RISEnergy - Research Infrastructure Services for Renewable Energy

Project description

Hauptziele (MO) und zugehörige Arbeitspakete (WP) von RISEnergy
Fig. 1: Main objectives (MO) and related work packages (WP) of RISEnergy (Source: RISEnergy)
Zielbereiche RISEnergy
Fig. 2: Target areas RISEnergy (Source: European Energy Research Alliance (EERA))

The project aims to accelerate the development of innovations for the use of renewable energy sources and the commercialization of the respective technologies. Above all, researchers and companies should get easier access to research infrastructures in European and non-European countries. The project is coordinated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with significant participation of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and several of its member organizations. Moreover, the RISEnergy consortium comprises 69 technology institutes, universities, and industry partners from 22 countries.

Main objectives (MO) and related work packages of the RISEnergy project are shown in Fig. 1. ITAS is in charge of task 3.4 “Decision making for sustainability and socio-technical aspects” within work package 3. In task 3.4, multi-criteria sustainability assessments of energy technologies within the ten RISEnergy target areas (see Fig. 2) are carried out. This task involves the characterization of the investigated renewable energy technologies regarding selected sustainability key performance indicators, the development of a multi-criteria evaluation scheme, and the further development of HELDA (Helmholtz MCDA tool). Furthermore, ITAS contributes to task 4.4 “Training on cross-RI services and innovation support” in work package 4 in the preparation and implementation of workshops to demonstrate HELDA and its use for decision support.

Project website: https://risenergy-project.eu


Dr. Martina Haase
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608-26094