopfmüller
- Funding:
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- Start date:
- End date:
- Project partners:
Universität Karlsruhe: Institut für Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturtechnik (IWK) - Koordinator, Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (ISWW), Institut für Massivbau und Baustofftechnologie (IfMB), Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine (VA-SHS), Geodätisches Institut (GIK).
Universität Gießen: Institut für Geographie (IfG).
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK): Institut für Technische Chemie (ITC-WGT, ITC-ZTS), Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) - Research group:
Sustainability and environment
Project description
Due to its location in the tropics, the Island Java (Indonesia) is in principle rich of rainfall. Anyhow the south coast area of Java suffers from water shortage during the 3-4 month dry season with only little precipitation. As a result of the special hydro-geological situation of the karst bedrock, most of the precipitation immediately trickles into karst caves. As a consequence there are no surface waters that could provide water during the dry season. The insufficient water supply is one main reason for poor living conditions in the rural areas and can be seen as one reason for the migration of young people ("brain drain") to large cities like Yogyakarta.
In contrast to the lack of surface waters, there are big amounts of subsurface (karst) water resources available with high potential for drinking water development. In this regard, Integrated Water Resources Management is expected to secure a sustainable development in drinking water development, allocation and sewage disposal considering particularly hydrologic, hygienic, ecologic, economic and social aspects as well as cultural conditions and institutional frameworks.
Goals of the project:
At first, during a 6-month-old pre-project-phase, integrated concepts for water resources management are developed in close cooperation of German and Indonesian project partners of science and industries. The intended key activities are subdivided into the following 6 work packages:
- Management of water quantities (drinking water development, power generation)
- Drinking water supply, water treatment, water quality
- Sewage-/ Waste treatment
- Ecologic and economic assessment
- Technology assessment and socio-economic conditions
- Implementation/ technology- and know-how-transfer (capacity-building)
Abbildung: Struktur der Arbeitspakete
The project is expected to set a good example for further projects.
Key activities of ITAS:
- Analysis of the present economic and social conditions in the area under investigation
- Analysis of fresh-water provision
- Derivation of requirements from the integrative concept of sustainable development
- Cost-benefit analysis for the assessment of alternative scenarios (drinking water supply, sewage- and waste treatment)
- Consideration of social acceptance of intended technologies.
Involved institutions:
Universität Karlsruhe
- Institute for Water and River Basin Management (IWG)
- Institute of Aquatic Environmental Engineering (ISWW)
- Institute of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Building Material Technology
- (IfMB)
- Research Center for Steel, Timber and Masonry (VA-SHS)
- Geodetic Institute (GIK)
University of Gießen
- Institute for Geography (IfG)
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
- Institute for Technical Chemistry (ITC-WGT, ITC-ZTS)
- Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
Improving sustainability by technology assessment and systems analysis: the case of IWRM Indonesia
2016. Applied water science, 6 (3), 279–292. doi:10.1007/s13201-016-0427-y
Northeast Thailand : new approaches for avoiding water related liver cancer
2016. Water solutions, 1 (1), 118–123
Sustainable urban water management - understanding waste water as a precious resource
2015. Workshop " Sustainable Water Resource Management. Perspectives from Europe and South Asia" (2015), New Delhi, India, September 28–29, 2015
Development of a sustainability-based sanitation planning tool (SuSTA) for developing countries. Case study: Integrated water resources management (IWRM) project, Gunung Kidul, Indonesia. PhD dissertation
2014. Dissertation, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 2014, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Ohne nachhaltiges Wassermanagement keine nachhaltige Entwicklung
2014. GWF / Wasser, Abwasser, 155 (3), 22–23
Discovery of waste water as a resource for the metropolitain region of Santiago
2014. Vortr.: Heidelberg Center, Santiago de Chile, RCH, 28.November 2014
Aspects of sustainable water management in the urban environment
2014. Vortr.: Green Talents visit KIT, Karlsruhe, 28. Oktober 2014
Urban resource management with special emphasis on the water - energy - food nexus
2014. Institute for Water Structure and renewable Energy (IWSrE) International Conference and Workshop, Surakarta, RI, March 27-28, 2014
Systems analysis and integrative sustainability assessment to support IWRM Indonesia
2014. 7. IWRM Statusworkshop (2014), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, April 1, 2014
Lebenszyklusbasierte Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse von Technologien. Am Beispiel eines Projekts zum integrierten Wasserressourcenmanagement. PhD dissertation
2013. Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin 2013
Social aspects for sustainability assessment of technologies - challenges for social life cycle assessment (SLCA)
2013. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18, 1581–1592. doi:10.1007/s11367-013-0594-0
Caudales ambientales, espacios para gobernanza colaborativa
2013. CELAC-PHI - Primer Congreso en EcoHidrologia para America Latina y El Caribe, Santiago de Chile (2013), Santiago, Chile, November 11–13, 2013
Wasser - was tun für einen nachhaltigeren Umgang
2013. Lions Club Walldorf-Astoria (2013), Walldorf, Germany, June 5, 2013
Tecnologias para la reutilizacion del agua en zonas semi aridas
2013. Vortr.: Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, RCH, November 18, 2013
Sustainable management of water resources and water services
2013. Sino-German Conference, Urumqi, China, October 10-12, 2013
Tecnologias para la reutilizacion del agua en zonas semi aridas
2013. Vortr.: AIDIS (Asociacion Interamericana de Ingeniera Sanitaria y Ambiental), Santiago de Chile, RCH, December 4, 2013
Joint management of water and energy resources as a prerequisite for a sustainable development of the metropolitan region of Santiago de Chile
2013. 1st International Conference of Natural Resources and Development, Vina del Mar, RCH, November 25-28, 2013
Risks and opportunities for sustainable management of water resources and services in Santiago de Chile
2012. Heinrichs, D. [Hrsg.] Risk Habitat Megacity Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer, 2012 e-ISBN 978-3-642-11544-8, 251–278
Planning of sustainable sanitation for cities
2012. Compilation of 13 factsheets on key sustainable sanitation topics. Ed.: E. Münch, 1–8, Sustainable sanitation alliance
Development of a tool to analyze wastewater treatment sustainability: Indicators to assess technologies for rural areas in developing countries
2012. IWRM 2012, Integrated Water Resources Management. Conference Proceedings. Ed.: H. Steusloff, 283–289, Fraunhofer Verlag
Use of LCA, LCC and SLCA-approach for sustainability assessment of water treatment technologies. A case study
2012. 18th SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium, Copenhagen, DK, November 26-28, 2012 Book of Abstracts
Life cycle costing of water treatment technologies within IWRM, Indonesia
2012. Interactions of Water with Energy and Materials in Urban Areas and Agriculture : IWRM Conf., Karlsruhe, November 21-22, 2012
Satisfying future agricultural and urban water needs under changing climatic conditions in the metropolitan region of Santiago de Chile
2012. Interactions of Water with Energy and Materials in Urban Areas and Agriculture : IWRM Conf., Karlsruhe, November 21-22, 2012
Life-cycle based sustainability assessment as decision support for an integrated water resources management in an Indonesian karst region
2011. Life Cycle Management Conf.2011 (LCM 2011), Berlin, August 28-31, 2011
Options for decentralized waste water treatment in rural karst area of Gunung Kidul: social acceptance
2011. Asian Trans-Disciplinary Karst Conference (2011), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, January 7–10, 2011
Sustainable sanitation as a part of an IWRM in the karst area of Gunung Kidul: community acceptance and opinion
2010. Water Practice and Technology, 5(2012), 5 (4), 104. doi:10.2166/wpt.2010.104
Qualitative und quantitative Indikatoren zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung (eines integrierten Wasserressourcenmanagementsystems in einer indonesischen Karstregion)
2009. Ökobilanzierung 2009 - Ansätze und Weiterentwicklungen zur Operationalisierung von Nachhaltigkeit. Tagungsband der fünften Ökobilanz-Werkstatt, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising, 5. bis 7. Oktober 2009. Hrsg.: S. Feifel, 131–137, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe
Qualitative und quantitative Indikatoren zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung (eines integrierten Wasserressourcenmanagementsystems in einer indonesischen Karstregion
2009. Feifel, S. [Hrsg.] Ökobilanzierung 2009 : Ansätze und Weiterentwicklungen zur Operationalisierung von Nachhaltigkeit ; Tagungsband der 5.Ökobilanz-Werkstatt, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising, 5.-7. Oktober 2009 Karlsruhe : KIT Scientific Publ., 2009
1. Aachener Kongress Dezentrale Infrastruktur : Wasser – Energie – Abfall. Aachen, 17. - 18. Oktober 2006
2007. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 16 (1), 107–109. doi:10.14512/tatup.16.1.107
Secure water supply as a central element of sustainable water management: systems analysis approach for the Gunung Sewu region in Central Java, Indonesia
2007. Sharan, Y. [Hrsg.] Water Supply in Emergency Situations : Proc.of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Tel-Aviv, IL, June 5-7, 2005 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security), 77–86
Secure water supply as a central element of sustainable water management: systems analysis approach for the Gunung Sewu region in Central Java, Indonesia
2007. Sharan, Y. [Hrsg.] Water Supply in Emergency Situations : Proc.of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Tel-Aviv, IL, June 5-7, 2005 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security)
2nd International Dry Toilet Conference. Tampere, Finnland, 16. - 19.08.2006
2006. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 15 (3), 108–112. doi:10.14512/tatup.15.3.108
Die Ressource Wasser im 21.Jahrhundert
2006. Vortr.: Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, 4.März 2006
Contribution of dry sanitation to the MDGs and a sustainable development
2006. 2nd Internat.Dry Toilet Conf., Tampere, SF, August 16-19, 2006
Transdisciplinarity in the water sector
2005. Workshop ’Transdisciplinarity in the Environmental Research - Concept and Project Experiences’, Leipzig, September 16, 2005
Systems analysis and technology assessment for an IWRM at Yogyakarta special province
2005. Workshop Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (IWRM), Yogyakarta, RI, 1.-2.März 2005
Secure water supply as a central element of sustainable water management - Systems analytical approach for Gunung Sewu (Central Java, Indonesia)
2005. NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) "Supply of Water to Cities in Emergency Situation" (2005), Tel Aviv, Israel, June 5–7, 2005